November 25, 1999

Subject: A special WTO Green Files series: WARNING! THIS IS NO READING FOR THE FAINT OF HEART --- EarthAction Alert: Take the World's Forests off the WTO Chopping Block + FRIGHTENING GLOBAL WARMING PROJECTIONS: THINKING THE UNTHINKABLE: Climate disaster possible by 2100 + Destruction of Natural World 'Speeding Up' - Time Said Running Out + When Trade is Toxic: the WTO Threat to Public and Planetary Health + Cornell Univ.Report --- Life on Earth is Killing Us + Clean mountains a myth, study finds + AP- Study: Climate Can Change Quickly; what to do? + WTO, Monsanto's top email addresses

Hello everyone

With the World Trade Organization summit beginning this Saturday, it is important to look at what is at stake: the World's Forests, a mammoth climate disaster and much much more.

Greed-driven business is bad for the environment and for nearly everyone on Earth except the few hundred men who exploit and often destroy the Earth for their own personal profit.

Who is going to speak out for the planet and its people at this WTO meeting in Seattle? Certainly not a single politician taking part to this tragicomic political theatre -- only the people in the streets, the thousands of courageous eco-warriors and defenders of the poors who will create as much ruckus as possible to get heard!

Do you believe the media will offer them some positive exposure besides downplaying their true number and what they *really* stand for?

It remains to be seen...

Jean Hudon
Earth Rainbow Network Coordinator


Subject: EarthAction Alert: Take the World's Forests off the WTO Chopping Block
Date: Fri, 5 Nov 1999

Take the World's Forests off the WTO Chopping Block

An action toolkit from the EARTHACTION NETWORK

Synopsis: In the time it takes you to read this Action Alert, an area of
rainforest the size of 50 city blocks will have fallen to chain saws,
bulldozers and flames. Now a new international trade agreement threatens
to accelerate the destruction. You can help to stop it.

For information on unsubscribing to this list or for more information
about EarthAction, see the end of this document.

I. Action Alert:

The 134 member countries of the World Trade Organization (WTO) will meet
in Seattle, USA from 30 November to 3 December 1999 to work on new
international trade agreements. These agreements could dramatically
undermine our ability to protect the world's last forests unless we take
action now.

The WTO, established in 1995, facilitates trade negotiations, administers
trade agreements, settles trade disputes and monitors trade policies of
member nations. Unlike most international bodies, the WTO has the legal
authority to require nations to comply with its agreements or face costly
economic penalties.

WTO agreements are drawn up by the governments of member states. Many of
those governments are heavily influenced by large corporations who want
to speed up international trade as a way to increase their profits. The
WTO has acquired broad powers to increase trade, often at the cost of
environmental standards, local economies or human rights.

On the table in Seattle is a package of measures being promoted by
different countries aiming to reduce or eliminate barriers to the trade
in forest products. Citizen groups following the talks call these
measures the "Global Free Logging Agreement."

One measure, called the "Advanced Tariff Liberalisation" initiative,
would eliminate all border tariffs on wood products. The forest industry
predicts that this alone could increase consumption of wood products by 3
to 4% --bad news for the world's forests. Some governments are also
pressing for removal of "non-tariff" barriers to trade. This would put at
risk, among other things: raw log export bans which help to slow
deforestation and provide more local jobs; eco-labeling policies which
require certified wood products to meet high standards of sustainable
harvesting; and laws requiring that government agencies buy only
sustainably harvested wood products.

Nearly one-half of the world's original forest cover is gone. The forests
contain a richer diversity of species than any other part of our planet.
Governments need to hear from citizens that promoting trade at the cost
of losing our last great forests is unacceptable.


Please contact your President or Prime Minister, or one or more of your
representatives in your parliament or congress. Urge them to see that
your government calls for the removal of wood products from the agenda in
Seattle and in subsequent WTO negotiations until:

o an independent assessment is carried out of existing WTO agreements for
their impact on forests and the diversity of species.

o existing WTO agreements are reformed to improve the protection of
forests and the environment.

Please act now. If enough of us speak out together, we CAN make a

EarthAction wishes to thank IUCN Netherlands for their support for our
work on this issue.


o Send a letter to your head of government, a cabinet member, or a
representative in Congress or Parliament on behalf of yourself or your

o Include the text of the Action Alert in your newsletter to members.

o Send a letter to the editor of one or more newspapers or magazines.

o Reprint the text of the Action Alert and distribute widely: at
meetings, to journalists, to other groups, in classrooms, on a website,
etc. For those with Internet access, the text can be downloaded from
EarthAction's website:


Additional materials available for this campaign:

- cartoon by Pulitzer Prize winner David Horsey

Materials are available at our website French &
Spanish versions are also available on the web, in printed form or via
email by request. If you need assistance in using these materials, please
contact us.

All materials distributed by EarthAction, unless otherwise noted, may be
freely reproduced and re-formatted for your own uses and publications. We
would appreciate receiving copies of publications where our materials are


The EarthAction Network consists of over 1,700 citizen groups in 151
countries. Our purpose is to enable thousands of organizations, citizens,
journalists and parliamentarians to act together simultaneously around
the world on critical global issues. EarthAction produces an Action Kit
four to six times a year which is distributed to our Partner
Organizations for use in mobilising their members to take action on
important global issues. Partnership in the EarthAction Network is
offered to citizen groups free of charge-however, groups that have the
resources are asked to contribute US$30 to $100 per year. Individuals may
also join the EarthAction Network for US$25 per year.

EarthAction International Offices:

30 Cottage Street
Amherst, MA 01002, USA
Tel. 1-413-549 8118
Fax. 1-413-549 0544

Accion por la Tierra/EarthAction Network
Ernesto Pinto Lagarrigue N=BA 218
C=F3d. Postal 6622874 - Recoleta
Santiago de Chile
Tel. 56-2-735 7559
Fax. 56-2-737 2897

17 The Green
Wye, Kent TN25 5AJ, UK
Tel. 44-1233-813 796
Fax. 44-1233-813 795


Date: Thu, 25 Nov 1999
From: Mark Graffis <>
Subject: IPCC: Climate disaster possible by 2100

Friday, September 10, 1999 Published at 15:27 GMT 16:27 UK

By Environment Correspondent Alex Kirby

A draft report by many of the world's leading climatologists says
emissions of greenhouse gases could rise hugely over the next 100

[20]Global warming The report, which comes from the highly influential
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), envisages one
scenario in which carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions at the end of the
next century are five times what they are today.

This would almost certainly have dire consequences for the Earth's
climate system, with much higher global temperatures and sea levels.
Such a scenario would inevitably cause social and economic upheaval as
populations migrated from flooded coastal communities.

The report, leaked to BBC News Online, is the summary of a much bigger
document prepared for the world's politicians and policy makers.

It comes from one of the IPCC's working groups on emission scenarios
and looks at how much greenhouse gas might be put into the atmosphere.

What might be

The report's 40 scenarios are "based on an extensive literature
assessment, six alternative modelling approaches, and an 'open
process' that solicited worldwide participation and feedback".

The authors emphasise that "scenarios are neither predictions nor forecasts,
but alternative images of how the future might unfold". Their work
incorporates several variables, including population increase,
economic growth, energy use and land use change.

They designate four of the 40 scenarios as "markers", each intended to
characterise one of four scenario families. The four markers present a
summary of what are thought to be possible emission levels in 2100 of
the main greenhouse gases, with sulphur dioxide also included.

The range of possibilities for emissions of CO2, the main greenhouse
gas caused by human activity, is large, and not reassuring. The lowest
marker scenario foresees an annual CO2 emission level in 2100 of about
5.7 Gt (gigatonnes - a billion tonnes). The range suggested by the
scenarios in the same family stretches from 4.0 Gt to 8.2 Gt.

Scientific consensus

The median figure is slightly less than present annual emissions of
about 6.0 Gt from the burning of fossil fuels (deforestation probably
accounts for another 20% of that figure).

The two middle marker scenarios envisage emissions roughly double
today's, at 13.3 Gt and 13.5 Gt annually. But the "family" range is
vast - from a low of 4.3 Gt to a high of 36.7 Gt.

The highest marker suggests CO2 emissions could be just over 29 Gt in
a century's time. The range goes from 19.6 Gt to 34.5 Gt.

On the face of it, those scenarios which suggest emission levels
around today's, or even lower, appear to offer hope of improvement.
But there is widespread scientific agreement that dealing with climate
change will involve not just preventing an increase in emissions, but
trying to achieve some sort of decrease that will pull them back to
near where they are today - if not further.

Uncharted territory

The greenhouse gases take decades to accumulate and some of them have
very long lifetimes. Like a bath, the atmosphere is gradually filling
up with the gases. So reducing concentrations must mean cutting the
flow from the tap - in other words, big cuts in annual emissions.

There is no question of returning concentrations to their pre-industrial
levels. But many scientists say that averting serious climatic
consequences must mean reducing emission levels by up to 80%, or even

None of the report's marker scenarios foresees the possibility of
anything remotely approaching that. The best they can offer is an
annual addition to the atmosphere only little less than today's, which
would do scarcely anything to dent concentrations.

And the highest scenarios suggest a world that has moved into
completely uncharted territory, with consequences that would
themselves trigger further climatic disturbances.

Mass death of forests

An annual emission level of 29 Gt of CO2 would probably mean the mass
death of forests, with the trees releasing the CO2 they had stored up,
adding to global warming instead of restraining it.

It would be likely to make the eventual collapse of the Ross Ice Shelf
in Antarctica inevitable. That, in turn, could trigger a significant
global sea-level rise, and the loss of huge and densely-populated
coastal areas.

Some scientists have challenged the IPCC's work, insisting either that
global warming is not a certainty, or that human activity is not a
significant factor in causing it.

But the IPCC represents the best consensus the world's leading
climatologists have been able to achieve.


Destruction of Natural World 'Speeding Up' - Time Said Running Out

Time is running out for the natural world - at a faster rate than
anyone had previously thought possible, according to nature conservation

Humans have destroyed more that 30% of the natural world since 1970, says the
World Wide Fund for Nature, and the situation is getting worse.

In a report the conservation agency reveals what it calls a Living
Planet Index - a type of global health check showing the damage that
has been done to the environment in just one generation. The WWF hopes
the bleak picture will scare governments into taking action.

Ecosystems under threat

The report focuses on forest, freshwater and marine ecosystems. Most alarmingly
it says the populations of freshwater animal and plant species have halved since

Natural forests have declined by more than 10% in the same period.
The amount of forest lost every year is equivalent in size to the area
covered by England and Wales.

The report's author, Jonathon Loh, says that the Living Planet Index
will try to track the state of the global environment "like the Dow
Jones Index tries to track the New York stock exchange."

The index will be updated annually and is available for all to see on
the WWF website.

For Mr Loh the most important discovery is that freshwater ecosystems have been
so badly affected.

"You hear a lot about forest and marine environments being under
attack - but the fact is that freshwater ecosystems have been hardest
hit, although they've received the least attention," he said.

Species in decline

But does the report's grim findings mean that many species have
become extinct all over the globe? According to the experts that is
difficult to prove because a species has to disappear for 50 years before it can
be declared extinct - but it is certain is that many
species are in decline.

Mr Loh cites the example of the island of Mauritius where nearly
40% of the bird and animal species are threatened as a result of
habitat loss and the introduction of invasive species, not native to the

The exact causes of species decline differs from region to region. In Thailand
the ancient coastline mangrove forests have been badly
affected by pollution, tourist development and shrimp farming.

Once the balance of nature is disturbed, the results can be disastrous. The
dying mangrove forests are also home to some of the region's marine
wildlife which in turn provides food for the local bird population.

Another area where species are in decline is in the Atlantic and
Pacific oceans. Marine fish consumption has more than doubled since 1960 and
this over-exploitation of fish stocks combined with pollution has badly affected
marine life.

Developed Nations To Blame

The WWF mainly blames the decline of the natural world on the pressure exerted
by the developed world. It says human consumption has doubled over the last 25
years and continues to accelerate.

Although the report is bleak, the WWF says some of the decline can
be reversed if people in the developed world commit themselves to action on a
personal level.

The agency recommends that everyone takes a look at their own
consumption habits and adjust them, for example: by using less water
and recycling packaging.

But more importantly the WWF hopes the report will have a major impact on
politicians around the world and influence conservation policy, encouraging more
sustainable development and consumption patterns.

Professor Ghillean Prance, Director of the Royal Botanical Gardens at Kew, in
London, says the report is "something definite" that can be used in conservation

"I hope that the Living Planet Index will really frighten the world into
action," he said.

From: PANUPS <>
Subject: PANUPS: Resource Pointer #226
Date: Mon, 22 Nov 1999

Pesticide Action Network Updates Service

Resource Pointer #226

November 22, 1999

For copies of the following resources, please contact the
appropriate publishers or organizations directly.

When Trade is Toxic: the WTO Threat to Public and Planetary Health

1999* Jim Puckett.

Focuses on how World Trade Organization (WTO)
threatens environmental protection and public health. Covers
promotion of trade in toxics, threats to precautionary principle and
more. Explains current status of WTO discussion of "chemical and
allied products" sector, slated for expedited agreement to promote
trade. Discusses attempts by Australia to limit treaty on persistent
organic pollutants (POPs) by providing for WTO supremacy. 38 pp.
Free with donation to Basel Action Network (BAN). Contact Asia
Pacific Environmental Exchange (APEX), 1827 39th Ave. E., Seattle,
Washington 98112; phone (206) 720-6426; email; or
BAN, email, website

*Invisible Government -- The World Trade Organization: Global
Government for the New Millennium?, 1999* Debi Barker and Jerry
Mander. Provides introduction to development and structure of World
Trade Organization (WTO) and explains implications for environment,
agriculture, food, public health, intellectual property rights and
more. Environment section covers key WTO provisions and rulings with
environmental effects and discusses status of trade agreements on
wood products and water. Agriculture, food and public health section
includes explanation of rulings on bananas, beef, dairy products and
pesticide residue levels. 45 pp. US$5 IFG members, US$8 nonmembers.
Contact International Forum on Globalization, 1555 Pacific Ave., San
Francisco, CA 94109; phone (415) 771-3394; fax (415) 771-1102; email; website

*Food First Trade Principles, 1999* Peter Rossett. Food First
Backgrounder. Outlines environmental, social and human rights
problems associated with trade liberalization. Presents principles
that should be met by any future trade bill, treaty or policy.
Principles include no corporate welfare; no food dumping; and
mandatory environmental, social and other impact studies. 4 pp.
US$0.50. Contact Food First/Institute for Food and Development
Policy, 398 60th St., Oakland, CA 94618; phone (510) 654-4400; email; website

*International Centre for Trade and Sustainable Development website* Provides information for members of civil
society concerned about social and environmental effects of trade.
Includes past and current issues of BRIDGES, weekly digest of news
related to trade and sustainable development. Special section on
November 1999 World Trade Organization (WTO) Third Ministerial
Meeting in Seattle includes ongoing calendar of official WTO,
comprehensive daily calendar of civil society events, map showing
event locations and more. Contact International Centre for Trade and
Sustainable Development, International Environment House, 13 chemin
des Anémones, 1219 Châtelaine, Geneva, Switzerland; phone (41-22)
917-8492; fax (41-22) 917-8093; email

*The Activist Cookbook: Creative Actions for a Fair Economy, 1997*
Andrew Boyd. Manual for organizers, artists and educators. Presents
ideas for theater, art and other creative approaches to making
political statements. Includes descriptions of skits and role plays
such as "Minimum Wage Limbo," "Credit Card Pole Vault," "Inequality
Olympics," plus ideas for guerrilla leafleting and more. Outlines
principles for effective action-performance such as choosing
powerful metaphors and balancing subtlety with clarity. Second
printing. 110 pp. US$15. Contact United for a Fair Economy, 37
Temple Place, 2nd floor, Boston, MA 02111; phone (617) 423-2148; fax
(617) 423-0191; email; website

We encourage those interested in having resources listed in the
PANUPS Resource Pointer to send review copies of publications,
videos or other resources to our office.

To comment, send a message to:

To subscribe, send a blank message to:

To unsubscribe, send a blank message to:

Pesticide Action Network North America (PANNA)
49 Powell St., Suite 500, San Francisco, CA 94102 USA
Phone: (415) 981-1771
Fax: (415) 981-1991

Subject: Cornell Univ.Report --- Life on Earth is Killing Us

A Cornell University analysis of population trends, climate change,
increasing pollution and emerging diseases, as published in the
October 1998 journal BioScience, points to one inescapable
conclusion: Life on Earth is killing us.

An estimated 40 percent of world deaths can now be attributed to
various environmental factors, especially organic and chemical
pollutants, according to a study led by David Pimentel, professor
of ecology and agricultural sciences at Cornell.

"More and more of us are living in crowded urban ecosystems that
are ideal for the resurgence of old diseases and the development of
new diseases," said Pimentel, lead author of the BioScience report
titled "Ecology of Increasing Disease: Population Growth and
Environmental Degradation."

"We humans are further stressed -- and disease prevalence is
worsened -- by widespread malnutrition and the unprecedented increase
in air, water and soil pollutants," he said.

Global climate change will make matters even worse for humans and
"better" for disease, the Cornell study predicts. Increased heat
favors most human diseases, as well as the diseases and pests of
food crops, and the coming century will see masses of weakened
"environmental refugees" fleeing their home areas in a desperate
search for food, the researchers said.

The disease-ecology analysis was performed by a team of 11 graduate
student researchers who gathered data from a variety of sources,
such as the World Health Organization (WHO) and the U.S. Centers for
Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), as well as previous studies
at Cornell and other universities.

Their findings span a planet made less habitable by human

Each year, air pollutants adversely affect the health of 4 to 5
billion people worldwide. An expanding world population is burning
more fossil fuels, emitting more industrial chemicals and driving
more automobiles. The number of automobiles is increasing three times
faster than the rate of population growth.

The snail-borne disease schistosomiasis causes an estimated 1
million deaths annually and is expanding its range as human activities
provide more suitable habitats in contaminated fresh water. Following
construction in 1968 of Egypt's Aswan High Dam and associated
irrigation systems, prevalence of the Schistosoma mansoni organism
in humans in the region increased from 5 percent to 77 percent.

Of the 80,000 pesticides and other chemicals in use today, 10
percent are recognized as carcinogens. Cancer-related deaths in the
United States increased from 331,000 in 1970 to 521,000 in 1992, with
as estimated 30,000 deaths attributed to chemical exposure.

Smoke from indoor cooking fires that burn fuelwood and dung is
estimated to cause the death of 4 million children each year

Lack of sanitary conditions contributes each year to approximately
2 billion diarrhea infections and 4 million deaths, mostly among
infants and young children in developing countries. In the United
States, inadequate sanitation accounts for 940,000 diarrhea infections
and about 900 deaths each year.

Dengue fever, spread by mosquitoes that breed in old tires and
other water-holding junk in crowded urban environments, infects an
additional 30 million to 60 million people each year.

Less than 1 percent of 500 Chinese cities have clean air. Respiratory
disease is the leading cause of death in China.

In China, where tobacco smoking increased from approximately 360 to
nearly 1,800 cigarettes per person per year, males smoke 98 percent
of the cigarettes. However, mortality due to lung cancer is
approximately equal in males and females.

Although the use of lead in U.S. gasoline declined since 1985,
other sources inject about 2 billion kilograms of lead into the
atmosphere in this country each year. An estimated 1.7 million children
in the United States have unacceptably high levels of lead in their

Production of another gasoline component, the carcinogen benzene
that causes leukemia even at low dosages, rose from 0.5 billion
kilograms in the United States in 1950 to current levels of about 7.5
kilograms per year.

The global use of agricultural pesticides rose from about 50
million kilograms a year in 1945 to current application rates of
approximately 2.5 billion kilograms per year. Most modern pesticides
are more than 10 times as toxic to living organisms as those used in
the 1950s.

The only chance for relief, the researchers write in the BioScience
report, comes from "comprehensive, fair population-control policies
combined with effective environmental management programs. Without
international cooperative efforts," they predicted, "disease
prevalence will continue its rapid rise throughout the world and
will diminish the quality of life for all humans."

- By Roger Segelken


Clean mountains a myth, study finds

LONDON, Oct 9 (AFP) - Advertising pictures of snow-capped mountains to
represent cleanliness and unpolluted purity could be as illusory as
they seem, the British scientific journal Nature reported Friday.

Temperate-zone mountain regions, which tend to receive high levels of
precipitation while being close to sources of pollution, are
particularly susceptible to the accumulation of compounds containing
toxic industrial pollutants and agricultural pesticides, the report

It quoted a study by David Schindler of the University of Alberta,

Canada and colleagues as showing that deposition of the organochlorine
semivolatile compounds in mountains in western Canada show a 10- to
100-fold increase between 770 metres (2,500 feet) and 3,100 metres (10,
200 feet) altitude.

"Organochlorine compounds are found everywhere, even in remote,
apparently pristine areas," the report said. "They can crop up in
surprisingly high concentrations thanks to long-range transport in the
atmosphere and aphenomenon called 'cold condensation'.

This means that semivolatile compounds that vaporize in warm climates
tend to condense out as soon as they get somewhere cooler. Because of
cold condensation, such pollutants tend to be disproportionately
concentrated at high latitudes and high altitudes.

From: "David Crockett Williams" <>
Subject: AP- Study: Climate Can Change Quickly; what to do?
Date: Fri, 29 Oct 1999

Fwd: [See end for plan of action to ameliorate global climate change]


Study: Climate Can Change Quickly

AP Science Writer

WASHINGTON (AP) In a study that may sound a warning about global warming,
researchers have found evidence that the world's climate can change
suddenly, almost like a thermostat that clicks from cold to hot.

A new technique for analyzing gases trapped in Greenland glaciers shows that
an ice age that gripped the Earth for thousands of years ended abruptly some
15,000 years ago when the average air temperatures soared.

``There was a 16-degree abrupt warming at the end of the last ice age,''
said Jeffrey P. Severinghaus of the Scripps Institution of Oceanography,
lead author of a study to be published Friday in the journal Science. ``It
happened within just a couple of decades. The old idea was that the
temperature would change over a thousand years. But we found it was much

Severinghaus said the rapid rise in air temperature in Greenland may have
been touched off by a surge in warm currents in the Atlantic Ocean that
brought a melting trend to the vast ice sheet that covered the northern
hemisphere. It still took hundreds of years for the ice to recede, but the
start of the great thaw was much more sudden than scientists had once

This suggests, Severinghaus said, that the Earth's climate is ``tippy'' --
prone to be stable for long periods, but then suddenly change when the
conditions are right. This raises a red flag of caution for the effect of
greenhouse gases on global warming.

``We know that over the next 100 years the Earth will probably warm because
of the greenhouse effect and there is a remote possibility that we might
trigger one of these abrupt climate changes,'' he said.

Many experts have predicted that global warming, caused by an increase in
greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide, will be gradual, with temperatures
smoothly rising over many decades.

But Severinghaus said the Greenland ice core study suggests that changes in
the Earth's climate may not be smooth, but sudden.

``We can't really say how much carbon dioxide (a greenhouse gas) is okay or
not okay,'' he said. ``We might do well to expect surprises.''

The greenhouse effect is global warming caused by the build up in the
atmosphere of man-made carbon dioxide and other gases that trap the sun's
heat. The carbon dioxide rise is thought to be from increased burning of
fossil fuels, such as gasoline and coal, and the rising concentration of
certain gases, such as methane, that are linked to the industrial age.


August Sets High Temperature Record

Copyright 1999 Associated Press. All rights reserved.


Climate Change remediation policies and technologies are among the survival
issue messages being carried by the Global Peace Walk2000 from San Francisco
to Washington DC to New York City for the United Nations 55th anniversary.
Please support this project with your outreach assistance and in any other
way you can.

Thank you very much,

David Crockett Williams
Global Emergency Alert Response

Climate Change action plan recommendations

From: "al_green" <>
Subject: WTO, Monsanto's top email addresses
Date: Sun, 24 Oct 1999

Here are the personal email addresses of several important men in the
globalization process.

The World Trade Organization is the star attraction in the "Millennium Trade
Round" in Seattle Nov. 30th.

Mike Moore is the new Secretary-General of the WTO. (OMC)
His address is
That simple. (he answers his email)
Perhaps you'd like to wish him "Bon Voyage" to Seattle!

Monsanto is the leader in "life sciences" technology, we're sure you have a
strong opinion on the subject.
The following are the personal, corporate email addresses of the chairman of
the board of Monsanto etc. so if you wish, you can now tell THEM exactly how

Robert B. Shapiro, is the chairman of the board and chief executive officer
of Monsanto.
His address is: (he answers his email)

Richard U. De Schutter is the chief administrative officer of Monsanto
His address is: (he answers his email )

Jacobus F,.M. Peters is a member of the board's finance, dividend and public
policy committee.
His address is: (he answers his email)