29 July, 1999

Subject: How do you want to celebrate the new millennium? -- Millennium Alliance + New Millennium World Peace Concert + "One Day In Peace Concerts + The New Millennium...2000 or 2001? + Fifty sacred sites to visit on the millennium + Year 2000 - Forgiveness and Reconciliation + Hague Agenda for Peace and Justice for the 21st Century + Electronic Millennium Project Update + Reclaiming Higher Ground - The Blueprint for New Leadership + Universal Invocation


As usual this summer, things that I want to share with you keep piling up and I just don't seem to be able to follow through on everything. I received a number of mind-blowing emails revealing what the media won't tell us about the JFK Jr assassination. And a number of people also commented on this subject. I'll try to put all this together and send an update on this tomorrow.

I also received numerous feedbacks to my recent post entitled "What can we expect for August 11 to 18, 1999". I'll included them in a separate email I'll send you soon made from the excellent material found on the WORLD EARTH HEALING DAY website http://visitweb.com/wehd which received so many hits it brought the server down. It seems an alternative site where this material can also be found is at http://www.freenet.co.uk/homepages/risingearth but you'll receive most of it in your emailbox shortly as a final reminder of this upcoming *very* important global event which could turn out to be bigger than Harmonic Convergence - a similar event which made the front cover of the Time Magazine in 1987. And there is much much more to come

But for now I'd like to shift the focus on the millennium celebrations which are only a few months away. As I mention in a response below to a letter, I intend to write up a spirit and awareness-raising document to highlight what people can do to contribute towards a global change of mind and heart during those magical minutes and hours when we will sense that the entire world has come to a standstill to both celebrate the beginning of a new era and take stock of the one coming to an end. For sure, aside from the rumors of massive breakdown of everything we take for granted because of the entirely avoidable computer bug, this unique moment in time has much in store for us and is sure to leave a lasting impression on everyone's mind, that is, for everyone considering that moment as having any significance at all... For as Patti Cota-Robles rightly points out in her article below "The New Millennium... 2000 or 2001???", the decision to celebrate January 1st 2000 as the beginning of the new millennium is entirely arbitrary and based on a sheer illusion.

Still, like it or not, something big will take place and many have seized on the highly and potent symbolism of that moment to prepare - or attempt to prepare - something *very* special to rally the spirit of the hundreds of millions of humans participating in some way to this global event behind the vision of a peaceful, environmentally sustainable and more compassionate and caring world. You will find below a sample of some of those planned events - *only* a sample of course since it's impossible to cover them all. So sorry for those not mentioned.

After reading this, may I invite you to check the new poll posted on my site (see the 8 questions below), click on *YOUR* prefered choice and then see the very interesting results tallied so far.

Your feedbacks are most welcomed as usual...


Jean Hudon
Earth Rainbow Network Coordinator

POLL POSTED AT http://www.cybernaute.com/earthconcert2000

How do you want to celebrate the new millennium?

Stay at home and unite in meditation with others around the world

Go out to a party and dance for the whole night

Join the largest crowd in town and hug as many people as possible

Watch the best Millennium Show on TV and get entertained

Make a trip to a special sacred place to greet the new century

Do something wild I've never done before

Do nothing special at all - just like any other day

Decide on what I'll do to help make this world a better place for all

None of the previous options

Date: Thu, 08 Jul 1999
From: Kristina <junzell.o@swipnet.se>
Subject: Thanks!

Hello Jean!
I just want you to know that I am very glad for the e-mails that I
receive from you!
I think that your suggestions and plans for the turn of the millenium
is BEAUTIFUL! I really want to join you and other people who want to
spread hope, love and just the good thing. I think that we all can make
magic if we work and celebrate together.
Please contact me and let me know if there is anything I can do to
make this beautiful happening happen! Right now I live in Sweden but I
travel alot and may move to England or San Fransisco this autumn. Let me
know if there is anything I can do from my geografic position. THANK

God bless,
And my response to her offer was (partly)

Regarding your offer of assistance to help organize the Millennium Gathering, I don't know what I could ask from you aside from spreading the word about this project - although I plan to prepare soon some material explaining in which spirit people can join in thoughts and feelings with others around the world when we will enter the new millennium even if there is no big special event of that nature on TV worldwide.
(end of quote)

Date: Mon, 05 Jul 1999
From: Zara Jeannette Christine <zara@aloha.net>

I would like to participate in your EARTH PROCLAMATION PROJECT.

Here, in Maui, I do MILLENIUM AWAKENING every third Saturday, of every
month at Borders Books & Things. Each month, I present various
information relevant to the present times such as Y2K (of course), the
Solstice, (coming) the Eclipse, practical tips on sprouting,
purification of water and self, etc. Ken Kalb was here in March in
which I read the EARTH PROCLAMATION then.

Please send me more info. Thank You for your Great Work!


Jeannette Christine
PO Box 971
Haiku, Maui, HI 96708
(808) 572-8126

Date: Thu, 24 Jun 1999
From: Carol Geary <caroling@earthlink.net>
To: southmil@es.co.nz, Jean Hudon <globalvisionary@cybernaute.com>
Subject: Re: Millennium Alliance.

Please describe in more detail how it would work. Could a "virtual" type
site participate? What kind of streaming video formats would you or
others support? Even if I can't be part of it, I could put a map on my
site with all the participants. I think this is a great idea. I'm
forwarding it to Jean Hudon, hope you don't mind. Jean, this site is
sort of commercial, but still... would it relate to any of the other
millennium ideas happening?

~ Carol

southmil@es.co.nz wrote:

Good Morning,

We organizers of Millennium celebrations are practically in the home
straight with only a few months to go. In the main we are not competitors
as 95% of our visitors will come from within a days drive of our event.

I propose we add a unique value to each others "show" by a streaming video
link using the 24 time zones to bring the world to our doorstep via giant
screens at the centre of our celebrations. (The screen owners will love me
for this.<g>)

With (say) a hundred non-competitive sites linked around the world and
contributing their own unique culture in a 10 minute presentation the world
community would share this moment in history as never before.

The onsite audiences would be a million or two but the Internet audience
could be in the 100's of millions.

What a glorious opportunity for sponsors and advertisers.

If you would like to be part of this give me a call.

Kind Regards,
Lou Harrison-Smith
Southland Millennium(NZ)Ltd
Ph 64-3-218-8176. Fax 64-3-218-1176.
P.O.Box 235, Invercargill, New Zealand.

Join the Millennium Club

Date: Wed, 28 Jul 1999
From: Bill Tomlinson <bill@frazmtn.com>
Subject: Another Peace Idea

Hi Peace friends,

I thought I'd let you know what I'm up to now. The following is a letter
I'm sending to every Jan 1st concert sponsor I can find.

"Dear <Concert Sponsor>

A short while back I committed myself to whipping up support for the idea
of a "New Millennium World Peace Concert". The idea was not new to me. I
just decided to do what I could to give the idea some visibility. The date
would be either Jan. 1 2000 or Jan. 1 2001

But since then it has become clear that many music people are already
committed on Jan. 1, 2000. So my next idea is to try to contact all the
concerts already scheduled on Jan 1 and ask if they would like to associate
themselves with a collection of New Millennium Peace Concerts. The name of
this collection will be decided by consensus later on.

What would be required?

At this point nothing, just a statement from you to me about how interested
you would be in participating, if you found that there was enough interest.
I'll collect such statements of interest and when we see the extent of it
we can decide the next step. Money will never be required or asked for to
promote this idea. If you want to promote it, tell others about it.

A concert could still keep whatever name it wanted, but the sponsors would
make it known that it was one of the Millennium Peace Concerts. Also every
sponsor would make it known that at least part of the intent of their event
is to raise consciousness or promote world peace for The New Millennium.

I believe this notion has a potential for capturing the imagination of the
planet and setting the right tone to enter a different era. We can use this
Millennium concept to make a planet-wide New Year Resolution or 'New
Millennium Resolution' directed at moving towards an era of world peace.

So, let me know what you think. Meanwhile, keep in mind that some think of
2001 as the beginning of the new Millennium and so we will get a second
change at that time.

Thanks for listening.


Let me know if you want to help with this idea and what you would like to do.

Take a look at http://www.frazmtn.com/~bill for information on the notion
of a "New Millennium World Peace Concert"

From: "steve diamond" <ommm7@hotmail.com>
Subject: "one day in peace" concerts
Date: Wed, 28 Jul 1999

Dear Bill and millennium peace movement friends--

for four years we have been been working on spreading the idea of "one day
in peace, january 1, 2000!" around the planet.

24-hours with no violence-- on the battlefield, in the neighborhood, or in
the home-- on the first day of the New Millennium, just to show humanity
that peace is possible.

many people have contacted us, over these four years, from many many
different continents, all with the idea of a peace-related concert on
january 1, 2000. many are happening, many still in development.

i am writing to suggest that if you get these concert promoters lined up,
that you use the title "One Day In Peace, January 1, 2000!" It says the
whole thing in one phrase.

This phrase has been translated into many languages and has circulated to
every continent. Bob Silverstein and I co-wrote a children's book with
this title, "One Day In Peace, January 1, 2000! and it is at our main site,
http://www.oneday.net and has been translated into 18 languages and is
available at our site.

Also, 23 world leaders, and over 1,000 organizations around the world have
sent in letters of support for the idea of "one day in peace, january 1,
2000!" also visible at our site. please take a look....

and....please, everyone, pass along this idea "one day in peace, january 1,
2000!" to all your circles.

remember, thoughts have wings.

best wishes

steve diamond
"one day in peace, january 1, 2000!" campaign
http://www.oneday.net & http://www.oneday.org

And from Bob Silverstein (mentioned above by Steve):
Subject: Media interest in ONE DAY IN PEACE,

January 1, 2000, and the Positive Millennium Movements in general is
picking up. This month CNN contacted us looking for events taking
place for ONE DAY IN PEACE on January 1, 2000, and Parents Magazine
called to find out how families will be celebrating a worldwide day
of peace together. Please let us know about community-building
activities planned for 1/1/2000 in YOUR community as soon as possible
so that we can help the media to cover positive visions and hopes for
a new millennium.

Please send to PforPEACE@aol.com

From: PattiCR@aol.com
Date: Thu, 1 Jul 1999
Subject: The New Millennium...2000 or 2001???

The New Millennium... 2000 or 2001???

by Patricia Diane Cota-Robles
www.1spirit.com/eraofpeace Era of Peace Welcome Page

There seems to be a lot of confusion over just when the New Millennium will
begin. Unfortunately, debate over that subject is distracting people from
experiencing the full magnitude of the Cosmic Moment at hand.

I would like to share some thoughts with you to try to put things back into
perspective so we can be about the business of our Father-Mother God without
all of the diversions.

First of all, it is very important for us to remember that time, as we know
it, is an experience of the third and fourth dimensional planes alone. The
limited constraints of a time and space continuum do not exist in the higher
dimensions of Illumined Truth.

Our marking of time, the calendar, is a false measurement that was created by
man and not by God. For example, there are Lunar calendars, Solar calendars
and Lunisolar calendars. These calendars are based on the periodic movements
of the Earth and the Sun, as well as other natural phenomena such as
Equinoxes and Eclipses. Calendars are also based on historical events, civil
events, ecclesiastical events and Spiritual events.

Over the history of recorded time, we have had a plethora of calendars. For

...we have had the Greek calendar of 354 days, the original Latin calendar of
304 days and the Roman calendar of 355 days. Then there was the Julian
calendar which was 365 days, after the first year in 46 BC which Caesar
declared to be 445 days long to catch up with what he perceived to be natural
events. The Julian year of 365 days and 6 hours exceeded the Solar year by 11
minutes and 14 seconds. Consequently, the Gregorian calendar was eventually

On February 10, 1582, ten days were dropped from the calendar, and the day
after October 4th became October 15th.

In addition to those familiar measurements of time there is the Jewish
calendar which is Lunisolar. It contains months of 29 and 30 days with a
month intercalated every third year.

The Muslim calendar is Lunar. A Lunar month is used of 29 and 1/2 days and
the year has 12 months of 29 and 30 days alternately. In a cycle of 30 years,
the final month has 29 days in 19 of the years and 30 days in the other 11

The Egyptian calendar originally was Lunar then changed to Solar. The Solar
year had 12 months of 30 days and at the end of the last month 5 additional
days were introduced, giving 365 days.

The Chinese came up with a system to change the Lunar calendar in order to
reconcile the 354 Lunar days with the 365 Solar days in the astronomical
year. An intercalation had to be effected, so seven months were added every
19 years, with carefully expressed precepts for their use.

And, then there was the ancient Mayan calendar which reflected a remarkable
knowledge of time measurement. The old calendar of Mexico had 360 days
arranged in 18 months of 20 days each. Then there were 5 extra days belonging
to no particular month. There were 28 weeks of 13 numbered days each for a
total of 364 days with one day left over.

Well, is all of that crystal clear?

In addition to the above confusion, there is a school of thought that
professes that our current calendar is off by several years and claims that
the New Millennium actually began over four years ago.

The point of sharing this information is to remind us that bickering over a
specific moment in the illusive concept of time is futile. We are on the Dawn
of a New Age and even the Spiritual Hierarchy in the Realms of Illumined
Truth have stated that in this time and space continuum the precise moment of
the New Age will occur during "a window of opportunity" between 150 and 300

What we need to be focusing on during this very special time is the
collective consciousness of the masses of Humanity.


Our thoughts and feelings are CREATIVE. What we put the power of our
attention on through our thoughts, words, actions and feelings, WE BRING INTO

Our purpose and reason for being on Earth is to learn how to use our creative
faculties of thought and feeling to co-create the wonders of Heaven on Earth.
You and I are being called on by the entire Company of Heaven to do just
that, right NOW!!!

Regardless of what we may think is the scientific beginning of the New
Millennium, what is significant and what matters is that the masses of
Humanity are focusing on the stroke of midnight, December 31, 1999, as the
beginning of the New Millennium, and logically so. After all, with the birth
of a baby we begin counting the nanoseconds of life with the very first
breath. We don't wait until the child is one (1) before beginning to measure
his or her life.

We begin our decades in a zero (0) year. We begin our centuries in a zero (0)
year, and it is perfectly logical to assume that we begin our new millennia
in a zero (0) year as well.

It is precisely because of the mass expectation of the collective
consciousness of Humanity, that our Father-Mother God and Legions of Light
from Galaxies beyond Galaxies and Suns beyond Suns are preparing to flood the
Earth and ALL Her Life with the greatest influx of Light the Universe has
ever known. That monumental Light of God will flood the Earth at the stroke
of 12:00 Midnight, December 31, 1999, in each consecutive time zone. It will
create a colossal wave of Light around the Planet that will last for 24

That Sacred Activity of Divine Intervention will catapult this Planet forward
into previously unknown frequencies of the Divine Heart and Mind of God.

We are standing on the threshold of the greatest shift of consciousness ever
manifested in the history of time. Don't allow your lower human ego to
distract you from this glorious event through petty, limited thinking.

Ask the Presence of God blazing in your heart to reveal to you the
significance of this Cosmic Moment.

Ask how you can be the most powerful and effective Peace Commanding Presence
at this time.

Ask how you can be the Hands of God on Earth NOW.

And, ask how you can be an Instrument of God in Action for ALL Eternity!

God Bless You!

Your Time is at hand.

From: MGray31803@aol.com
Date: Thu, 24 Jun 1999 05:27:45 EDT
Subject: www.sacredsites.com
To: eurocircle@cygnus.com

Greetings. My name is Martin Gray and I have been studying and visiting
sacred places around the world for the past sixteen years. The spirits,
angels, devas and elementals have been good to me for I have been able to
visit nearly 1000 holy and magical places in 50 countries. I have a beautiful
web site that shows hundreds of lovely color photographs and has lots of good
information. The subjects are sacred sites, pilgrimage, paranormal phenomena,
earth mysteries, archaeoastronomy, sacred geometry, ecopsychology, miracles
and apparitions, goddess religions, paganism, geomancy, the awakening of
spiritual consciousness and planetary transformation. The web site is
Places of Peace and Power and the URL is www.sacredsites.com

I am calling for a gathering of earth lovers at specific sacred sites during
the period of the millennium. Please communicate the following list of places
to people all over the planet. It is not necessary to do anything other than
simply showing up. The tribe will gather and the magic will happen. Come a
few days early and stay a few days. On the day of the millennium we can
connect with each other through the power of our combined intention and the
power of the consciousness grid we are setting up around the planet. There
will be many places people will gather at but the following fifty are the
most important:

Fifty sacred sites to visit on the millennium.

Glastonbury Tor, England
Avebury stone rings, England
Hill of Tara, Ireland
Knock, Ireland
Chartres, France
Lourdes, France
Externstein, Germany
Montserrat, Spain
Santiago de Compostela, Spain
Fatima, Portugal
Assisi, Italy
Czestochowa, Poland
Parthenon, Athens, Greece
Delphi, Greece
Great Pyramid, Egypt
Konya, Turkey
Jerusalem, Israel
Golden Temple, Amritsar, India
Haridwar and Rishikesh, India
Bodh Gaya, India
Mt. Arunachala, Tiruvanamalai, India
Rameshvaram, India
Kathmandu, Nepal
Lhasa, Tibet
Emei Shan, China
Angkor, Cambodia
Borobudur, Java
Ayers Rock, Australia
Ise, Japan
Nara, Japan
Koya San, Japan
Haleakala crater, Maui, Hawaii
Mauna Kea, Hawaii
Sedona, Arizona
Cahokia mound, St. Louis, Illionois
Stone mountain, Georgia
Mystery Hill, New Hampshire
Etowah mound, Georgia
Great Sand Dunes, Colorado
Teotihuacan, Mexico
Guadalupe, Mexico City
Chichen Itza, Mexico
Palenque, Mexico
Monte Alban, Mexico
Esquipulas, Guatemala
Pachakamaq, Peru
Sacsayhuaman, Cusco, Peru
Tiahuanaco, Bolivia
Copacabana, Bolivia
Easter Island, Chile

From: "polo de kineko" <kineko@kineko.com>
Subject: something for you
Date: Wed, 30 Jun 1999

Dear Jean,

I received this from another list this morning. I thought you might be

Cheers - polo
Création (ch'i) - Transformation (ko)

Subject: Year 2000 - Forgiveness and Reconciliation. Civic Movement

Dear sir (or madam),

We are a non-profit cultural association of a humanist,
philanthropic and universalistic nature, which is sustained
by the voluntary work of its members.

All of us feel to some extent an inner desire for a
worldwide self renewal that will permit us to see the future
in a truly new way, one in which respect for Nature,
cooperation between peoples, acceptance and sharing of
cultural diversity, the overcoming of the imbalances which
affect mankind. This new insight, however, will only come
about if the desire for a better world should sprout from
the innermost roots of all of us and blossom forth from each
of us every day of our lives.

Consequently, it is urgent that we conciliate with
ourselves, with our fellow man, with the world, with Life -
as though the entire universe depended on every single one
of our gestures.

The year 2000 is upon us. This fact carries with it a
singular and heavily symbolic burden of change which affects
everybody and it would be a shame to limit it to merely
transitory euphoria. This letter is a final appeal for a
different way of living during this change: a contribution
toward giving a relevant impulse to the acquisition of a
solid and universalistic awareness through the unity of
Mankind around a proposal in which it can be constructively

This proposal would be translated into global action, on a
planetary scale, centered in the idea of forgiveness and
reconciliation which would free us from the rancor of the
past and allow the seeds of a future of peace and joy to
germinate. Truly, there can be no peace as long as there is
no forgiveness in the heart, in all hearts!

Accordingly, during the last 3 days of December 1999, all
who feel touched by this idea will symbolically lay down, in
a place specifically prepared for this purpose, in any
village, town or city of the Planet (in a public square, for
example), a flower, an olive branch, a sheaf of rosemary, of
lavender, or even a small plant, in an appropriate holder.
The place should present a minimum standard of dignity and
beauty which, implicitly, this action requires. These
flowers, branches and plants would, then, be collected on
January 1, the World Day of Peace and cast into the nearest
rivers or directly into the sea - the medium of unity among
all the peoples.

As a final gesture, we also suggest (or as an alternative)
that a few moments before midnight on December 31 (one
minute or a few seconds) be held in silence and, if
possible, in a group. We refer to that silence which touches
the deepest part of our being, bringing forth genuine joy
and the true proposition of inner change and constructive

The contribution we ask of you can be made through a public
endorsement or an article in the press, an interview in one
of the media, conversation with other persons, public
figures or colleagues of institutions to which you have
ties, or any other initiative which will permit the
universal diffusion of the idea.

After all, it is little to ask for helping to improve the

Thank you very much,

José Ferreira Anacleto

For contacts: Centro Lusitano de Unificação Cultural
Tv. das guas Livres, n . 6 - 1 Dto., 1250-003 Lisboa,
Telephone: 01-387 20 08 or 01-812 85 97 - Fax: 01-387 58 08
or 01-812 85 96
E-mail: cluc@mail.telepac.pt

NOTE: This letter is also being sent to all the media,
artists, scientists, writers, politicians, dignitaries of
various religions, public figures and to the national
culture in general: universities, associations, federations,
and the widest variety of institutions throughout the world.

Date: Sun, 20 Jun 1999 23:38:11 -0400
From: Richard Kellie <rkellie@mb.sympatico.ca>
Subject: Being there...


We would like you to share a moment of peace along with everyone else in
the world at 13:00 HRS GMT, January 1st, 2001.

Date: Thu, 24 Jun 1999
From: milenio@igc.apc.org (Catherine Margerin)
Subject: Hague Appeal for Peace Agenda

Exciting News! The Hague Agenda for Peace and Justice - now a
UN Document!

As of today, Wednesday, June 23, the "Hague Agenda for Peace
and Justice for the 21st Century" (the action plan discussed and launched at
the Hague Appeal Conference) will be available in all of the United
Nations languages: Arabic, Chinese, English, French, Russian and

The UN reference for the Hague Agenda is A/54/98. Because this
is now an official UN document, it will be delivered to all UN delegates and
Secretariat staff upon its release.

If you would like a copy in any of these languages, please contact
the New York office of the Hague Appeal or refer to the United Nations
website (http://www.un.org). We plan to have a link from our
website to these documents soon so please refer all of your members/ friends/
colleagues to http://www.haguepeace.org

Milenio is a non-profit organization whose mission is to enhance and
accelerate peace, justice and environmental initiatives worldwide.

Please visit our website at http://www.milenio.org/ or email us at

From: "John Nicholson" <emp2000@ukonline.co.uk>
Subject: EMP2000 Update - 24th June 99
Date: Thu, 24 Jun 1999
Organization: Electronic Millennium Project

Greetings Project Subscribers,

With great pleasure we can now announce the reopening of the USA based
mirror of the EMP2000 System. We know that not all project subscribers enjoy
fast connections to the UK based master of EMP Central, and hope that the
existence of the mirror facility will increase your enjoyment of the system.
Our thanks go to Caleha Enterprizes for hosting and maintaining this copy of
the system.

The mirror can be accessed now at: http://www.caleha.com/emp2000/empgi/

Apart from its own content (which we again invite all project subscribers to
contribute to) the system now links to over 115 verified millennial sites in
23 countries. Links are being added on a weekly basis and all can be
accessed through both the Global Interfaces and the (now fully functional)
Site Search facility. At the moment the USA offers the widest selection of
sites (45 so far covering a very broad spectrum of views from positive
visions of the future to "Armageddon out of here!" - if you're of an
apocalyptic persuasion yourself you'll find all the "end times" sites
gathered together in a seperate list withing the Features section). In terms
of numbers, the UK is next in line, followed by Canada and New Zealand.
There's an amazing variety of material out there - much of it very well
produced and well worth a visit.

The future is out there,

John Nicholson - Big Red Button productions
Organisers of EMP2000 - the Electronic Millennium Project
The future starts at EMP Central....
http://emp2000.ukonline.co.uk - enrolling NOW!

Date: Thu, 01 Jul 1999
From: Myriam Laberge & Don Haythorne <dhaythor@direct.ca>
Subject: Reclaiming Higher Ground - The Blueprint for New Leadership

We would like to bring an important global initiative to your
attention. "The Blueprint for New Leadership" is
a manifesto for enlightened corporate leadership (see below). We have
signed this important declaration and urge you to
do the same. The goal is five million signatures by the end of the
year. Achieving this goal will create a powerful critical mass and
alert leaders that an important shift has occurred - a shift that
could change the world. Please cut and paste this message, and ask
your friends, colleagues and contacts to sign the Blueprint too.
Please direct people to: http://www.secretan.com/html/charter98.html

Thanks for your support.

Myriam Laberge and Don Haythorne

From: Mónica Barbagallo <clucarg@yahoo.com>
Subject: Universal Invocation
Date: Thu, 1 Jul 1999

Dear Jean Hudon:

This is The Universal Invocation in English and French ans Spanish for you, your page and your people.


On behalf of all the people of the Earth
Let us join our hearts to the Rhythm of the Cosmos
And invoke the greatness of the Universal Power
With the living appeal of our souls.

Oh Lord of Love and Light,
Master of Knowledge of all times and places,
Come join the divided parts, all the yearnings,
All the creeds, all the gleams, all the lives!

Give us the Courage, give us the strength to serve!
Give us the Peace, give us the strength of virtue!
Give us, oh Master, the Power of the Word
So that the Kingdom may come, forever, on Earth!

We affirm Thee as the Will of God!
We affirm Thee as Love consecrated!
We affirm Thee as the Wisdom of God!
And we manifest Thee in the world as Light and Truth!

All of us, Lord, we live with Thee in us!



Au nom de tous les peuples de la Terre,
Unissons nos coeurs au Rythme du Cosmos
Et invoquons la grandeur de la Force Universelle
Avec l'appel vivant de nos âmes.

O Seigneur de l'Amour et de la Lumière,
Maître du Savoir de tous temps et en tous lieux,
Viens unir tout ce qui est divisé, tous les grands désirs,
Tous les credos, tous les rayons de lumières, toutes les vies!

Donne-nous le Courage, donne-nous la force de servir!
Donne-nous la Paix, donne-nous la force de la vertu!
Donne-nous, ô Maître, le Pouvoir de Ton Verbe,
Pour que Ton Règne arrive, pour toujours, sur la Terre!

Nous T'affirmons Volonté du Bien!
Nous T'affirmons Amour Consacré!
Nous T'affirmons Sagesse de Dieu!
Et Te manifestons dans le monde comme Lumière et Vérité!

Nous tous, Seigneur, Te vivons en nous!



En nombre de todos los pueblos de la Tierra,
Unimos nuestros corazones al Ritmo del Cosmos
E invocamos la grandeza de la Fuerza Universal
Con el apelo viviente de nuestras almas.

Oh Señor del Amor y de la Luz,
Maestro del Saber de todos los tiempos y lugares,
Ven a unir todas las partes separadas, todos los anhelos,
Todos los credos, todas las luces, todas las vidas!

Danos el ánimo, danos la fuerza de Servir!
Danos la Paz, danos la fuerza de la Virtud!
Danos, oh Maestro, el Poder de Tu Verbo,
Para que el Reino venga, para siempre, a la Tierra!

Nosotros Te afirmamos como Voluntad del Bien!
Nosotros Te afirmamos como Amor Consagrado!
Nosotros Te afirmamos como Sabiduría de Dios!
Y Te manifestamos en el mundo como Luz y Verdad!

Nosotros todos, Señor, Te vivimos en nosotros!


Explicación frase por frase

Porque ningún pueblo puede quedar excluído, porque es el reencuentro con nuestro origen común, porque invocamos el engrandecimiento interior, porque nuestra alma es nuestra naturaleza inteligente y generosa.

Aquí alude al Señor, a la naturaleza mas profunda en todos los seres humanos y en todos los tiempos y lugares. Demasiado tiempo erigiendo barreras artificiales de separatividad, hoy nos toca derrumbarlas.

El anhelo de paz, el ánimo, la fuerza de lo bueno, de la virtud en cada uno, es lo que pedimos a nuestro Maestro Interior. Queremos un mundo de paz y ésta nace de la paz de nuestros corazones, del perdón y la reconciliación. Que podamos manifestar la palabra de nuestro Ser Interior y sería desde el centro que llamamos la raza de los hombres, hacer nuestra parte para que se manifieste el Reino de los Cielos en la Tierra. El Maestro es doble, interno y externo.

El resto es la mayor expresión de Voluntad y el final es el gran compromiso interior como servicio al bien general que ilumine el futuro de nuestro planeta y de todos los seres que en él tienen su hogar.

Ésta es la explicación mas sencilla y comprensible por toda la humanidad, pues hay otras mucho mas profundas. Gracias por difundirla.

Mónica Barbagallo

Centro Lusitano de Unificación Cultural http://www.ip.pt/maitreya