June 18, 2000
Subject: Miscellaneous Subjects #8: URGENT VOTE TO BRING GREEN ISSUES TO POLITICAL SPOTLIGHT in the U.S. + The Law of One + Loving Awareness + Enviros Force Brazilian Congress to Kill Destructive Rainforest Law + Feedback on Neurological reasons for depression + Millennium Peace Prize for Women + New CONTINUUM MAGAZINE - The magazine of Higher Consciousness + ARE WE REALLY RUNNING OUT OF OIL? + Cars with Zero, Zilch, Nada, Emissions + Report on Re-igniting the Spirit of America Summit on Values, Spirituality and Politics
Hello everyone,
Yet another compilation brimming with important information and inspirational material you will definitely want to pass on to others.
Happy solstice to everyone!
Jean Hudon
Earth Rainbow Network (ERN) Coordinator
P.S. Anyone receiving this as a forward is welcome to request to be added on this ERN e-list by simply asking it from globalvisionary@cybernaute.com
NOTE FROM JEAN: This first one below is for U.S. citizens only but since there is a large proportion of U.S. citizens on this list and since this is important and urgent, I'm including it here. Please forward to others is you want to support Dr. Hagelin.
From: "Nathan B. Batalion" <batalion@digital-marketplace.net>
Date: Sat, 17 Jun 2000
There is an immensely important vote in progress that can help radically alter the course of US political consciousness. Many environmentalist are not be aware this is happening because the major media have maintained a virtual blackout. In the Reform Party there is a neck to neck race between Dr. Hagelin of the Natural Law Party (who has made GE foods, the environment, alternative/preventive health care, etc. his chief issues) and Pat Buchanan (a traditional conservative). The vote is in progress right now, and is OPEN TO THE PUBLIC (not just reform party members) provided a person is eligible to vote in the US.
I will vote in this Reform Party election because it can have a tremendous, perhaps unimaginably potent impact on the rest of US politics. The next few days are critical for if Hagelin wins the Reform party nomination, then 12.6 million dollars in federal matching funds will bring green issues into the center of US politics.
For more info on this see www.hagelin.org and
for Email voting in the Reform Party see : www.reasontovote.com
Nathan Batalion
Americans for Safe Food
Neale Donald Walsch, Author of Conversations with God and Friendship
With God is full-out supporting John Hagelin.
More info:
Neale Donald Walsch's Political Page:
Natural Law Party Platform Summary. This will blow you away!
Natural Law Party Home Page:
Hagelin 2000 Home Page:
Reform Party Home Page:
Recordings of live conference calls, give a listen
Request a ballot to vote before June 24!
Follow the directions, print out the form, sign it, and mail it in to the prescibed address (all this info is on the site). This will ensure that you receive a Reform Party ballot in
the mail in early July. You fill that out and mail it in to the proper address (this info comes with the ballot).
Here is how David Hamann <dhamann@hamanntech.com> in another email received tonight describes his support for Hagelin: "I have recently run across a USA Presidential Candidate well worth supporting. This is our chance to make real change in this country. I believe this is the man you want in the White House, and the concepts you want embodied in all our political processes. He sums up his platform in one phrase: "We are all One".
If you wish to familiarise yourself with John, a Realvideo C-span recording of his recent presentation to the Reform Party Convention in Los Angeles is available via: http://www.c-span.org/campaign2000/hagelinspeeches.asp (to see John go to 39 minutes 20 secs into the recording and he is then on until the end - 20 mins or so). Hear him talk about the "grass-roots brushfire" which is taking hold in the US to break the existing political status-quo
and its links to corporate America - and many other issues.
From: Angeltoad@aol.com
Date: Thu, 15 Jun 2000
Subject: Fwd: THE LAW OF ONE:
We are all One
When One is Harmed, All are Harmed
When One is Helped, All are Healed
Therefore in the name of Who I Am
One with All, Omnipresent, Omnipotent, Omniscient and All Loving,
One with All the Masters, Saints and Prophets, with All Beings and the Christ
I ask that only that which is the highest good of all concerned to happen here:
I ask for the greatest Beauty on the physical plane,
The greatest Joy and Love on the emotional plane
The greatest Illumination and Wisdom on the mental plane
And the greatest Unity on the spiritual plane.
And now I give thanks that this is done.
NOTE FROM JEAN: Here is an exquisite piece about "Loving Awareness", which was first introduced during a midsummer solstice celebration at Stonehenge a few years ago, was subsequently promoted by the legendary Radio Caroline, and has quietly been circulating in Britain and Europe ever since.
Get in the *feel* of it and you'll be changed forever. Put it into practice every second of every day and you'll change everyone around you. And who knows?! With the rippling effect of all this unconditional love magnified a hundred thousand times by more and more people, perhaps we will indeed change the whole world. . .
Loving Awareness is simply what it says - nothing more, and nothing less.
It can be defined a hundred, a thousand different ways - and they would all
be equally valid. . .
What kind of love are we talking about here? Not the intense emotion we
feel for our lover, our children and for our very close friends. There's another
kind of love altogether - less intense, less ecstatic - and far less painful!
The kind that shines out of certain people who somehow seem to love the
whole world and everyone and everything in it. Who are patient, and tolerant,
and humorous and wise. Who never judge, or criticise, or slander. Who are
as friendly and open to strangers as they are to their own family and friends.
Givers, rather than takers. Sharers, rather than hoarders.
These people look for the strengths in everyone round them - not for the
weaknesses. They are quick to defend anyone who is under attack; they are loyal;
they share what they have, they are generous with their time, their attention,
their talents and ideas.
Deep inside, we are ALL like that. It's just that life, and pressure, and our own
insecurities knock it all out of us - we tend to close up and close in on ourselves;
to put up barriers.
There's been a lot of talk about disarmament in recent years - about countries
giving up their nuclear weapons; about terrorists and freedom fighters laying
down their arms; about ordinary citizens surrendering their hand-guns.
There's an even bigger disarmament on the way: the day is coming when
we're all going to lower our shields, and look each other in the eyes, and
realise that there IS no enemy - that we're all in this thing together, and we
have nothing to fear from each other.
being aware of other people - their anxieties, their needs,
their hopes and dreams and fears
treating them kindly, sympathetically, considerately
being tolerant, patient, forgiving
helping them when they're in trouble
encouraging them when they lose heart, or hope, or self-belief
Okay, so what's the catch? What have we got to lose here? That's easy:
our fear
our loneliness
our hostility
our suspicion
our prejudice
And what have we got to gain?
Loving Awareness is not a club or organisation or faith. There are no membership
fees to pay, no organisers, and there is no book of rules. It belongs to us all - just
like the air we breathe, the sun that shines and the wind that blows.
It is simply an idea whose moment has come - as old as time, and as new as
tomorrow. And you know what they say about ideas whose time has come -
don't you?
Armies on the march can't stop them!
Note from Jean: Some days ago I received like many of you probably also did a copy of a petition stating that Brazil was about to adopt a law to cut down 50% of the Amazon rainforest. I found this rather suspicious and tried to find out with Mark Graffis if this was true. He replied that he heard this idea had been rejected a couple weeks ago and then later he forwarded the following to me which I'm including here for your information.
Date: Wed, 14 Jun 2000
From: Mark Graffis <ab758@virgin.vip.vi>
Subject: Re: Brazil rain forest petition (fwd)
Forwarded message:
Date: Tue, 13 Jun 2000
From: MichaelP <papadop@peak.org>
Thanks - Mary Lehmann
A few days back I helped network a petition against proposed Brazil
legislation to log 50%-80% of the Brazil rain-forest.
The bad news is that this networking was not timely - the proposal was
aired early in May.
But the good news is that the proposal died - faced with the threat of a
presidential veto and widespread opposition from environmentalists, the
draft law was killed before it could come for parliamentary debate.
(I suppose the petition itself will keep on collecting signatures)
Environment ENS -- Environment News Service
Enviros Force Brazilian Congress to Kill Destructive Rainforest Law
BRASILIA, Brazil, May 18, 2000 (ENS) - Brazil's congressional leaders last
night dropped proposed legislation to increase the area and rate of Amazon
forest destruction. Faced with the threat of a presidential veto and
widespread opposition from environmentalists, the draft law was killed
before it could come to the House floor.
The decision gave the ranchers' and large landowners' congressional caucus
a precedent setting defeat. It is the first time that the Brazilian
environmental movement has prevailed over the ranchers' powerful special
interest group.
The draft law would have changed the National Forest Code, reducing the
reserve area of the Amazon rainforest from 80 to 50 percent of the total.
The draft was approved by a special parliamentary commission last week.
After a flood of email and faxed protests, Brazilian President Fernando
Henrique Cardoso pledged to veto the measure.
Government officials at one point blocked the massive influx of protest
emails to Senate offices but backed down when the move was criticized as
censorship in the media. Press and TV coverage overwhelmingly opposed the
measure, as did the Brazilian Environment Ministry.
The President Cardoso declared his intention to preserve the current
National Forest Code. The code, a group of laws that regulate occupation
and use of forest areas, allows farmers to clear only 20 percent of native
forest vegetation on their lands.
The controversial draft measure would have allowed them to clear as much
as 50 percent of forest areas for crops and grazing.
In addition, a census to be carried out by the states could have
authorized up to 80 percent clearing on any farm in Brazil.
Environmental organizations such as the Instituto Socioambiental,
parliamentary leader Senator Marina Silva (Worker's Party - Acre) and
Amazon union and grassroots groups won over public opinion by denouncing
the changes to the Forest Code as irresponsible and contrary to the
national interest.
The ranchers' proposed changes to the code rejected an alternative
proposal negotiated in the National Environment Council (CONAMA) among
many interest groups including some ranchers.
"The ranchers' caucus is the human face of the inequality, injustice,
class privilege, and impunity that have plagued Brazil for 500 years,"
said Environmental Defense senior scientist Stephan Schwartzman from the
conservation group's New York headquarters. "The fight over this
legislation was really between the 19th century and the 21st, over the
future of the Amazon. It's important that the 21st century won."
Underlining the urgency of protection for the Amazon rainforest,
Greenpeace is today escorting a raft of 271 illegally cut logs from remote
locations on the Jurua River in Brazils Amazonas state at the request of
Brazils Environmental Agency, IBAMA.
Now bound for the Villages of Carauari, the logs were first discovered
during a routine flight of Greenpeaces Cessna aircraft on Monday, May 8.
The following day Greenpeace activists found the raft of logs hidden in a
small tributary of the Jurua River and turned it over to IBAMA.
"Because there are no approved Forest Management Plans in this area, and
because the raft appeared to have been hidden the second day, we knew that
there was a high probability of illegal activity, so we returned to
investigate further," said Paulo Adario, Greenpeace Amazon campaigner.
One hundred of the logs were Samauma, an enormous and increasingly rare
tree called Queen of the Forest by many indigenous people and rubber
tappers. Because of its size, the felling of one Samauma tree may damage
as many as 30 surrounding trees. In Amazonas State, the Samauma tree is
one of the most used species in the production of plywood.
"Not only were the trees cut illegally, but their removal left vast trails
of destruction in the forest," said Adario. "Some of these logs measure
more than 1.8 metres in diameter, and were very old trees. All of this
destruction to produce a few sheets of plywood."
"This apprehension is a result of an integrated action with Greenpeace,"
said Hamilton Casara, head of IBAMA in the state of Amazonas. "In
accordance with legislation, the timber will be donated to the community
in Carauari. As Greenpeace currently has a ship in the region, we asked
for their help to tow the raft to the community."
Before IBAMA seized them, the logs were the property of a local
entrepreneur, Ercival Lobo, whose family has been fined three times for
illegal transport of logs. The Lobos supply the multinational logging
companies Carolina and Compensa, Adario says.
"Instead of discussing the Forest Code, Congress should work on public
policies to push the logging sector to adopt sustainable harvesting
practices," said Adario. "Without this political will, inexpensive wood
from illegal operations will continue to compete with responsible logging
from legitimate companies, and efforts to adopt sustainable and certified
forest management practices will be futile."
Environment News Service (ENS) 2000. All Rights Reserved.
From: Grelaine@aol.com
Date: Thu, 15 Jun 2000
Subject: UPDATE: Brazil's Rainforest...OLD news
Hi Jean -
This is just a CLIP from what another received from a friend in Brazil.
This project was proposed by a congressman who is involved with a lumber
lobby at the Brazilian Congress. It was repudiated by 80% or 90% of the
Congressmen ..... since the Brazilian population has made a very strong
outcry against such devastation ....(&) politicians are aware of going
against the popular mainstream since we are having elections in October this year.
From: "Barbara Antrobus" <ladihawk@mweb.co.za>
To: <sharieroseramsey@hotmail.com>
Cc: "Jean Hudon" <globalvisionary@cybernaute.com>
Subject: Neurological reasons for depression etc.
Date: Wed, 14 Jun 2000
Dear Sharie Rose Ramsey ?? (I presume that's your name? A very pretty name.)
Thank you for explaining so lucidly the neurological reasons for depression and despair. And thank you Jean for sending Sharie's letter out and all the other letters from our family of tear-stained, Light Workers. Also a big THANK YOU to Torri for your beautiful, poetic description of "depression, from a seed in the dark soil". It's comforting to know there IS a physical cause (for depression) and it's not solely the case of being a "nut" as my daughter found out from her doctor when she thought she was going round the bend. She has a low level of serotonin - what I term the 'happy making hormone'. Given the correct medication, and by looking after herself physically, emotionally and mentally she will come out of it. I believe that the herb, St John's Wort also helps to alleviate mild depression as do some aromatherapy oils (consult an aromatherapist).
Earlier this year I was emotionally traumatised, therefore depressed and it got so bad that the whole world looked black and way beyond redemption. One day I cried every time I heard of (or even just thought of) anything remotely negative. I cried the whole day. So I switched everything off - radio, TV, and Yes! even my e-mail. When my husband came home from work I told him to shut-up and unless he had something positive to say, I didn't want to hear it! I felt that I was so full of shit I couldn't take another drop. (There are two ways that 'my cup runneth over'!!!). It took about three days before I felt that I could once again handle the outside world.
In my personal experience, I do not generally let the 'world' get me down (unless I'm emotionally out of sync) so I suppose I do have more of a positive attitude than a despairing one. Mind you, there are times when I get cynical (especially living in a Third World country - South Africa), but these periods, too, do not last very long and I soon see the indomitable Spirit and innate goodness of humanity.
Nearly everyone I speak to is feeling depressed to a certain degree and they cannot quite pinpoint why. Could it be our bodies are adjusting for the promised ascension? Does our ascended consciousness need more refined vehicles in which to operate and the depression we feel is because we are letting go of our old, outmoded 'stuff'? It should therefore be more grieving than depression.
Anyway, to my family of Light Workers I say, let's all 'pick ourselves up, dust ourselves off, and start all over again'. Start again in our Light Bodies - light as in less baggage and as in brightness.
Blessings of love, light and laughter,
Barbarra Antrobus
From: fismail@international-alert.org
Date: Thu, 8 Jun 2000
Subject: Millennium Peace Prize for Women
The Millennium Peace Prize for Women!! The search for outstanding nominations continues!!
As part of the international campaign "Women Building Peace: From the Village Council to the Negotiating Table," the UNIFEM/International Alert Millennium Peace Prize is now being launched! We are seeking nominations of organisations and individuals that you consider to have made significant contributions to promoting women's inclusion in conflict prevention, peacebuilding and human rights processes through innovative and courageous means.
The Prize aims to recognise and honour the work of 3 individual women and 3 organisations engaged in peacebuilding, conflict prevention, human rights and related initiatives, particularly at the grassroots level.
Significantly, it also highlights to the international community the vital role that women play in peacebuilding and the indispensable contributions they have made to sustainable peace at local, national and international levels.
Please find attached more information about the Millennium Peace Prize for Women, as well as guidelines and nomination forms.
To support the advancement of women's leadership in peacebuilding processes, please disseminate this information through your networks so that we can begin receiving nominations. Nominations should be sent to the address below.
We look forward to celebrating The Millennium Peace Prize for Women with you!
Feyzi Ismail
Millennium Peace Prize
Campaign Secretariat
1 Glyn Street
London SE11 5HT
NOTE FROM JEAN: Here is some info on a new U.S. magazine just about to start publication . Its editors are are looking for submissions for the Fall Equinox issue. In case anyone is interested...
Welcome to CONTINUUM MAGAZINE- The magazine of Higher Consciousness: (printed in USA)
As we travel further and further into the new millennium, the doors to our destiny our opening. There are many paths, and many forms of awakening. We at Continuum are producing a high-vibration tool for the delivery of information geared to aid the light workers and seekers of truth, to find their own individualized path.
We offer information, of all philosophies, approaches and high resonance to the students and teachers on the light path. Included in our magazine (but not limited by this list) will be research, information, articles and inspirational messages geared to the reader with curiosity and an open mind. We feel that this is the time for the gathering and presentation of the written word to assist all who follow a light path.
Words are the most powerful vibration in today's world. They are encoded with multi-layers of spiritual information and have impact beyond the imagination. We are proud and happy to present to the public a forum for discussion, examination, and enjoyment.
We are all of the earth consciousness. That is our arena. We live here, work here, and play here. A life of higher consciousness, means a more joyful path. Please join us in our presentation of ideas, philosophies, prophecy, and manifestation of truth on this planet and throughout our universe, to and including the Great Beyond.
Among topics to be considered for publication are: Astrology, Personal Stories of Spiritual and Physical Manifestation, Meditation Techniques, Earth Change Information, Prophecy, Channelings, Physical, mental and emotional health remedies, Natural Healing methods, UFO and ET information, Enhanced awareness, Angel information and stories, Spiritual Art, Music, Poetry, and other creative outlets, Ascension information, Government and legislation alerts and encouragements, Dreams and Realities, ETC.
If you have always wanted an outlet for your spiritual point of view, your zany and bizarre happenings, the believable and the not-so-believable (but true) stories you carry within you, poetry, warnings, wisdom, enlightened tales, or anything that is of the truth vibration we offer to you this forum for expansion of awareness and being. Articles of any length will be considered (but please, no novels!)
The first edition of CONTINUUM MAGAZINE will be entering our universe in the physical form of a magazine for the Fall Equinox. Articles are contributions, and credit to the author, and love from the reader are offered for payment.
Our e-mail address for further information on either submissions, or advertising rates is:
See you on the other side, or this one.
Will Love and Light
The Editors
Anna and DevRa
Date: Wed, 14 Jun 2000
From: Mark Graffis <ab758@virgin.vip.vi>
Subject: Popular Science May Article on Depleted Oil
Suffering from sticker shock at the pump? Don't expect a reprieve
anytime soon. Though the most recent increase in U.S. gasoline prices was
the result of a decrease in oil production among the 11 OPEC (Organization of
Petroleum Exporting Countries) members, the world will be facing a much
bigger issues over the next 10 years, one that will keep prices inflated:
We're running out of oil. Really.
Though the general public -- having been warned about the depletion of our
oil reserves for decades -- is taking a "I'll believe it when I see it"
attitude, the facts are a little unnerving. Today, the world finds one new
barrel of oil for every four it consumes. World oil discoveries peaked in
the l960s; in the United States, they peaked in the 1970s. More than 90
percent of today's oil comes from fields discovered more than 20 years ago --
and most of the fields uncovered over the past decade have been extremely
small. The consensus in the industry is that, based on current reserves,
anticipated discoveries, and today's rate of demand, the world will run out
of its most precious resource in the year 2050. (OPEC, it should be noted,
believes supplies will last until 2080.)
Have no fear, you might be saying, because surely new technologies will
uncover vast, previously unknown oil fields. Doubtful, says Joseph P. Riva,
a petroleum geologist who studies the industry. "We have a reasonable idea
where to find oil, and there just aren't that many areas left to explore," he
says. "If technology is going to save us, it will be because it breaks our
That's where gasoline alternatives, such as fuel cells and synthetic
fuels, among others come in. Fuel cell-powered cars, for example, could run
on hydrogen stripped from natural gas, a plentiful resource.
But will these alternatives be ready in time? It looks promising. We're
not going to run out of oil abruptly come 2050, because the rate of
production will slow. Experts predict that production will peak in 2010,
then drop over subsequent year. In addition, there are worldwide amounts of
coal, tar sands, and oil shales (rocks containing oil) from which oil could
be recovered. Crude oil won't disappear completely anytime in the
foreseeable future, but it will get much more expensive.
"Even though supply problems are a decade away," Riva says, "gas prices
will probably not get much lower than they are today."
[The short article has a Hubbert curve with the following notation:]
The world consumes more than 72 million barrels of crude oil each day,
but consumption is on the rise and should peak at 85 million barrels in 2010.
In subsequent years, however, supply problems will begin to limit
production, as evidenced by the precipitous drop on the chart below. The
dotted line represents daily production if anticipated discoveries are
From: "Hal Fox" <halfox@uswest.net>
Subject: FWD Cars with Zero, Zilch, Nada, Emissions
Date: Tue, 13 Jun 2000
My idea of activism is a bit different. In re ZEV: We have a
project that has now been promised funding whereby we will
develop an On-Board Battery Charger for electric vehicles.
This device is based on the High-Density Charge Cluster (HDCC)
discovery by Shoulders-Puthoff-Gleeson-Ilyanok-Mesyats.
Discovered or developed by five different scientist from three
different countries. In the U.S. Emerging Energy Marketing Firm,
Inc. (EEMF) has acquired exclusive rights to all HDCC patents
that have issued. As president of EEMF, I have dedicated the
rest of my life to this technology and to cleaning up planet
earth. We are willing to license this technology with others on
reasonable basis and work cooperatively to further develop this
In case you didn't know: the HDCC technology taps the energy from
space (zero-point energy, vacuum energy, etc.) and is clean,
inexpensive, with abundant energy source.
Best personal regards,
Hal Fox
The April 27-30 conference on "Re-Igniting the Spirit of America: A Summit on Values, Spirituality and Governance" was a tremendous success with 63 speakers including Ralph Nader (running for President on the Green Party ticket) and Ethel Kennedy, introduced by her son, Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. All the guest speakers gave tremendous speeches that electrified everyone. Stories on the conference were featured in The Washington Post and The Washington Times.
Corinne McLaughlin and Gordon Davidson, the co-founders of The Center for Visionary Leadership, mentioned that an exciting new initiative born from the conference is the League of Spiritual Voters which we are developing with a group of speakers from the conference. Our website now has a special section on Spirituality and Politics at http://www.visionarylead.org/spiritualityandpolitics.htm with conference follow-up news. Excerpts of many conference presentations are posted, as well as news from around the country on spirituality and politics.
Report on Re-igniting the Spirit of America Summit on Values, Spirituality and Politics
April 27-30, 2000, Georgetown University, Washington, D.C.
The Summit was an enormous success, based on the overwhelmingly positive feedback of attendees and the interest in attending a follow-up conference next year. Over 450 people participated in the conference, and many made public commitments to help with the next event. Many participants said the conference gave them new hope for positive change in our nation by seeing all the successful work going on around the country to solve social problems from a spiritual perspective. They also really appreciated hearing from and being able to dialogue with spiritually-oriented politicians, such as Congresspeople Dennis Kucinich and Claudine Schneider.
Most of the major speakers received standing ovations. Especially electrifying was a talk linking spirituality, community, and democracy to environmental activism by Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., and the last-minute addition of Ralph Nader to the presidential candidates forum. Native American dancers, folk singers, piano solos and songs about America from several powerful singers added inspiration to the conference. Breakout sessions enabled participants to hear personal experiences from the founders of effective "best practices" such as conflict resolution and interact with them in small groups (although many participants said the large number of choices for breakouts was overwhelming!).
The Summit ended with seminars on action projects that participants could get involved in. Especially of interest was a project to create a national "League of Spiritual Voters", presented by Corinne McLaughlin, Gordon Davidson, Neale Donald Walsch and Sally Ranney. Conference calls among major speakers at the conference have been underway to create this new organization, and a follow-up meeting on the conference held at The Center for Visionary Leadership in Washington D.C. on June 5 will explore this initiative further.
Reports on the conference were featured in The Washington Post, The Washington Times, The Denver Post, and the Gannett newspapers nationwide. A special section of the Centers website is devoted to conference follow-up, with excerpts of talks, tape ordering information, and news about issues and events related to spirituality and politics. For more information on the conference, check www.visionarylead.org
"A connection between spirituality and environmental activism is critical. As humans, we are hard-wired to destroy the planet and we have the technology to do so unless we transcend our biological drives. The only way to overcome this biological drive is some kind of spiritual fire. To me, the spiritual aspects of the environmental movement are the most critical ones."
- Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. from his Keynote Talk at the conference on "Re-Igniting the Spirit of America: A Summit on Values, Spirituality and Governance"
(see the rest at http://www.visionarylead.org/summit2000_keynotes.htm#RFK)
Spiritual Politics
Changing the World from the Inside Out
By Corinne McLaughlin and Gordon Davidson
(Ballantine Group, published July 94)
About this Book
"Thought-provoking! It will inspire as well as motivate the reader to consider politics, or at least democracy in a whole new light. The authors have given us reasons for being part of the solution, not just the problem. If you're willing to create more than your own future, read this book."
In this profound and revolutionary work, veteran social activists Corinne McLaughlin and Gordon Davidson shift the focus of political dialogue from the "evening news" to the hidden spiritual causes of world affairs. We begin to understand what events like the dissolution of the Soviet Union, the Clarence Thomas hearings, and the national health crisis can tell us about deeper forces at work--including karma, reincarnation, and the "soul of nations." The key is recognizing the Divine hand behind human evolution. In the face of profound human crises, we learn to ask what spiritual lessons are being taught. SPIRITUAL POLITICS shows that each individual's inner work--meditation, prayer, visualization--can affect outer events. There is something each of us can do right here, right now, to change the world.
To get this book go at http://www.randomhouse.com/catalog/sear
Check out this article about scientists breaking the speed of light!!! http://www.foxnews.com/science/060500/times_speed.sml