June 15, 2000

Subject: Miscellaneous Subjects #7: World Awash in Chlorine Based Poisons + NAVY MISLED COURT IN SONAR CASE + Major survey on GE foods released! + excerpts from DAILY GRIST + Government To Oversee New Cell Phone Safety Studies + A comment from Dave Rietz about the Aspartame post (Food Safety File #8)

Hello everyone

Before continuing with yet More Feedbacks to Depression and Despair, here is an eye-opening compilation I've prepared from recent material I received. And if you are thinking about forwarding the Brazil Rainforest Petition, you may want to not do so as I received an article tonight "Enviros Force Brazilian Congress to Kill Destructive Rainforest Law" from Mark Graffis that explains it is no longer needed. I'll send it to you soon.

All my best to all of you

Jean Hudon
Earth Rainbow Network Coordinator
and Focus Group Facilitator

From: Sh0shanna@aol.com
Date: Sun, 11 Jun 2000
Subject: World Awash in Chlorine Based Poisons

Environment From: http://ens.lycos.com/ens/jun2000/2000L-06-08-06.html

World Awash in Chlorine Based Poisons

By Cat Lazaroff

WASHINGTON, DC, June 8, 2000 (ENS) - Agent Orange, DDT, PCBs - they are famous chemicals, notoriously toxic - notoriously banned. Yet they, and their legal cousins, continue to contaminate the environment, wildlife, our food and our bodies. A new book details the dangers of these related poisons, and suggests an antidote: ban them all.

Plastic trash bags and many other common plastic products can contain toxic organochlorines (Photo courtesy Universal Plastic)

The banned substances listed above have one important ingredient in common: they all contain chlorine. They are part of a class of chemicals known as organochlorines, formed when chlorine gas produced by the chemical industry comes into contact with organic matter in industrial processes.

There are 11,000 organochlorines produced commercially, and thousands more are formed as byproducts. They share the dangerous properties of persistence and stability in the environment, and accumulation in the fatty tissues of animals and humans.

Although organochlorines have only been produced in large amounts since 1940, they now blanket the entire planet, reaching from the deep oceans to the high Arctic, from the Mississippi River to the Amazon rainforests.

"Everyone on Earth now eats, drinks and breathes a constantly changing and poorly characterized soup of organochlorines, including dozens of compounds that cause severe health damage at low doses," said Joe Thornton, a biologist at Columbia University's Center for Environmental Research and Conservation.

Thornton has written a new analysis of the global consequences of organochlorines, known as persistent organic pollutants (POPs). "Pandora's Poison: Chlorine, Health and a New Environmental Strategy" presents a compelling body of evidence suggesting that these chemicals have already begun to cause large scale damage to public health, including increasing cancer rates and impaired child development.

Fires, like this one at a PVC plastics plant in Canada, can release enormous amounts of dioxin and other toxins into the air (Photo courtesy Greenpeace)

Analyses of human fat, mother's milk, blood, breath, semen and urine demonstrate that everyone - not just those living near major pollution sources - now carries a "body burden" of toxic organochlorines in his or her tissues. At least 190 organochlorines, including dioxins, PCBs and DDT, have been identified in the tissues and fluids of the general population of the U.S. and Canada. Hundreds more are present, but have not been chemically characterized.

Organochlorines have been linked to immune system suppression, falling sperm counts and infertility, as well as learning disabilities in children. More than 100 organochlorines cause cancer in laboratory animals or humans. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency will officially release a report Friday finding that dioxin - the most toxic of the organochlorines - is a human carcinogen.

These chemicals are present throughout the environment, but particularly in animal tissues. Because they build up in fatty tissues, and are not destroyed by digestive processes, the more you eat, the more you carry. Animals higher up the food chain, such as eagles, wolves and humans, carry the burden of all the organochlorines from the meat they have eaten.

In the Great Lakes region of the U.S., dioxin and related compounds have caused epidemic reproductive, developmental and immune system damage in fish, birds and mammals, "Pandora's Poison" reports.

Polar bears, which eat fish, seals and other heavily contaminated animals, carry some of the world's highest levels of organochlorines in their tissues. "Contamination of polar bear tissues with dioxins and PCBs is so severe, in fact, that the bears' body burdens exceed by a substantial margin the levels that are known to cause reproductive failure, immune suppression and altered brain development in other kinds of mammals," Thornton writes. Humans are not immune. Dioxin exposure is particularly severe for Arctic peoples, who eat a diet similar to the polar bears'. Dioxin levels in the milk of Inuit mothers are two to 10 times higher than in the rest of the U.S. and Canadian populations

"Organochlorines interfere with the basic machinery with which the body regulates itself," said Thornton. "They are incompatible with basic physiological functions."

Because organochlorines are so stable in the environment, even banned substances like the pesticide DDT continue to poison the ground and water. Related chemicals, including Dursban, the most widely used pesticide in the U.S., are only now coming under restrictions. The EPA will announce today new limits on the amount of Dursban that can be used on crops and in or around buildings.

Thornton says these piecemeal measures are not enough to counter the larger problem of organochlorines in the environment.

"Organochlorines can't be reduced to a handful of bad actor compounds like DDT," he said Wednesday at a press conference marking the release of "Pandora's Poison." "Virtually all organochlorines tested have one or more toxic effects." The growing body of evidence on the health and environmental risks posed by these chemicals points to one conclusion, Thornton holds: they are all unsafe. In his book, Thornton argues that regulators and legislators should begin treating organochlorines not as individual substances but as single entity.

"The current effort to regulate individual substances is doomed to fail," writes Thornton. "Of the thousands of organochlorines in production, only a small fraction has been subject to basic toxicity testing, and complete health hazard information is available for none. Developing the information base to predict the health impacts of each chemical would take centuries, and in the meantime, the public is exposed to a cocktail of untested substances."

Current regulations, like the new restrictions on Dursban, attempt to set acceptable discharge levels for individual chemicals, and to control individual sources. This strategy "has failed miserably to prevent global contamination," said Thornton. "Even acceptable discharges build up to unacceptable levels."

Already, the average body burden of dioxin alone in the U.S. is at or near the range where reproductive, developmental and immunological effects occur in laboratory animals. This newly named carcinogen is produced at some point during the lifecycle of all chlorine based chemicals - in the production of chlorine gas, the synthesis of all organochlorines, and the combustion of any organochlorine product or waste.

Huge amounts of plastic waste are produced each year. Disposing of these wastes without releasing organochlorines into the environment may be nearly impossible.

The levels of dioxin in the environment can only increase, as long as organochlorines are produced, Thornton warns. "Once we've got them, we've got them, and there's no safe way of disposing of them," said Thorton. "Once they're in you, there's no way to get them out."

Thornton suggests that governments worldwide plan a "chlorine sunset": a gradual phase out of the major applications of chlorine and organochlorines in favor of safer alternatives.

That means replacing latex medical tubing and PVC pipes with non-chlorine containing plastics; vinyl siding with wood or metal; chlorinated bleach with oxygen based bleaches; organochlorine pesticides with safer versions; and so on, in list of applications that spans nearly every human endeavor.

"Society does not try to address insect infestations by targeting individual bugs or traffic problems by regulating individual cars," writes Thornton. "In these cases, society has decided that it is more effective to focus on the systemic causes of problems rather than their manifestations at [the individual level], which are too numerous and uncontrollable to be micromanaged."

"Pandora's Poison" lists reasons why a "chlorine sunset" is technologically and economically feasible. "Safer, affordable alternatives are available now for the vast majority of chlorine uses," Thornton said. "With better processes at hand, there can be no excuse - political, economic or ethical - for not making the changes necessary to protect the health of our children and grandchildren from the global hazards of organochlorines."

A substantial proportion of the organochlorines which have accumulated in a woman's body during her whole lifetime are passed to her child during development in the womb and through breast feeding (Photo courtesy Greenpeace)

Within the next month, Thornton and his wife Margie will have their first child, a baby boy. On Wednesday, Thornton talked about his fears that his new son could suffer health problems due to exposure to organochlorines in the womb, and after he is born.

"That baby is awash in industrial chemicals," said Thornton, holding up an ultrasound image of his unborn child. "My wife, Margie, has accumulated hundreds of industrial compounds in her tissues, and these substances have crossed the placenta and entered the baby's bloodstream. My semen contains scores of pollutants that may have damaged the DNA I contributed to the baby."

"Some of these chemicals are flushed out of the body by breast feeding, so the baby will get even higher doses after he is born," Thornton continued. "No mother should have to worry that doing the most natural, nurturing thing in the world may be putting her child at risk."

From: Cheryl Magill <camagill@email.com>
Date: Tue, 6 Jun 2000
Subject: [stoplfas] NAVY MISLED COURT IN SONAR CASE - Sea Shepherd Article


Preparations to test controversial system on whales reported underway in Azores

May 25, 2000

In interviews with residents of the Azores, Sea Shepherd International has
learned that US Navy scientists have held meetings there to discuss testing
of the controversial Low-Frequency Active Sonar (LFAS) system in the island
group, a thousand miles west of Portugal. Two years ago, USN attorneys
persuaded a federal judge to dismiss a legal challenge to the tests on the
grounds that research had been completed and no further tests were planned.
The LFAS system has triggered a storm of environmental protest based upon
mounting evidence that it causes severe stress in whales and other marine
mammals. LFAS broadcasts been implicated in mass strandings.

The Sea Shepherd International vessel Ocean Warrior arrived in the harbor of
Horta in the Azores on May 17. "We spent two days interviewing residents
and investigating reports that the US Naval researchers were preparing
another LFAS test in the Azores," said Captain Paul Watson, Sea Shepherd
president. "We were told that Dr. Peter Tyack, one of the scientists who led
the LFAS research team in 1998, and Dr. Jonathan Gordon are conducting
preliminary research on the effects of low-frequency broadcasts off the
island of Terceira, and attaching acoustic tags to sperm whales. The Office
of Naval Research has confirmed plans to begin LFAS testing in the Azores
this summer, with high-intensity broadcasts delivering sound up to 155 dB to
targeted sperm whales."

Three previous LFAS sea tests were conducted off the coast of California and
Hawaii in 1997-98. They produced lawsuits, protests, and a public outcry
over the threat the LFAS systems represent to marine life. Opponents of
deployment accused the Navy and the National Marine Fisheries Service of
deliberately ignoring evidence demonstrating that threat.

Sea Shepherd is a co-plaintiff with Hawaii County Green Party and nine other
environmental and cultural groups in a lawsuit filed last February to halt
the Navy's preparations to deploy the system.

"At 155 dB, the Navy would be impacting whales with sound far louder than
the received levels which caused whales to flee the test area off Hawai`i
during the Phase III testing in 1998," said Lanny Sinkin, attorney for the
plaintiffs. "The Navy illegally spent hundreds of millions of dollars on
this system without completing an Environmental Impact Statement. It now
appears that they misled the court when they told a federal judge that
research was complete and no further testing would take place. Based on
that representation, the judge dismissed as moot a lawsuit challenging the
safety of the testing. I have now asked the judge to reopen the 1998 case
and consolidate that case with the suit filed this past February."

LFAS transmissions were implicated in the mass stranding death of beaked
whales on the coast of Greece in 1996. Last March, 14 whales from four
different species beached themselves in the Bahamas on the same day a joint
US/UK naval exercise was conducting sea tests of another high-intensity
sonar system in the area.

"The Navy is planning full deployment of the LFAS system in every ocean on
Earth at levels in excess of 200 decibels, an intensity of low-frequency
sound practically guaranteed to produce disastrous results," said Watson.
"From what we learned in the Azores, it's clear that the Navy has as much
regard for what they tell a federal judge as they do for scientific data
and environmental laws."

The Ocean Warrior is en route to the Netherlands, where it will prepare for
a campaign against the mass slaughter of small cetaceans in the Faroe
Islands this summer.

Copyright 2000 Sea Shepherd International . All rights reserved.


Stop LFAS Worldwide!
Insist that Congress be told the truth about LFAS.

For additional updates go to this URL:

To subscribe to this newsletter please go to:

From: "The Campaign" <label@thecampaign.org>
Subject: Major survey on GE foods released!
Date: Sat, 10 Jun 2000

Dear Health Freedom Fighters,

A major worldwide research study on consumers awareness of genetically
engineered foods has been released. As the press release from the Angus Reid
Group states, "The more North American consumers hear about genetically
modified (GM) foods, the less they like them."

The report of the survey is called "New Thoughts for Food: Consumer Reaction
to Biotechnology in Foods." The biotech industry is probably not going to
like the results of this survey because it indicates growing negative
feelings towards genetically engineered foods worldwide. Even in the United
States, in spite of the public relations efforts of the biotech industry,
"Americans are growing more disenchanted with the concept." Consumer
negativity towards genetically modified foods in the United States has grown
from 45% in 1998 to 51% in 2000. The negativity figure is up to 82% in
Japan, 73% in Germany and 71% in France.

2,001 adult consumers from the United States and Canada were surveyed.
Another 3,000 people from Australia, Brazil, France, Germany, Japan and the
United Kingdom were surveyed.

Posted below are two press releases. The first one discusses the results
from the United States and Canada. The second discusses the results from a
global perspective.

In addition to the press releases below, if you have Adobe Acrobat on your
computer, you can view some great charts that show the results of the

The first chart shows the awareness level of Americans and Canadians:

The second chart rates the growing negativity towards genetically modified
foods in all of the countries surveyed:

The third chart lists what consumers feel are the perceived benefits and
risks of genetically modified foods in all of the countries surveyed:

Apparently the survey did not address the issue of labeling. However, the
issues it did address show that there is significant worldwide concern and
opposition to genetically engineered foods. There is little doubt that the
demand for labeling will continue to grow in the United States.

Craig Winters
Executive Director
The Campaign to Label Genetically Engineered Foods

The Campaign
PO Box 55699
Seattle, WA 98155
Tel: 425-771-4049
Fax: 603-825-5841
E-mail: mailto:label@thecampaign.org
Web Site: http://www.thecampaign.org


Significant Knowledge Gap In Debate Over Modified Foods
Most Concerned About Health And Safety Risks

Paris, June 8, 2000 - Consumers around the world are taking home a negative
message about genetically modified (GM) foods, as more consumers see the
issue as one where the risks outweigh the benefits, according to a new poll
of 5,000 adults by Angus Reid Group Worldwide. Increasingly, it seems that
consumers see the issue as one of food safety and public health rather than
progress in science and technology.

Over half of consumers in Japan, France, Germany, Australia and Canada see
the issue in a health and safety context. In the United States, 44 percent
see it in that context, as do 39 percent of shoppers in the United Kingdom.
Only in Brazil, where awareness of the issue is the lowest is it seen
largely as a science and technology matter (61 percent). The findings were
released as delegates met in Toronto for The Agricultural Biotechnology
International conference.

"Due in part to the negative press the issue has been receiving, it's not
surprising that the trend toward GM foods is seen negatively by at least
half of consumers in 7 of the 8 countries polled," says Joanna Karman,
managing director of the company's agri-foods division and co-author of the
Angus Reid Group report New Thoughts for Food: Consumer Reaction to
Biotechnology in Foods.

"Consumers aren't yet convinced that genetically altered foods represent
scientific advancement," says Karman. "It seems that genetically modified
food has become less of a science and technology issue and much more of a
matter of health and safety in the minds of consumers we spoke to."

Among the eight countries polled, the trend toward GM foods was seen most
negatively in Japan (82 percent), followed by Germany (73 percent) and
France (71 percent). Americans are growing more disenchanted with the
concept. Forty-five percent of Americans held a negative view when polled by
the Angus Reid Group in 1998, compared to 51 per cent earlier this year. The
same holds for Canadians -- 59 percent hold negative views about GM foods,
up from 45 percent two years ago. In Brazil, just 45 percent of shoppers
view this trend negatively.

When it came to identifying the benefits or advantages of GM foods, the most
commonly mentioned benefit is productivity-related (improved efficiencies /
higher yields in food production), mentioned by 31%. On the consumer end of
it, 15% mention better quality foods and another 15% mention fewer
pesticides. As well, 1 in 10 mention the potential for improved nutritional
value of GM foods.

Of particular note is that 25 percent of those surveyed expect GM foods to
provide no benefits or advantages. An additional 10 percent were unsure of
any benefits that might result.

"Genetic modification has become one of the top three issues facing the
agriculture and food industry in many countries, ranking up there with
pesticide use and topped only by the future of agriculture as it relates to
farmers and loss of the family farm," Karman says.

While awareness is fairly high on a global scale, more than four in 10
consumers - ranging from 44 percent to 58 percent - still say they only
understand "a little" about GM foods. Understanding is greatest in Germany,
Australia and the U.K. Americans and Brazilians are least likely to say they
understand the issue.

"At this point in the debate, consumers aren't yet convinced that
genetically altered foods represent scientific advancement. They simply
haven't made that leap yet. Most believe this issue is about health and
safety. That's where we believe the debate should focus based on what
consumers are telling us."

About the study
New Thoughts for Food is a global, syndicated study designed to provide key
players in the biotechnology food debate with a better understanding of
consumer perceptions of genetically modified food.

Angus Reid Group Worldwide surveyed 5,005 adult consumers earlier this year
on genetically modified foods in Australia, Brazil, Canada, France, Germany,
Japan, United Kingdom and United States. More information on the New
Thoughts for Food: Consumer Reaction to Biotechnology in Foods study is
available at www.angusreid.com/services/p_agrifd.htm


From: "Alberto H. F. Machado" <amachado@ism.com.br>
Date: Sat, 10 Jun 2000


Anti-OAS Demonstrations
Canadian and Detroit officials braced for demonstrations Friday, shuttering windows, closing courts and beefing up their police presence as a group intending to shut down the Organization of American States meeting here held a workshop for would-be protesters... The OAS represents more than 30 member Western Hemisphere nations. It meets Sunday through Tuesday in Windsor... Some critics of the 52-year-old OAS say it fails to link trade with workers rights, environmental protection and human rights. Others say it threatens North American jobs. -- Detroit News

US to help Russia with Nuke Defence
The United States and Russia agreed on Sunday to destroy weapons-grade plutonium and to set up a joint missile-detection center to help Russia overcome blind spots in its antiquated early warning system. -- Reuters

Rape, Cannibalism, Murder
China Wednesday launched a vitriolic attack against exiled Tibetan spiritual leader the Dalai Lama, accusing him and his followers of rape, murder and child cannibalism. -- Inside China Today

North Atlantic Wild Salmon Face Extinction
Among signs of decline, WWF said the number of large salmon returning to spawn in rivers in North America had fallen to 80,000 a year from 800,000 about 25 years ago... Catches of salmon in Scotland and Ireland were about a third of levels three decades ago. Around the Baltic Sea, only 37 rivers had spawning salmon against 120 a century ago. -- CNN

Largest Living Turtles in Danger
"We conclude that leatherbacks are on the verge of extinction in the Pacific," said James Spotila and his colleagues... "If these turtles are to be saved, immediate action is needed to minimize mortality through fishing and to maximize hatchling production," they added in a letter published in Thursday's issue of the journal Nature... Leatherbacks usually live about 30 years and reach maturity at between 5 and 14 years old. They can grow up to 8 feet in length, and the largest leatherback on record weighed 2,019 pounds. -- MSNBC

'Chip Mills'
Here, the controversy is over a process that, opponents contend, can devour whole mountains by clear-cutting and laying waste to streams and wildlife: the "chip mill" - an operation that churns trees like a giant pencil sharpener in a process that is much faster than more familiar logging operations -- MSNBC

Breakthrough: Speed of Light surpassed 300X
In research carried out in the United States, particle physicists have shown that light pulses can be accelerated to up to 300 times their normal velocity of 186,000 miles per second... The implications, like the speed, are mind-boggling. On one interpretation it means that light will arrive at its destination almost before it has started its journey. In effect, it is leaping forward in time... -- The Sunday Times

From: Grist Magazine <grist@gristmagazine.com>
Subject: DAILY GRIST, June 12, 2000

June 12, 2000
News summaries from GRIST MAGAZINE

Beijing plans to crack down on water use in homes and businesses as northern China faces a severe drought that is drying up rivers and destroying crops. The city's worst water shortage in nearly 20 years has been exacerbated by water pollution and soaring demand from a growing population. Beijing plans to follow the lead of other cities in the region that have implemented strict quota systems, cutting residents' water supplies in half and imposing stiff fines for violations. Factories in Beijing that waste water or pollute heavily will be ordered to upgrade their technology or shut down. The nation's wheat crop is expected to drop nearly 8 percent this year, largely because of the drought.

straight to the source: Planet Ark, Reuters, Matt Pottinger, 06.12.00

Calling for more use of renewable energy sources, hundreds of protestors concerned about global warming demonstrated yesterday at the start of the five-day World Petroleum Congress meeting in Calgary, Canada. The congress, which includes more than 2,500 delegates from 87 countries, is the latest target of anti-globalization groups that have protested against the World Trade Organization and World Bank in the last year. Demonstrators, some dressed as dinosaurs to draw attention to the continued use of outdated fossil fuels, were fenced out of the six-block area surrounding the convention site, and police in riot gear were on hand with pepper spray and stun guns to make sure they stayed out. If Canada seems an unlikely place to host a petroleum conference, consider this: The country is now the No. 1 energy supplier to the U.S., thanks to soaring oil and gas exports. Massive gas development projects in the Canadian Arctic could be launched by 2010 despite environmental opposition.

straight to the source: San Francisco Chronicle/Examiner, Associated Press, Rob Driscoll, 06.11.00

straight to the source: New York Times, James Brooke, 06.12.00

read it only in Grist Magazine: Making sense of the WTO protests in Seattle, by Bill McKibben


To subscribe to DAILY GRIST, go at http://www.gristmagazine.com/grist/daily/ or send a blank email message to: daily-grist-subscribe@egroups.com

From: PLANETNEWS@aol.com
Date: Sat, 10 Jun 2000
Subject: New Cell Phone Safety Studies

Government To Oversee New Cell Phone Safety Studies

By Lisa Richwine

WASHINGTON (June 8) - Health officials said Thursday they would oversee new
industry-funded studies to address lingering questions about whether
radiation from cellular phones may be harmful to users.

The Food and Drug Administration said it would recommend the research design
and review the progress of the studies, which were being funded by the
Cellular Telecommunications Industry Association (CTIA).

Third-party researchers will conduct the studies, and the FDA will review the
results. The research is expected to last three to five years.

The CTIA said studies so far show cell phones do not cause health problems.
The FDA, which has authority over devices that emit radiation, said it does
not have enough information to conclude whether cell phones pose any risk.

''Although research to date does not show that mobile phones pose a
significant health hazard, there is not enough information at this point to
be absolutely certain that these products are without risk,'' the FDA said in
a statement.

Some studies ''have raised questions that need further exploration,'' the FDA

Some people have wondered whether long-term exposure to the low levels of
radiation that cell phones emit could pose a safety risk. A debate began in
1993 when a Florida man alleged that cell phone use caused his wife's brain

Research to date has not erased concerns, and industry groups had been
seeking government oversight of future studies.

''The wireless industry is committed to consumer safety and to addressing
concerns the public might have about wireless phones,'' Tom Wheeler, CTIA's
president and chief executive, said in a statement.

The new research will include both laboratory studies and studies of cellular
phone users, the FDA said, adding that it would convene meetings of
international experts to help oversee the studies.

The FDA advises people concerned about cell phone use to limit phone time or
choose a model that puts some distance between their bodies and the phone's

Date: Mon, 12 Jun 2000
From: "Dave Rietz (DORway.com)" <dorietz@awod.com>
Subject: Thank you...

RE: Food Safety File #8: The Sweet That Kills: Aspartame Morphing into
Neotame: World Alert! and other postings...

Thank you... for your exceptional efforts to help get aspartame known
for what it is, get folks well, and aspartame (come neotame) off the market.

One thing to keep in mind... the primary reason aspartame remains on
the market is because MOST of the victims who learned the truth, quit
aspartame and got well... never reported it to their doctors and did NOT
file a formal complaint with the FDA. The fact that most doctors don't
have a clue and don't even consider aspartame poisoning... is the other
half of this sorry mess.

Recovered victims should be urged to do three things:

Return all aspartame-laced products to the point of sale for a FULL
refund (even, and especially, on opened/partly consumed stuff because it
cannot be resold).

File a formal (written) complaint with FDA, local and state health
authorities, their own doctors, and their congressmen.

Tell everyone about it... especially those actually consuming
it. (maybe even hand out a list of symptoms and a website URL). When a
recovered victim takes stock of how much money is now being saved on
reduced doctors visits and medications... perhaps a few dollars spent
helping others will be easier to donate.

http://www.dorway.com/report.txt notes various means of reporting to FDA
http://www.dorway.com/congress.html for links to find congressional reps.


Again... thank you very much for helping folks get the clue that may
get them well ... for free! With increasing levels of effort such as your
in-depth involvement... this WILL be a bad year for Monsanto... and maybe
even the wayward FDA.


Let's save some elephants - fill out the form, it's free.

Please help save the whales - Hey, we won the battle for the
Gray Whales against Mitsubishi, now it appears the government
has finally stopped the commercial whaling in the US. Now
let's all sign on globally to stop it world wide - sign on at:

Please learn what our Navy and its allies are doing to our
oceans and the life below the surface. Please visit:

Feed the Hungry at the Hunger Site for free.

Then go sign the petition to end hunger in the U.S.:

And if you are really into saving this planet, please go
to three different sites:
Each day you can go to them and click and sponsors will PAY
for plots of the rain forest to be saved from destruction.
Save a child, save the planet - one click at a time. What
could be better than that?

Gold may be beautiful, but its mining is one of the
most destructive acts to the planet. Please help, please
don't be lured by it - please visit: