April 18, 2000
Subject: May 5th Grand Planetary Alignment and Global Meditation
Hello everyone
Here is the compilation I've done of some of the numerous emails I received concerning the May 5th Grand Planetary Alignment and global meditation. There is also an important Full Moon meditation today April l8th (at 17.43 GMT). Scroll down at the title "The Three Major Spiritual Festivals and the Shamballa Council" below, near the end for some info on this.
As you'll see, if you review all the following material, there are numerous ways to interpret the significance of this cosmic moment. What matters though is what each of us may feel within regarding the potential for inner and global transformation afforded to humanity at this very unique window of opportunity as the combined pull and influence of many planets in our solar system will be felt here on Earth. Whether you are compelled to go to a sacred place alone or with others or to simply remain at home and tune in to the powerful frequencies bathing our planet, I encourage you to join the tens or perhaps hundreds of thousands of people who will likewise dedicate this cosmic moment to uniting in heart and spirit with our brothers and sisters from all over the world and contribute with their positive vibrations to further uplift humanity towards more Light, Love and Unity.
Love and blessings to all of you
Jean Hudon
Earth Rainbow Network Coordinator
Date: Tue, 11 Apr 2000
From: Allison Rae <bluestar@taosnet.com>
Subject: 5/5 Celebration - Chaco
Aho Friends!
By now you've probably heard about the big planetary alignment in early
May....an alignment of seven planets (including the Sun, Moon, Earth and
inner planets) in Taurus predicted since ancient times. This line-up
offers us unprecedented levels of energy to support quantum changes in our
lives, our spiritual evolvement, our healing and the Earth Mother's healing.
The Grand Planetary Alignment follows exactly 9 months - a gestation cycle
- after the Grand Fixed Cross alignment and Solar Eclipse on August 11,
1999. Most of us on a spiritual path consciously felt the momentous energy
that alignment ushered in. Many of us have been "scrubbed" emotionally,
spiritually and physically ever since. Now we get to reap the benefits of
all that "work." The Grand Planetary Alignment in early May brings that
cycle to completion - taking us to a new level, offering us a rebirth, new
energy for manifestation and enlightenment - Heaven on Earth.
As we did for the August 11 Grand Fixed Cross, we will gather in Chaco
Canyon in northwest New Mexico to celebrate and anchor the Grand Planetary
Alignment energies. You're invited to join us in person or on the "energy
web" on May 5-7 (Friday through Sunday) in this most sacred site, home of
our ancestors who teach us the ancient ways, the Star ways, of being in
community, walking in balance with the Earth Mother and the celestial
forces. We will camp, hike, commune, learn, pray and celebrate together.
Many around the world will be in ceremony throughout the time of the
alignment - roughly May 2-13. We hope you'll plan now to participate in
some way - join us if you're in this area or visit another sacred site in
your location. Or honor your own sacred site - an altar within your home,
a Medicine Wheel in your back yard. Invite friends and have your own
gathering. Make an offering to Mother Earth and Father Sky, the ancestors
and spirit keepers who guide us. Signal your intention to join in a
worldwide ceremony to assist in anchoring the light in your location, in
your life, in your heart. And open your heart to receive the blessings
that follow.
Those who come to Chaco are also invited to travel with us as we continue
to Mt. Shasta for the global Wesak celebration on May 12-14. We will stop
at sacred sites in Utah and have an Earth healing ceremony in Nevada along
the way.
Before all that, there's an opportunity on Easter Sunday to connect in a
worldwide peace meditation from Joshua Tree, California. It's at 11 a.m.
Pacific time on Sunday, April 23. It's another "Great Experiment"
meditation led by James Twyman, Doreen Virtue and Gregg Braden (see
http://www.emissaryoflight.com). If you plan to attend, please let me know. A
circle from Taos is making the journey, and we'd love to connect with you.
If there are others in your circle who would benefit from receiving this
message, we'd appreciate your sharing it.
Wherever you are, we offer you blessings of Peace, Love & Light on your
Allison Rae
Church of Planetary Enlightenment
Taos, NM, USA
(505) 758-9453
Alignment info: http://www.spiritweb.org/News/2000/14/955291358.html
From: World Earth Healing Day <
Subject: World Earth Healing Day
Date: Fri, 24 Mar 2000
Dear Friends
There is just over a month to go now until World Earth Healing Day (May 3-5,
depending on your time zone). Join us on this day and help create the
critical mass of intentionality that we believe will make world peace and
healing a more probable reality.
You can sit quietly, meditate, pray, dance, sing, light a candle, hold a
conference, plant a tree, or perform any other symbolic or
consciousness-raising act. By joining together in spirit at one or more of
the linkup times we will magnify our healing effect to many times that which
we would achieve by acting separately.
The linkup times are 4am GMT, 12 noon GMT, and 7pm GMT on May 4. If you are
unsure of how to convert GMT to your local time, visit the following page:
We would encourage people to take a few moments to list their name and World
Earth Healing Day location on the website so we can form links of light with
each other and get some idea of the extent of global participation. You can
also list yourself as a local contact if you wish. See
To help raise awareness of World Earth Healing Day we have produced free
electronic greeting cards as well as normal greeting cards to print out.
Please use them - they are beautiful, and they may well make a difference.
You can find them at http://www.worldhealing.co.uk/world_earth_healing_day_4.html
The World Earth Healing Day literature has now been translated into German,
French, Spanish, Portuguese, Italian, Norwegian, and Danish. These
translations are on the website, and can also be downloaded as Word
documents. If you can translate the leaflet and/or press release into any
other language, please let us know.
May Peace Prevail on Earth
World Earth Healing Day
From: Dolfunman@aol.com
Date: Sat, 18 Mar 2000
Subject: PAN Alert: LightShift 2000 Spring Equinox/World Illumination Days May 3-5 Update
This Spring Equinox marks a month and a half to the once-in-a lifetime Grand
Planetary Alignment and the World Illumination Days, May 3-5, 2000.
I have posted two new articles on the alignment cycle, and a host of other resources
surrounding this phenomena at:
Please scroll down and click either the World Illumination Days or Grand
Planetary Alignment links.
I will be presenting on Friday May 5th at the Planetary Alignment Conclave on
the Wright Land in Malibu, California. For information on this event, Please see:
What powerful and exhilarating times we live in! Please spread this
vigorously through your networks.
May Peace Prevail on Earth,
Ken Kalb
LightShift 2000
Let's Turn on the Light of the World
Taken from Barbara Wolf <bjwolf@rochester.infi.net> (http://www.globalmeditations.com)
March newsletter:
Jim Fournier's web site, GAIAMIND, http://www.gaiamind.org, which
emphasizes Man's continuing connection to Nature, has charts of
MAY 2000 unusual planetary and moon alignments.
Note from Barbara Wolf: May 2000 will be an important moment.
For information on the 'Great Planetary Alignment' in Taurus during early
May 2000 visit http://www.luckystarz.com/Articles/grand_vision.html
From: "Kevin Tobin" <ktobin@eoni.com>
Subject: What Time is it?
Date: Sat, 8 Apr 2000
What Time is it? Now, Mother Time.
The Fresh New Start is Here!
On May 5, 2000 all the visible planets from Mercury through Saturn line up opposite the Earth, on the other side of the Sun, "like pearls on a string". On this day the New Moon is just one day old and so is also a part of this Grand Alignment. For the past 2,000 years we have been in the Age of Pisces. As of 5-5-2000 and for at least the next 2,000 years, we will be in Aquarius.
To acknowledge and celebrate our collective passage through this celestial gateway, people all over the Earth are participating in the WORLD MOTHER TIME CELEBRATION.
This is a day of days and night of nights to rejoice in the changeover from the Old World Age of Pisces to the Now World Age of Aquarius with all its potential of intelligence, tolerance, love, multiplicity and compassion.
Traditionally, planetary alignments of this magnitude have been remembered as events such as the Star of Bethlehem, which heralded not only the birth of Christ but also the beginning of the Piscean Age. We look back today to the Star of Bethlehem and call it Year 1 of the of the Julian-Gregorian Calendar. Similar alignments have likewise marked the beginning of the Jewish Calendar (c. 3760 BCE) and the Chinese Calendar (c. 1953 BCE). [For futher details of historical precedence, see http://www.mother-time.com/newdawn5-5-2000.html and also http://www.calendersign.ric.at/english/alignment2000random.htm and from the Jet Propulsion Laboratory: http://www2.jpl.nasa.gov/files/releases/chinacal.txt
The image that opens this page is the Mandala of Mother Time. It is cause for celebration for Mother Time is a feminine, life giving, inclusive time world that restores sacred meaning to the measure of time. The Aquarian epoch requires a new time world, that is, a new way to measure, experience and relate to time, for each New Age literally is a new time world.
The Mother Time paradigm helps to reestablish the bridge between the cycles of the cosmos and the rhythms of life on Earth. This is the bridge that has guided all cultures who have lived in harmony and balance with the natural world.
In contrast,the time world of the Age of Pisces has been embodied by the Julian-Gregorian Calendar and the 2x12 hour mechanical clock. Because neither calendar nor clock are connected in any meaningful way to the rhythms of Nature, this time world has effectively destroyed the bridge between Earth and Sky.
Mother Time is an ideal time world for the Aquarian Age. Mother Time speaks in the original language of time and through the Mandala organizes time anew to meet the spiritual and social needs of the emerging global culture.
Mother Time is a gift of time's ancient integrity to a future with promise.
The details of the Mother Time paradigm, and an explanation of the mandala may be viewed and downloaded at http://www.mother-time.com
Over the past 4,000 years, the structure of most time worlds were dictated to the masses of humanity by the Emperors, Priests and Popes of the planet.
The cosmic gateway of 5-5-2000, the World Mother Time Festival, gives us the opportunity to step out of time as we have known it, shake off the tyranny of the past and to embrace and create a new time world together, collectively...
Please forward this message. Everyone is invited to participate in the Global Celebration.
To contact us with suggestions or comments: mtime@eoni.com
(Mandala of Mother Time. Design by Kevin Tobin, art by Shelley S. Curtiss)
NOTE: Kevin also just sent an email of his proposed "Water-Blessing Ceremony". To review his suggestion, please go at http://www.mother-time.com/newdawn5-5-2000.html
Here is a brief quote from his email:
Action and form follow intent. What we collectively intend is what the future will become. There is great power in collective gestures of prayer.
The Water Blessing Ceremony of the World Mother Time Celebration provides the opportunity to collectively wash clean the past and for each individual to speak her and his own intent of being and becoming a water-bearer, a care-giver and life nurturer into the future in whatever form she and he desires.
Everyone is encouraged to gather on May 5, 2000 in groups large and small to lay down a strong prayer for the healing of the waters and a healing through the waters of this Earth. The prayers and the actions to activate them of course continue after May 5 as well.
While suggestions are offered, the form of the ceremony is left to the creativity and inspiration of the participants. In the Age we are entering, each will forge and form her and his own connection to Spirit and Source.
Prayer is service, life is prayer and water is life...
From: "Helen Samuels" <mexcalibur@hotmail.com>
Subject: CELEBRACION 5*5*2000
Date: Sat, 08 Apr 2000
On May 5th, year 2000, all of the planets that can usually be seen with the naked eye, and the moon, will be lined up harmoniously like a string of pearls on the opposite side of the Sun, this marking a great opportunity to start fresh with hope, art and love. May each of us acknowledge and celebrate this day in their own way and taking into account that in the past, several of the worlds most influencial calendars of humanity's history began with similar Celestial manifestations. Let us shine with happines on that day being we are entering an era of love, compassion, joy and understanding as well as a return to balanced duality.
Soon you will receive more information on various websites which contain further information regarding this great Cosmic Happening. If millons of people can share a joke in a short amount of time, if gossip can go around the world in few days, why can't this extraordinary news do the same? Share it by notifying as many people as you can so that in turn they can also spread the word before May 5th and we can all join this GLOBAL CELEBRATION.
Living fully the gift called, the PRESENT,
From: PLANETNEWS@aol.com
Date: Sun, 5 Mar 2000
Subject: ...May Grand Alignment
Grand Alignment, May 2000
Fast approaching is the seven planet alignment which
was last witnessed upon our beloved planet at the birth of
Jeshua Ben Joseph (Jesus of Nazareth), just over 2000 yrs ago and the
significance will most surely be as important to us now as it was indeed
to the world then.
Many inter-dimensional crystalline portals and time caps have been activated
to date, as also have the oceans of the world been cleansed', some prior to
and adding to the significance and energies of the Solar Eclipse in August
of last year. The remainder in time for this grand alignment of planets,
which will further accentuate the input of christed energies within and
upon our beloved planet.
The alignment of Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Earth (and its moon)
and the Sun will line up behind each other, creating a huge magnetic pull
and multiple eclipses will occur. We won't be able to see them as much as
being able to feel' them . What might well be created is a fourteen day
window of opportunity' from around April 28 thro' May 11, and it will be
most beneficial to take full advantage of this wonderful opportunity to
further activate and enhance your energy or light field , your LIGHT BODIES.
The centre point of this LIGHT SHIFT will be at 24.00 hrs (midnight) May4th
through all May 5th . One of the many created portals might well be
visible at this time directly above AlASKA, at high noon May 5th 2000, as
all the groundwork for this Great Golden Shift is accomplished , and
realised !
Please avail yourselves with yet another (((GOLDEN))) opportunity to
collectively participate with this completion and prepare for THE GREAT
SHIFT that will in the twinkling of an eye' and without one shadow of a
doubt, ensue. This is the inauguration of The Return Of The Dove, as all the
crystal portals/ time caps will also on that day be total and complete.
Join together in your numbers, meditate together as often as you will during
this grand window of opportunity that is there for you and the beloved
planet. Hold the vison of the wonderful world that IS being birthed. Be the
co-creators that you surely are and herald in this wondrous event with
united and joyous affirmation and thankful acceptance of all that is to
ensue, within the divine and loving intent of The God Most High!
(In love, truth, and service
Tel 01843/867508
Email Gabbitas1@aol.com
From: "Linda Evans" <levans47@earthlink.net>
Date: Wed, 8 Mar 2000
Subject: Re: Feedbacks about "A very special and *urgent* request"
Dear Jean: Thank you for adding me to your list. I went to the website and
loved the meditation. I guess this means I won't have to fill out the form
about getting the newsletter.
I am an astrologer who works closely with Djwhal Khul and am just starting
to plan a website to transmit some messages. I would love to link with your
site. The month of May is so powerful, with 7 planets aligned in Taurus,
then the Wesak-Buddha Full Moon on May 18 celebrating Buddha's birth &
enlightenment (and our growing enlightenment!), and the Jupiter-Saturn
conjunction in Taurus on May 28. I do think many will come to wholeness at
that time and receive incredible higher information through their bodies.
Taurus is one of the signs that relate to the physical body and the other
planets aspecting (Chiron & Pluto bringing transformation and healing and
higher knowledge through Sagittarius, and Uranus & Neptune bringing the
highest spiritual knowledge through the humanitarian sign of Aquarius) will
ensure that our bodies will be powerful transmitters and will likely change
in cellular structure during the month of May and all around that time. Not
only that but with Jupiter in Taurus, we will have benevolent forces
surrounding us and the earth, and Saturn in Taurus all this year will give
many lessons about loving our bodies and the earth. I also think our
economy will make quite an adjustment at that time, because Taurus rules the
second house of $, resources, assets, and anything not aligned with
integrity will go through some powerful changes. It is a wonderful time to
think about securing a home.
Well, I guess I got started! Sorry to go on so long. Guess I have lots to
say. Thanks again for all your wonderful work for the planet.
Have a magical March & splendid Equinox (from about March 12 to about March
31 is very powerful for moving to a new level),
Linda Lee
From: "Selena" <selena@bkk.loxinfo.co.th>
Subject: March 20 and May 5
Date: Mon, 13 Mar 2000
Dear Jean,
There are two very important meditations coming up and I would like to let
you know so that you can join in, if you feel it is right for you. Full
details are on my website at
Yours Living Light and Love,
Helen Jandamit (Rev. Sadharma)
On May 5 you are invited to synchronise your practice with the group session
being held in Wales at from 9:15 am - 10.45 am (GMT/UT) = 4.15 pm - 5.45 pm
(Thai time).
The crest of the meditation wave will be around 10 am (GMT/UT) = 5 pm (Thai
This meditation will take place during the 2nd Spiritual Leadership &
Management Conference:
The Power Paradigm...The Emergence of the Corporate Soulwhich is being held
at Buckland Hall Conference & Management Training Centre in the Brecon
Beacons National Park in Wales
For details of this conference contact:
Soleira & Santari Green
S.O.U.L. Ltd.
Tel. 0117 953 3202
263 Coronation Road
Southville, Bristol BS3 1RS
Email: Newrealities@cs.com
Web site: http://ourworld.cs.com/Newrealities
Date: Wed, 22 Mar 2000
From: "Amethyst Freeman" <amethyst_8@angelfire.com>
Subject: Fwd: Important Wesak: Awaken to what is coming in May 2000
Dear Friends,
Please network the following message. Thank you.
Love and light blessings,
Amethyst Freeman(west Oz)
The Shamballa Council of 2000
and the Aries, Taurus and Gemini Full Moon Festivals
by Errol Weiner, Transpersonal Astrologer
The Aries, Taurus and Gemini full Sun-Moon cycles and Festivals of 2000 will be of immense significance and importance for humanity and the global Network of Light because the new Shamballa Council occurs in the year 2000. Thus the start of the new Century, Millennium and Astrological Age will be synchronised with the new Shamballa Council and visa versa.
The Shamballa Council occurs every twenty-five years - the last one took place in l975 and unfolded until 2000. Thousands of new planetary impulses began in 1975 which had a direct pioneering effect upon human evolution. For example Cluny Hill College (the educational centre of the Findhorn.Fnd), CNN (Ted Turners global news network) and Gorbachevs move to Moscow (as a member of the Politiburo) all started in 1975. The Shamballa Council takes place in Shamballa , the Crown Chakra of the planet, where the Will of God is known. The Lord of the World or Sanat Kumara (the Ancient of Days as He is called in the Bible), the etheric incarnation of the Logos of our Planetary system, holds Council with the spiritual hierarchy or inner Government of the Earth in Shamballa. We might say that all those great Beings who form the inner (spiritual) Government of our planet gather together every twenty-five years to plan ahead for the next twenty-five years of planetary evolution. The next phase of this Plan will be seeded in the year 2000, and will unfold until 2025.
The major members of this inner Government, the so-called Masters, Chohans and Lords (who have taken the fifth, sixth and seventh initiations), and the Lord of the World (who is a cosmic Initiate having taken nine initiations, and is thus a Logos of a non-sacred planet, the Earth; the Logos of a sacred planet like Venus has taken eleven initiations and is a cosmic Master) know which Cosmic and Solar energies are and willl be entering the Earth, and they are thus able to plan ahead for the forseeable future. Once the Shamballa Council has clarified these Plans the Masters of the Wisdom and the fifth kingdom of Souls (the so called Solar Angels or Higher Selves of humanity and each human personality) start to transmit them to human consciousness, via the faculty of intuition, inspiration, meditation, dreams and/or synchronistic circumstances. These plans will be received, consciously or unconsciously, by world leaders and pioneering individuals in every sphere of human activity, who in turn communicate them to their governments, organisations and groups. Aspects of these plans will be telepathically communicated to human consciousness around the planet simultaneously because the divine Plan has a collective and group focus - individuals cannot claim these Plans for themselves.
These inspirational Plans enter human consciousness as pioneering Ideas, some of them via the well known flash Ideas (which are associated astrologically with the planet Uranus and its transits; Uranus is now transitting through Aquarius, which rules group-world consciousness). A flash Idea is like a seed which carries within itself the flower of its future unfoldment. These Ideas represent the seed vision(s) of the future, and they need to be anchored into the present. These visions "need to be held" in our consciousness (thus the keynote "Hold the Vision"). The year 2000 is the time for the initial seeding of these visions, and May is especially significant in this regard because:
* Between May 3rd and 5th, the Sun, Moon, Mercury, Vulcan, Venus, Jupiter and Saturn make a grand alignment in Taurus. * On May 28 (at 16.O5 GMT) the planets Saturn and Jupiter make their exact conjunction in Taurus. This Saturn Jupiter conjunction occurs every 20 years. The last one occured end December 1980 in Libra, the sign of peace, balance (between the opposites) and partnership. John Lennon (Sun in Libra) and Yoko Ono were the archetypes of this conjunction and their song "All we are saying is give peace a chance" was directly aligned to this cycle. John was assassinated at the time of this conjunction; John Kennedy was assassinated at the time of the 1962 conjunction in Capricorn. These cycles are well known for the assassination of a figurehead who represents the (Spiritual) Archetype of the Sign in question. * May l8th (at 7.36a.m. GMT) will be the time of the Taurus Full Moon, the most powerful and illuminating full Moon energy cycle of the astrological year. The Taurus full Moon cycle (between May 15 and May 21, and unfolding through to end May and into June) will be the focal point for the imprint of Shamballa energy and the revelation of the new phase of the Plan
The Three Major Spiritual Festivals and the Shamballa Council
The Shamballa energy will start entering human consciousness on the Aries Full Moon cycle , the first seeding cycle/sign of the astrological year. It will be focussed and streamlined over the Taurus Full Moon, the second cycle/sign, and will be spread and expanded around the world on the Gemini Full Moon cycle, the third cycle/sign of the astrological year. These are the three major Full Moon cycles and astro-psychological festivals of the astrological year. According to the esoteric Teachings (for the New Age) transmitted by the spiritual Hierarchy these full Moon cycles will become (and are becoming) the Festivals of the Aquarian Age and of the new World Religion. The dates and times of these cycles are:
* The Aries Full Moon cycle, called the Festival of Rebirth and Re-Construction. This year there will be two Aries full Moons, a very auspicious seeding event. The first will be on March 20th (4.45 a.m. GMT).
This is actually a combined Pisces and Aries Full Moon because it occurs at the very end of Pisces and the very beginning of Aries (the Signs do not have fixed divisions - the end of one sign and the beginning of the next interface). The second will be on April l8th (at 17.43 GMT).
Keynote: I Come Forth and from the Plane of Mind I Rule.
* The Taurus Full Moon, called. the Wesak Festival, the Festival of the Buddha, or the Festival of Enlightenment. According to the esoteric teachings the Buddha blesses humanity over this full Moon (the Buddha resides in Shamballa). The full Moon will occur on May l8 (7.36 a.m. GMT).
Keynote: I See, and when the Eye is Open, all is Illuminated.
* The Gemini Full Moon cycle, called the Festival of Humanity, the Festival of Goodwill, or the Festival of the Living Christ. According to the esoteric teachings the Christ or Lord Maitreya, the head of the spiritual Hierarchy of the Earth, blesses humanity directly on this full moon. The 5th kingdom of Souls makes a more direct contact with the 4th human kingdom over this cycle (individually, at a group level, and collectively). This occurs on June 16th (22.28 GMT).
Keynote: I Recognise the other self, and in the waning of that self I Grow and Glow.
* The Cancer full Moon will also be very important this year because there will be a total eclipse of the Moon over this cycle. Mass consciousness is directly influenced over the Cancerian cycle. This will occur on July 16th (at 13.56 GMT).
Kenote: I Build Myself a Lighted House and therein Dwell.
CLIP - 3 more esoteric astrological interpretation paragraphs had to be taken out here for lack of space. To get them write to Errol Weiner at rainbowdramawork@hotmail.com
The alignment of the Sun, Moon, Mercury, Vulcan and Venus (which rule Taurus), Jupiter and Saturn in Taurus between May 3-5 will begin the focus of these Taurus energies into the Earth and humanity. Various predictions have been made (by astrologers) re the potential physical Earth changes during this time but these are insignificant. Consciousness (Sun), instinct-emotions (Moon), thinking-communication (Mercury), purpose (Vulcan), relationships (Venus), intuition-future revelation (Jupiter) and forms-structures and practical activities (Saturn) will all be under the influence of the Spirit of Taurus and Its transformative effects. This is what is important. There will be highly intensive forced transformations in the field of economics and work but these are all for the greater good; for example many old-type farmers are going bankrupt and will be forced to move back to small-scale farming and/or organic farming and to the local market-stall system (which still exists in Italy, France, Russia, etc). They can thus learn to live more simply and more meaningfully. Localised economic systems will begin to counterbalance so-called globalisation. Small-scale and medium-scale land-based (Taurus) communities will spring up in many places, and networking support systems (human and material) will come into natural (and forced) manifestation. The Laws of Manifestation will need to be learnt and taught as an integral part of this new economics because these Laws are, in fact, based on right relationship between spirit and matter and soul and personality (and between the 4th human and 5th superhuman kingdoms), and between supply-demand and giving-receiving (As we give so shall we receive).
Nevertheless it is human beings, and especially conscious and responsible men-women, who need to pioneer these initiatives, because human beings are the Mind and arms and legs of God and the 5th kingdom of Souls. The divine Plan is a co-operative and co-creative process between the spiritual and human kingsdoms, and service of the Plan is automatically service of God and humanity. Every individual and group (existant or potential) has a unique role to play in this Plan, and each new revelation of the Plan calls on disciples to expand their consciousness, contacts, relationships and activities in serving the unfoldment of the Plan. It is obvious that the new Shamballa Council and Its coming revelations of the new phase of the divine Plan and the Taurus alignments are directly interconnected. This is what individuals, couples, families, groups, communities and the Light Network should be preparing for.
PS: Education in the 21st Century and various Italian Light Network contact points are organising an Italian Light Network Gathering over the weekend of the Taurus Full Moon cycle (May 19 to 21) to coincide with the Taurus full Moon energy and its illuminating effects. Similar Gatherings should be organised over the May cycle for the same reason - to open-up to new revelation, to establish connection and cooperation with the 5th spiritual kingdom; to build group and community consciousness, to explore the new sacred sciences, arts and festivals, and to implement the foundations of the new education and economic systems.
Please feel free to distribute this circular (via email or post) to your contact points worldwide. It is of great importance for a deeper understanding of the Taurus (May) cycle and the Shamballa Coucil energy.
Further information on the subject matter of this circular and/or on Education in the 21st Century and/or on the Italian (cum International) Light Network Gathering can be obtained from:
Errol Weiner and Imogen Masters
Education in the 21st Century
The Findhorn Open Community,
The Park, Forres IV36 0TZ
Scotland, UK
email: rainbowdramawork@hotmail.com