Global Meditation Focus Group

For the Highest Good of All

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Global Solstice Meditation: Reunifying with Source
(Posted on December 18, 2024)

Méditation mondiale du solstice : Se réunifier à la Source
(Diffusée le 18 décembre 2024)

This below gives you access to the links for the ongoing weekly Meditation Focuses

2024 Meditation Focus Weekly Series
(Find the number of the meditation corresponding to the current week and participate every week)

Focus de méditation hebdomadaires pour 2024
(Trouvez le numéro de la méditation correspondant à la semaine en cours et participez toutes les semaines)

PLEASE NOTE that the guided meditation (this mp3 recording) offered for the December 2017 Global Solstice Meditation as well as the other guided meditation (this mp3 recording) offered for the December 2018 Global Solstice Meditation have been designed to be also used for the Sunday meditations, as an alternative to the 52 weekly meditations offered through this site, and even as an audio support for your daily meditations, if you are inspired to do so. Of course, you may also continue using the weekly meditation themes available HERE.

Click HERE to access all the previous Meditation Focuses, Solstice/Equinox Meditations and Special Vigils networked from April 28, 2000 onwards.

To be sure to always receive an invitation for each new Solstice and Equinox Meditation,
you may subscribe through simply sending an email to
with "I want to receive the Solstice and Equinox Meditations" in the subject field of your email.

The Focus Group was created in April 2000 to initially issue twice a month a global Meditation Focus designed to focalize the attention and healing energies of a growing number of meditators around the world onto situations and crises in need of peaceful resolution and spiritual succour.

The general aim of this global healing work was then to allow for as many people as possible to collectively attune their healing energies of peace, love and harmony towards achieving a critical mass of positive intents and vibrations of goodwill that will help catalyze the resolution of the crisis in a manner most conducive to the alleviation of suffering and the causation of peace.

The main initial goal of the Focus Group was to facilitate a greater efficiency in the global healing already underway around the world through the participation of all those who regularly meditate and pray for peace, love and harmony on Earth, by selecting and proposing on a regular basis a common focus for our meditations and prayers. You are welcomed to join everyone else involved in this global healing work, for a few minutes everyday at the top of any hour, or whenever it better suits you, and every Sunday at 16:00 Universal Time (GMT), or at noon local time, for an approximate duration of 30 minutes, focalizing innerly on the Meditation Focus proposed, with a special Earth Healing Focus in the last few minutes.

The Focus Group intends to work impartially for the highest good of all, with the guidance of Spirit. We encourage everyone participating in this global healing work to similarly strive to become neutral channels so as to help step down the powerful Divine vibrations of Love, Peace and Unity to a level at which they can be of assistance to alleviate the suffering of people and instill the goodwill necessary to resolve peacefully any conflictual situation involved with each new Meditation Focus.

Please note that, starting from April 2007, the suggested Meditation Focuses have been prepared and networked solely on a monthly basis (and mostly in English) and their themes from then on mainly concerned the contribution each individual being can bring to the awakening now sweeping the world as to the ever greater awareness of people about our spiritual Reality as immortal souls, jointly forming a continuously expanding Universal Whole. Those themes have therefore much less to do than before with temporal events and human affairs. It is now being suggested that we become ever more receptive, during our meditations, to our essential Unity with All That Is and, in so doing, act as channels to receive, transduce and radiate within the collective consciousness of humanity this ever heightening spiritual awareness, along with the powerful flow of unconditional Love and universal wisdom that it carries.

While the Focus Group now also occasionally recommends peace and/or spiritual vigils with regard to situations that are considered in great need of healing assistance, it does not recommend any specific way to resolve each situation nor suggest any specific meditation method, preferring to allow each person's meditation or prayer to form according to their own inner guidance, which is at all times dedicated for the highest good of all. In taking such an approach, the Focus Group recognizes the fact that there are spiritual laws at work in any given situation, in the form of karmic consequences and learning experiences for the beings involved, and that we are not to infringe on the free will of others or take upon ourselves to decide the best resolution of any given crisis.

To review the latest invitations to global meditations that have been networked, scroll at the bottom of the Archive section below.

If you have any question, comment or suggestion for a Meditation Focus, please communicate with the facilitator of the Focus Group at

If you are not familiar with how and when the Focus Group was created, its purpose, the guidelines followed by the initial core group members, how consensus was achieved, and how each new Meditation Focus was being selected in the first few years of this initiative, we recommend you explore the various links provided below. Please note that this is being offered here only to allow for a better understanding of how this project has first evolved. After a couple years of exchange and discussion, among the initial seven members of the Focus Group, to shape the process of selecting and formulating the themes suggested on a regular basis, all the group members, except one, became eventually less and less involved in the preparation of the material networked, a task that the initiator of this project has carried on ever since, striving to remain faithful to the principles first established while allowing higher guidance to play an ever more central and defining role in selecting and sharing the themes that have been proposed on a monthly basis up to the end of December 2012. Afterwards, the only new themes suggested were those of the ongoing solstice and equinox meditations.

The Global Meditation Focus Group Charter

The History of the Co-creation of the Focus Group

Selection Criteria for each new Meditation Focus

Suggestions for Enhancing the Effectiveness
of our Healing Focus in Meditation

Guidelines for Focus Group Members

Building Consensus within the Core Group

In this section below you will find "Spiritual Nuggets" offering
our shared spiritual perspective on the following topics:

Spiritual Nugget #1: The Influence of Intentions on World Peace

Spiritual Nugget #2: Meditation is as sunlight upon the Unified Field

Spiritual Nugget #3: Finding the Mother in Each of Us

Spiritual Nugget #4: Reframing our Perspective as Healers

Spiritual Nuggets #5: Learning to Conquer Fear - Learning to Stay Connected

Building The Foundation for Our Spiritual Beliefs

2001 - The Spiritual Odyssey Towards
the Light of a New Dawn Continues

Lightworkers on the Path

The Hidden Face of Wisdom: Towards an Awakened Activism


Some important recommendations to keep in mind

Golden Moment of At-Onement

People may take a few moments at the top of any hour, once a day, to join with all those meditating on the suggested Meditation Focus at the top of that same corresponding hour in other time zones around the world. They may also choose to meditate or pray every day at any moment that best suits them, knowing that their added positive vibrations will complement the positive vibrations emitted by other people on that same day.

Global Meditation Day

You may also meditate every Sunday at noon local time or whenever it best suits you, or join with others to meditate simultaneously. To find out your local time corresponding to 16:00 Universal Time: during standard time - in winter, go HERE and during daylight saving time - in summer - go HERE.

Earth Healing Focus

Please dedicate the last few minutes of your Sunday meditation to the healing of the Earth as a whole. See the Earth as healthy and vibrant with life, and experience the healing of all relations as we awaken globally to the sacredness of all Life and to our underlying unity with All That Is.

In addition to a brief summary on each focus suggested, we provide each time more information, mostly from newsmedia sources, so as to enable you to have enough relevant details to better assess the nature of the situation(s) selected for each new Meditation Focus. But we would like to encourage you to not let these descriptions tinge the positive visions you want to hold so at to foster peace and healing. Since what we focus on grows, the more your thougthforms and vizualizations will be focussed on the visions of peace and healing which Spirit may inspire you to have during your moments of meditation, the more you will be of assistance towards manifesting such visions.

The Focus Group members also wish to acknowledge that we do not claim to present each week a complete view of all the aspects of each issue under consideration. Our basic aim is to work impartially for the highest good of all, with the guidance of Spirit. We encourage everyone participating in this global healing work to similarly strive to become neutral channels so as to help step down the powerful Divine vibrations of Love, Peace and Unity to a level at which they can be of assistance to alleviate the suffering of people and instill the goodwill necessary to resolve peacefully any conflictual situation involved with each new Meditation Focus.

Your assistance is always welcomed to help circulate each new Meditation Focus on and off the Internet to anyone who might be interested.

Archives of all the Meditation Foci

You will find below every Meditation Focus emailed so far around the world.

Please scroll down near the bottom to find the latest Meditation Focus issued.

Meditation Focus #1
(Webposted 04/28/2000)

Extension of the Focus on the Famine in the Horn of Africa
(Webposted 05/05/2000)

Meditation Focus # 2 - 4 topics
(Webposted on May 12, 2000)

Meditation Focus #3: The Civil War in Colombia
(Webposted on May 15, 2000)

Meditation Focus #4: Elections in Perou: The Question of Postponement + Hasty Withdrawal of Israel from Lebanon: Peace Breakthrough?...
(Webposted on May 26, 2000)

Meditation Focus #5: The Fledging Peace Between Ethiopia and Eritrea
(Webposted June 2, 2000)

Meditation Focus # 6 - The North/South Korean Summit
(Webposted on June 9, for the week beginning Sunday, June 11, 2000)
See also Palden Jenkins's comment on The North/South Korean Summit

Special Solstice Focus
(Webposted June 14, 2000)

Meditation Focus # 7 - Fiji and the Solomon Islands
(Webposted on June 16, for the week beginning Sunday, June 18, 2000)

Meditation Focus # 8 - Turmoil in Zimbabwe
(Webposted on June 23, for the week beginning Sunday, June 25, 2000)

Meditation Focus # 9 - A Crucial Election in Mexico
(Webposted on June 30, for the week beginning Sunday, July 2, 2000)
Complementary Material on the Situation in Mexico

Meditation Focus # 10 - Violent Clashes between the Muslims and the Christians in the Maluku, Indonesia
(Webposted on July 7, for the week beginning Sunday, July 9, 2000)

Special Meditation Focus -The Israeli/Palestinian Summit in Camp David, USA
(Webposted on July 11, 2000, for the duration of the summit)

Meditation Focus #11: Jarawa Tribe Under Threat
(Webposted on July 14 for the week beginning Sunday, July 16, 2000)

Meditation Focus #12: The Eleventh Hour Middle East Peace Negotiations
(Webposted on July 21 for the week beginning Sunday, July 23, 2000)

Meditation Focus #13: Religious conflict in the Moluccas
Will an international peacekeeping force be deployed?

(Webposted on July 28 for the week beginning Sunday, July 30, 2000)

The Harmonic Convergence Anniversary
(Webposted on August 1, 2000)
Special Compilation for Harmonic Convergence 2000

Meditation Focus #14: Preparations for Peace Talks in Kashmir continue
despite a wave of violence

(Webposted on August 4 for the week beginning Sunday August 6, 2000)

Meditation Focus #15: The Extremes in Global Weather: Famine, Floods and Wildfires
(Webposted on August 11 for the 2 weeks beginning Sunday August 13, 2000)
+ Suggestion to extend for one more week
the Meditation Focus on the situation in Kashmir

Reminder about Meditation Focus #15
(Webposted on August 18 for the week beginning Sunday August 20, 2000)

Meditation Focus #16: Humanitarian Crisis and War in Congo
(Webposted on August 25 for the week beginning Sunday August 27, 2000)

Meditation Focus #17: Humanitarian Crisis and War in Sudan
(Webposted on September 1 for the week beginning Sunday September 3, 2000)

Extension of our previous foci on the Sudan Conflict
and the Middle East Peace Negotiations

(Webposted on September 8 for the week beginning Sunday September 10, 2000)

Meditation Focus #19: Violence in West and East Timor
(Webposted on September 15 for the week beginning Sunday September 17, 2000)

Special Meditation Focus: The Cloth of Many Colors Peace Vigil (September 19-20)
and The Equinox (September 22)

(Webposted on September 18, 2000)

Meditation Focus #20: Elections in Serbia and Montenegro
(Webposted on September 22 for the week beginning Sunday September 24, 2000)

Special Meditation Focus: The IMF and World Bank Annual Meeting in Prague
(Webposted on September 24 for a global meditation on September 26, 2000)

Meditation Focus #21: Extension of the Focus on Serbia
(Webposted on September 29 for the week beginning Sunday October 1, 2000)
Complementary Meditation Focus: The Violent Uprising in the Palestinian Territories
(Webposted on September 30 for the week beginning Sunday October 1, 2000)

Meditation Focus #22: Fostering Peace Between Israel and Palestine
(Webposted on October 6 for the week beginning Sunday October 8, 2000)

Meditation Focus #23 : Anchoring the Vibration of Love in the Middle East
(Webposted on October 13 for the week beginning Sunday October 15, 2000)

Meditation Focus #24: Creating the Right Conditions for Peace in the Middle East
(Webposted on October 20 for the week beginning Sunday October 22, 2000)

Meditation Focus #25: Fostering Peace in Colombia
(Webposted on October 27 for the week beginning Sunday October 29, 2000)

Meditation Focus #26: Protecting all Marine Life on Earth
(Webposted on November 2 for the week beginning Sunday November 5, 2000)

Special Meditation Focus: The November 11 Meditations
(Webposted on November 9, 2000)

Meditation Focus # 27: Building up Peace in the Middle East
(Webposted on November 24 for the 2 weeks beginning Sunday November 26, 2000)

Meditation Focus #28: Potential for Peace in Kashmir
(Webposted on December 8 for the 2 weeks beginning Sunday December 10, 2000)

Meditation Focus #29: The Human Family United in Peace on our Planetary Home
(Webposted on December 23 for the 2 weeks beginning Sunday December 24, 2000)

Meditation Focus #30: A Miracle for Peace in the Middle East
(Webposted on January 5, 2001 for the 2 weeks beginning Sunday January 7 2001)

Meditation Focus #31: The Forgotten Human Tragedies of Africa
(Webposted on January 19, 2001 for the 2 weeks beginning Sunday January 21, 2001)

Meditation Focus #32: Awakening to the Sacredness of Nature
(Webposted on February 2, 2001 for the 2 weeks beginning Sunday February 4, 2001)

Meditation Focus #33: The Plight of Homeless People Around the World
(Webposted on February 15, 2001 for the 2 weeks beginning Sunday February 18, 2001)

Meditation Focus #34: Humanitarian Crisis in Afghanistan and Pakistan
(Webposted on March 10, 2001 for the 2 weeks beginning Sunday, March 11, 2001)

Meditation Focus #35: Urgent Need for Peace in Macedonia
(Webposted on March 24, 2001 for the 2 weeks beginning Sunday, March 25, 2001)

Special Meditation Focus: Middle East Crisis & Update on the Conflict in Macedonia
(Webposted on March 31, 2001 and beginning Sunday, April 1, 2001)

Meditation Focus #36: Anchoring the Reality of a Healed Planet Earth
(Webposted on April 14, 2001 for the 2 weeks beginning Sunday, April 15, 2001)

Meditation Focus #37: Re-igniting the Will for Peace in Colombia
(Webposted on April 28, 2001 for the 2 weeks beginning Sunday, April 29, 2001)

Meditation Focus #38: The Unrelenting Middle East Crisis and the Ever Greater Need for Peace
(Webposted on May 12, 2001 for the 2 weeks beginning Sunday, May 13, 2001)

Perspective on the Middle East Crisis: The Musings Of A Minor Prophet
(Webposted on May 20, 2001)

Meditation Focus #39: Renewed Hopes for Peace in Congo
(Webposted on May 26, 2001 for the 2 weeks beginning Sunday, May 27, 2001)

Meditation Focus #40: Global Warming is Real
(Webposted on June 9, 2001 for the 2 weeks beginning Sunday, June 10, 2001)

Meditation Focus #41: Civil Strife in Algeria
(Webposted on June 23, 2001 for the 2 weeks beginning Sunday, June 24, 2001)

Meditation Focus #42: Peace in Kashmir
(Webposted on July 7, 2001 for the 2 weeks beginning Sunday, July 8, 2001)

Meditation Focus #43: Peace in the Middle East
(Webposted on July 21, 2001 for the 2 weeks beginning Sunday, July 22, 2001)

Meditation Focus #44: Support for Peace Talks in Macedonia
(Webposted on August 4, 2001 for the 2 weeks beginning Sunday, August 5, 2001)

Meditation Focus #45: Growing Tide of Violence in Zimbabwe
(Webposted on August 18, 2001 for the 2 weeks beginning Sunday, August 19, 2001)

Meditation Focus #46: The Need For Greater Compassion Towards All Our Fellow Human Beings
(Webposted on September 1, 2001 for the 2 weeks beginning Sunday, September 2, 2001)

Meditation Focus #47: Global Healing and Resolve for Peace Needed Following the Worst Carnage and Destruction the United States Has Ever Experienced
(Webposted on September 15, 2001 for the 2 weeks beginning Sunday, September 16, 2001)

Meditation Focus #48: Urgent Need of Humanitarian Aid and Spiritual Succour for the People of Afghanistan
(Webposted on September 29, 2001 for the 2 weeks beginning Sunday, September 30, 2001)

Meditation Focus #49: Stabilizing Global Feelings and Averting a Global War
(Webposted on October 13, 2001 for the 2 weeks beginning Sunday, October 14, 2001)

Meditation Focus #50: Choosing Love Over Fear, Expressing our Innate Goodness
(Webposted on October 26, 2001 for the 2 weeks beginning Sunday, October 27, 2001)

Meditation Focus #51: Uniting for Peace and Humanitarian Succour in Afghanistan
+ Global 11:11 Meditations and Celebrations

(Webposted on November 10, 2001 for the 2 weeks beginning Sunday, November 11, 2001)

Meditation Focus #52: Dissolving Fear Into Love - Uniting With The God-Self Within
(Webposted on November 24, 2001 for the 2 weeks beginning Sunday, November 25, 2001)

Meditation Focus # 53: Re-dedicating Ourselves to Alleviating the Humanitarian Crisis in Afghanistan
(Webposted on December 8, 2001 for the 2 weeks beginning Sunday, December 9, 2001)

Solstice Meditation Focus: Connecting With Our Destiny
(Webposted on December 17, 2001 for Friday, December 21, 2001)

Meditation Focus #54: Maintaining Peace Between India and Pakistan
(Webposted on December 22, 2001 for the 2 weeks beginning Sunday, December 23, 2001)

Reminder for the Meditation Focus #54: Maintaining Peace Between India and Pakistan
(Webposted on December 31, 2001)

Meditation Focus #55: Fostering a Peaceful Solution to the Kashmir Dispute
(Webposted on January 5, 2002 for the 2 weeks beginning Sunday, January 6, 2002)

Meditation Focus #56: Humanitarian Crisis Looming in Somalia
(Webposted on January 19, 2002 for the 2 weeks beginning Sunday, January 20, 2002)

Meditation Focus # 57: A Global Opening of the Hearts
(Webposted on February 2, 2002 for the 2 weeks beginning Sunday, February 3, 2002)

Meditation Focus # 58: Heightening the Vibration of Love in America
(Webposted on February 16, 2002 for the 2 weeks beginning Sunday, February 17, 2002)

Meditation Focus #59: Showering Love in Zimbabwe, India, Israel/Palestine and Colombia
(Webposted on March 2, 2002 for the 2 weeks beginning Sunday, March 3, 2002)

Meditation Focus #60: Pacification of the Middle East
(Webposted on March 16, 2002 for the 2 weeks beginning Sunday, March 17, 2002)

Meditation Focus #61: Peace on Earth
(Webposted on March 30, 2002 for the 2 weeks beginning Sunday, March 31, 2002)

Meditation Focus # 62: Reclaiming Our Humanity
(Webposted on April 13, 2002 for the 2 weeks beginning Sunday, April 14, 2002)

Meditation Focus #63: Upholding Human Rights Around The World
(Webposted on April 28, 2002 for the 2 weeks beginning Sunday, April 28, 2002)

Meditation Focus #64: Ensuring A Positive Future For All Children
(Webposted on May 11, 2002 for the 2 weeks beginning Sunday, May 12, 2002)

Meditation Focus #65: Defusing Tensions Between India and Pakistan
(Webposted on May 26, 2002 for the 2 weeks beginning Sunday, May 26, 2002)

Meditation Focus #66: Alleviating Hunger on Earth
(Webposted on June 9, 2002 for the 2 weeks beginning Sunday, June 9, 2002)

June 2002 Solstice Meditation Focus: Connecting With The Source Of Goodness In Us
(Webposted on June 19, 2002)

Meditation Focus #67: Bringing US All Back In Harmony With Nature
(Webposted on June 30, 2002 for the 2 weeks beginning Sunday, June 30, 2002)

Meditation Focus #68: Fostering a Global Mobilization Against AIDS and Hunger
(Webposted on July 14, 2002 for the 2 weeks beginning Sunday, July 14, 2002)

Meditation Focus #69: We Are Spiritual Beings Having A Physical Experience
(Webposted on July 28, 2002 for the 2 weeks beginning Sunday, July 28, 2002)

Meditation Focus #70: Recreating Harmony With Nature and Alleviating Hunger and Poverty Around the World
(Webposted on August 18, 2002 for the 2 weeks beginning Sunday, August 18, 2002)

Meditation Focus #71: Preventing a New Gulf War and Shifting The Focus Towards Peace
(Webposted on September 8, 2002 for the 2 weeks beginning Sunday, September 8, 2002)

Meditation Focus #72: Renewed Urgency to Help Southern Africa Avert a Massive Famine
(Webposted on September 21, 2002 for the 2 weeks beginning Sunday, September 22, 2002)

Meditation Focus #73: Reclaiming our Power to Choose and Shining the Light of Love
(Webposted on October 6, 2002 for the 3 weeks beginning Sunday, October 6, 2002)

Meditation Focus #74: Fostering Peace in Chechnya
(Webposted on October 27, 2002 for the 2 weeks beginning Sunday, October 27, 2002)

Meditation Focus #75: Co-creating Peace in Iraq
(Webposted on November 10, 2002 for the 2 weeks beginning Sunday, November 10, 2002)

Meditation Focus #76: Preventing a Famine in Ethiopia
(Webposted on November 24, 2002 for the 2 weeks beginning Sunday, November 24, 2002)

Meditation Focus #77: Fostering Peace in the Middle East
(Webposted on December 8, 2002 for the 2 weeks beginning Sunday, December 8, 2002)

Extension of the Meditation Focus #77: Fostering Peace in the Middle East
(Webposted on December 22, 2002 for the week beginning Sunday, December 22, 2002)

Meditation Focus #78: Transmuting Fear Into Love
(Webposted on December 29, 2002 for the 2 weeks beginning Sunday, December 29, 2002)

Meditation Focus #79: Defusing the North Korean Crisis
(Webposted on January 12, 2003 for the 2 weeks beginning Sunday, January 12, 2003)

Meditation Focus #80: Silencing The Drums of War
(Webposted on January 26, 2003 for the 2 weeks beginning Sunday, January 26, 2003)

Meditation Focus #81: Co-Creating a New World of Peace and Harmony
(Webposted on February 8, 2003 for the 2 weeks beginning Sunday, February 9, 2003)

Meditation Focus #82: Redressing The Balance In Our Global Priorities
(Webposted on February 23, 2003 for the 2 weeks beginning Sunday, February 23, 2003)

Meditation Focus #83: Unconditional Love and Total Forgiveness
(Webposted on March 9, 2003 for the 2 weeks beginning Sunday, March 9, 2003)

Meditation Focus #84: Persevering in Service to The Light
(Webposted on March 23, 2003 for the 2 weeks beginning Sunday, March 23, 2003)

Meditation Focus #85: Reasserting our Divine Right to Complete Freedom of Mind, Heart and Spirit
(Webposted on April 6, 2003 for the 2 weeks beginning Sunday, April 6, 2003)

Meditation Focus #86: Co-Creating the Awareness of Unity on Earth
(Webposted on April 19, 2003 for the 2 weeks beginning Sunday, April 20, 2003)

Meditation Focus #87: Nurturing Peace on Earth
(Webposted on May 4, 2003 for the 2 weeks beginning Sunday, May 4, 2003)

Wesak Meditation Focus: Healing the Soul of the World
(Webposted on May 14, 2003)

Meditation Focus #88: Averting More Ethnic Violence in Congo
(Webposted on May 18, 2003 for the 2 weeks beginning Sunday, May 18, 2003)

Meditation Focus #89: Co-Creating A World That Works For All
(Webposted on June 1, 2003 for the 2 weeks beginning Sunday, June 1, 2003)

Meditation Focus #90: Strengthening the Will for Peace on Earth and in our Hearts
(Webposted on June 15, 2003 for the 4 weeks beginning Sunday, June 15, 2003)

Meditation Focus #91: Saving and Replenishing Life in Our Oceans
(Webposted on July 13, 2003 for the 4 weeks beginning Sunday, July 13, 2003)

Meditation Focus #92: Re-creating the World Anew
(Webposted on August 10, 2003 for the 2 weeks beginning Sunday, August 10, 2003)

Meditation Focus #93: Saving Peace in the Middle East
(Webposted on August 24, 2003 for the 2 weeks beginning Sunday, August 24, 2003)

Meditation Focus #94: Shifting from Global Terror to Global Love
(Webposted on September 7, 2003 for the 2 weeks beginning Sunday, September 7, 2003)

Meditation Focus #95: Rallying for Peace on Earth
(Webposted on September 21, 2003 for the single week beginning Sunday, September 21, 2003)

Meditation Focus #96: Appreciating the Miracle of Life
(Webposted on September 28, 2003 for the 2 weeks beginning Sunday, September 28, 2003)

Meditation Focus #97: Shifting Our Global Priorities
(Webposted on October 12, 2003 for the 2 weeks beginning Sunday, October 12, 2003)

Meditation Focus #98: Rekindling Democracy in America
(Webposted on October 26, 2003 for the 2 weeks beginning Sunday, October 26, 2003)

Special Harmonic Concordance Meditation Focus
(Webposted on November 5, 2003 for November 8 and the following week)

Meditation Focus #99: Re-Igniting The Will for Peace in the Middle East
(Webposted on November 16, 2003 for the 2 weeks beginning Sunday, November 16, 2003)

Meditation Focus #100: Mobilizing the World to Stop The Spread of AIDS and Hunger
(Webposted on November 29, 2003 for the 2 weeks beginning Sunday, November 30, 2003)

Meditation Focus #101: Co-creating a New Earth in Service to the Light
(Webposted on December 14, 2003 for the 3 weeks beginning Sunday, December 14, 2003)

Meditation Focus #102: Nurturing Peace Between India and Pakistan and in East Asia
(Webposted on January 4, 2004 for the 2 weeks beginning Sunday, January 4, 2004)

Meditation Focus #103: Voting With Our Souls for a New Earth
(Webposted on January 18, 2004 for the 2 weeks beginning Sunday, January 18, 2004)

Meditation Focus #104: Enabling Positive Changes in Iran And Around The World
(Webposted on February 1, 2004 for the 2 weeks beginning Sunday, February 1, 2004)

Meditation Focus #105: Healing Troubled Haiti
(Webposted on February 15, 2004 for the 2 weeks beginning Sunday, February 15, 2004)

Meditation Focus #106: Mobilizing for the Imminent Shift
(Webposted on February 29, 2004 for the 4 weeks beginning Sunday, February 29, 2004)

Special Addendum to the Meditation Focus #106
(Webposted on March 7, 2004)

Meditation Focus #107: Empowering The Vision of a New Earth
(Webposted on March 28, 2004 for the 2 weeks beginning Sunday, March 28, 2004)

Complement to the Meditation Focus #107: Anchoring the Vibration of Unity
(Webposted on April 3, 2004 for the week beginning Sunday, April 4, 2004)

Meditation Focus #108: Fostering Peace on Earth
(Webposted on April 10, 2004 for the 2 weeks beginning Sunday, April 11, 2004)

Meditation Focus #109: Restoring Peace in Burundi
(Webposted on April 25, 2004 for the 2 weeks beginning Sunday, April 25, 2004)

Bringing Peace, Sanity and Humanitarian Assistance to Darfur
(Webposted on May 9, 2004 for the 2 weeks beginning Sunday, May 9, 2004)

Meditation Focus #111: Holding High the Flame of Peace in the Middle East
(Webposted on May 22, 2004 for the 2 weeks beginning Sunday, May 23, 2004)

Meditation Focus #112: Thwarting An Imminent Coup d'etat Through The Power of Love
(Webposted on June 6, 2004 for the 3 weeks beginning Sunday, June 6, 2004)

Meditation Focus #113: A Communion of Souls For The Highest Good of All
(Webposted on June 27, 2004 for the 2 weeks beginning Sunday, June 27, 2004)

Meditation Focus #114: Spiritual Oneness on Earth
(Webposted on July 11, 2004 for the 3 weeks beginning Sunday, July 11, 2004)

Meditation Focus #115: Saving the Earth Through Healing Our Koyaanisqatsi
(Webposted on August 1, 2004 for the 4 weeks beginning Sunday, August 1, 2004)

Meditation Focus #116: Ascending Towards Ever Higher Vibrational Oneness With All That Is
(Webposted on August 29, 2004 for the 3 weeks beginning Sunday, August 29, 2004)

Precipitating a Deep Paradigm Shift on Earth
(Webposted on September 19, 2004 for the 2 weeks beginning Sunday, September 19, 2004)

Special Meditation Focus: Focusing Light on Kerry
(Webposted on September 30, 2004)

Meditation Focus #118: Protecting Democracy in America
(Webposted on September 19, 2004 for the 4 weeks beginning Sunday, October 3, 2004)

Special Addendum to the Meditation Focus #118: Protecting Democracy in America

Special Meditation Focus: Ensuring Fair US Elections
(Webposted on October 30, 2004 for Tuesday November 2, 2004)

Special Addendum to the Meditation Focus: Ensuring Fair US Elections

Meditation Focus #119: Reaffirming the Sacredness of Human Life
(Webposted on November 7, 2004 for the 2 weeks beginning Sunday, November 7, 2004)

Meditation Focus #120: Preparing for Global First Contact
(Webposted on November 19, 2004 for the 2 weeks beginning Sunday, November 21, 2004)

Addendum to the Meditation Focus #120: Preparing for Global First Contact
(Webposted on November 25, 2004)

Meditation Focus #121: Changing Our Consciousness to Prevent Climate Change
(Webposted on December 5, 2004 for the 4 weeks beginning Sunday, December 5, 2004)

Solstice Meditation Focus
(Webposted on December 19, 2004 for Tuesday, December 21, 2004)

Meditation Focus #122: Easing the Trauma of Southeast Asia's Catastrophe
(Webposted on December 30, 2004 for the 3 weeks beginning Sunday, January 4, 2005)

Meditation Focus #123: Encouraging New Opportunities For Peace
(Webposted on January 23, 2005 for the 2 weeks beginning Sunday, January 23, 2005)

Meditation Focus #124: Maintaining Our Focus On Global Peace
(Webposted on January 23, 2005 for the 2 weeks beginning Sunday, February 6, 2005)

Meditation Focus #125: Initiating A Global Environmental Revolution
(Webposted on February 20, 2005 for the 2 weeks beginning Sunday, February 20, 2005)

Meditation Focus #126: Preventing Marine Life Devastation by Deadly Military Sonar
(Webposted on March 6, 2005 for the 2 weeks beginning Sunday, March 6, 2005)

Special Equinox Meditation Focus
(Webposted on March 11, 2005)

Meditation Focus #127: Bringing Peace to Darfur
(Webposted on March 20, 2005 for the 2 weeks beginning Sunday, March 20, 2005)

Meditation Focus #128: Shifting the World from War-Making to Planet-Healing
(Webposted on April 2, 2005 for the 2 weeks beginning Sunday, April 3, 2005)

Meditation Focus #129: Celebrating Our Growing Oneness In Service to The Light
(Webposted on April 17, 2005 for the 3 weeks beginning Sunday, April 17, 2005)

Meditation Focus #130: Co-creating a Nuclear-Free World
(Webposted on May 8, 2005 for the 3 weeks beginning Sunday, May 8, 2005)

Meditation Focus #131: Making Poverty History
(Webposted on May 29, 2005 for the 3 weeks beginning Sunday, May 29, 2005)

Complement to the Meditation Focus #131
(Webposted on June 8, 2005)

Meditation Focus #132: Healing Mother Earth
(Webposted on June 19, 2005 for the 4 weeks beginning Sunday, June 19, 2005)

(Webposted on July 2, 2005)

Special Light Vigil in Connection With The London Explosions
(Webposted on July 7, 2005)

Meditation Focus #133: Attuning to the Emerging New Earth
(Webposted on July 17, 2005 for the 4 weeks beginning Sunday, July 17, 2005)

Meditation Focus #134: Raising a Shield of Light and Love Around Iran
(Webposted on August 6, 2005 for the 3 weeks beginning Sunday, August 7, 2005)

Meditation Focus #135: Being All That We Can Be
(Webposted on August 28, 2005 for the 2 weeks beginning Sunday, August 28, 2005)

Meditation Focus #136: Being All The Compassion We Can be
(Webposted on September 11, 2005 for the 2 weeks beginning Sunday, September 11, 2005)

Meditation Focus #137: Being All The Harmony That We Can Be
(Webposted on September 25, 2005 for the 2 weeks beginning Sunday, September 25, 2005)

Meditation Focus #138: Being All The Light That We Can Be
(Webposted on October 9, 2005 for the 2 weeks beginning Sunday, October 9, 2005)

Meditation Focus #139: Being All The Joy That We Can Be
(Webposted on October 923, 2005 for the 2 weeks beginning Sunday, October 23, 2005)

Meditation Focus #140: Being All The Oneness That We Can Be
(Webposted on November 6, 2005 for the 2 weeks beginning Sunday, November 6, 2005)

Meditation Focus #141: Being All The Gratitude That We Can Be
(Webposted on November 20, 2005 for the 2 weeks beginning Sunday, November 20, 2005)

Meditation Focus #142: Being All The Abundance That We Can Be
(Webposted on December 4, 2005 for the 2 weeks beginning Sunday, December 4, 2005 )

Meditation Focus #143: Being All The Peace That We Can Be
(Webposted on December 18, 2005 for the 2 weeks beginning Sunday, December 18, 2005 )

Meditation Focus #144: Being All... That We Can Be
(Webposted on January 1st, 2006 for the 2 weeks beginning Sunday, January 1st, 2006 )

Meditation Focus #145: Making Sure Peace Prevail In Iran
(Webposted on January 15, 2006 for the 4 weeks beginning Sunday, January 15, 2006)

Meditation Focus #146: Collectively Raising the Torch of Light
(Webposted on February 12, 2006 for the 2 weeks beginning Sunday, February 12, 2006)

Meditation Focus #147: Taking The Edge Off Religious Extremism And Encouraging Tolerance
(Webposted on February 26, 2006 for the 2 weeks beginning Sunday, February 26, 2006)

Vernal Equinox 2006 Celebration Focus: The 12th Annual Solar Wave
(Webposted on March 11, 2006

Meditation Focus #148: Choosing Peace, Radiating Love, Being Harmony
(Webposted on March 12, 2006 for the 3 weeks beginning Sunday, March 12, 2006)

Meditation Focus #149: Healing Mother Earth
(Webposted on April 2, 2006 for the 2 weeks beginning Sunday, April 2, 2006)

Meditation Focus #150: Shifting to Enlightened Leadership
(Webposted on April 16, 2006 for the 3 weeks beginning Sunday, April 16, 2006)

Meditation Focus #151: Having Faith in Us, Having Faith in Life, Having Faith in Our Future
(Webposted on May 7, 2006 for the 3 weeks beginning Sunday, May 7, 2006)

Meditation Focus #152: Envisioning and Co-creating a New Earth
(Webposted on May 28, 2006 for the 3 weeks beginning Sunday, May 28, 2006)

Meditation Focus #153: Manifesting Peace On Earth
(Webposted on June 18, 2006 for the 3 weeks beginning Sunday, June 18, 2006)

MeditationFocus #154: Kindling Global Human Brotherhood
(Webposted on July 9, 2006 for the 3 weeks beginning Sunday, July 9, 2006)

ADDENDUM TO Meditation Focus #154
(Webposted on July 16, 2006)

Meditation Focus #155: Choosing to Serve The Light
(Webposted on July 29, 2006 for the 4 weeks beginning Sunday, July 30, 2006)

Meditation Focus #156: Birthing the New Era on Earth
(Webposted on August 27, 2006 for the 3 weeks beginning Sunday, August 27, 2006)

Meditation Focus #157: Banning Torture Forever
(Webposted on September 17, 2006 for the 2 weeks beginning Sunday, September 17, 2006)

Meditation Focus #158: Preventing Nuclear Armageddon
(Webposted on October 1, 2006 for the 3 weeks beginning Sunday, October 1, 2006)

Meditation Focus #159: Ensuring the Survival of Democracy in the US
(Webposted on October 22, 2006 for the 3 weeks beginning Sunday, October 22, 2006)

Meditation Focus #160: Attuning to Oneness with All That Is
(Webposted on November 12, 2006 for the 2 weeks beginning Sunday, November 12, 2006)

Meditation Focus #161: Celebrating Our Global Awakening
(Webposted on November 26, 2006 for the 2 weeks beginning Sunday, November 26, 2006)

Meditation Focus #162: Permeating The Middle East with Peace
(Webposted on December 10, 2006 for the 3 weeks beginning Sunday, December 10, 2006)

Meditation Focus #163: Being One With Gaia
(Webposted on December 31, 2006 for the 2 weeks beginning Sunday, December 31, 2006)

Meditation Focus #164: We are the Key to the Future
(Webposted on January 14, 2007 for the 2 weeks beginning Sunday, January 14, 2007)

Meditation Focus #165: Imagine The Future Now
(Webposted on January 14, 2007 for the 2 weeks beginning Sunday, January 28, 2007)

Meditation Focus #166: Expanding the Web of Love On Earth
(Webposted on February 11, 2007 for the 2 weeks beginning Sunday, February 11, 2007)

Meditation Focus #167: Following the Path of Love
(Webposted on February 25, 2007 for the 3 weeks beginning Sunday, February 25, 2007)

Meditation Focus #168: Healing The Human Heart
(Webposted on March 18, 2007 for the 3 weeks beginning Sunday, March 18, 2007)

Meditation Focus #169: Rising Up To Be All That We Can Be
(Webposted on April 8, 2007 for the 3 weeks beginning Sunday, April 8, 2007)

Meditation Focus #170: Co-Creating a New World For The Highest Good of All
(Webposted on April 29, 2007 for the 3 weeks beginning Sunday, April 29, 2007)

Meditation Focus #171: Being the Light of This World
(Webposted on May 20, 2007 for the 3 weeks beginning Sunday, May 20, 2007)

Meditation Focus #172: Co-Creating a New Earth for the Highest Good of All
(Webposted on June 10, 2007 for the 4 weeks beginning Sunday, June 10, 2007)

Meditation Focus #173: Anchoring The Next Dimension of Existence
(Webposted on June 29, 2007 for the 4 weeks beginning Sunday, July 1st, 2007)

Special complement to the current Meditation Focus
(Webposted on July 5, 2007)

Meditation Focus #174: Healing the Feminine and Balancing the Masculine
(Webposted on July 29, 2007 for the 4 weeks beginning Sunday, July 29, 2007)

Meditation Focus #175: Attaining Symbiosis and Oneness With All Life
(Webposted on August 26, 2007 for the 4 weeks beginning Sunday, August 26, 2007)

Meditation Focus #176: Identifying With and Being Who We Really Are
(Webposted on September 23, 2007 for the 4 weeks beginning Sunday, September 23, 2007)

Meditation Focus #177: Achieving Critical Mass for Change
(Webposted on October 21, 2007 for the 3 weeks beginning Sunday, October 21, 2007)

Meditation Focus #178: Shifting Up
(Webposted on November 9, 2007 for the 4 weeks beginning Sunday, November 11, 2007)

Meditation Focus #179: Standing Tall
(Webposted on December 9, 2007 for the 4 weeks beginning Sunday, December 9, 2007)

Meditation Focus #180: Reawakening To Our Sacred Mission
(Webposted on December 9, 2007 for the 3 weeks beginning Sunday, January 6, 2008)

Meditation Focus #181: Shifting the World Consciousness from Greed & Fear to Compassion & Love
(Webposted on January 27, 2008 for the 3 weeks beginning Sunday, January 27, 2008)

Meditation Focus #182: Seeding Cosmic Consciousness on Earth
(Webposted on February 17, 2008 for the 3 weeks beginning Sunday, February 17, 2008)

MeditationFocus #183: Co-Creating The Future of Our Choice
(Webposted on March 9, 2008 for the 3 weeks beginning Sunday, March 9, 2008)

Special Peace Vigil For Tibet
(Webposted on March 15, 2008 for the 2 weeks beginning Sunday, March 16, 2008)

Special Peace and Democracy Vigil for Zimbabwe
(Webposted on March 25, 2008)

Meditation Focus #184: Learning and Applying the Principles of Love
(Webposted on March 30, 2008 for the 3 weeks beginning Sunday, March 30, 2008)

Meditation Focus #185: Healing the Chasm of Separation
(Webposted on April 20, 2008 for the 4 weeks beginning Sunday, April 20, 2008)

Meditation Focus #186: Harnessing the Power of Belief
(Webposted on May 18, 2008 for the 4 weeks beginning Sunday, May 18, 2008)

Meditation Focus #187: Activating the Power of Envisioning
(Webposted on June 15, 2008 for the 4 weeks beginning Sunday, June 15, 2008)

Meditation Focus #188: Manifesting a New Earth Through The Power of Love
(Webposted on July 12, 2008 for the 4 weeks beginning Sunday, July 13, 2008)

Meditation Focus #189: Anchoring The Love of God
(Webposted on August 9, 2008 for the 4 weeks beginning Sunday, August 10, 2008)

Special Peace Vigil For Georgia
(Webposted on August 10, 2008)

Meditation Focus #190: Conquering Fear
(Webposted on September 6, 2008 for the 4 weeks beginning Sunday, September 7, 2008)

Meditation Focus #191: Blessing All With Love
(Webposted on October 5, 2008 for the 4 weeks beginning Sunday, October 5, 2008)

Meditation Focus #192: Envisioning Our New Earth
(Webposted on November 1, 2008 for the 4 weeks beginning Sunday, November 2, 2008)

Meditation Focus #193: Finding Balance, Initiating Resonance and Shining Radiance
(Webposted on November 29, 2008 for the 4 weeks beginning Sunday, November 30, 2008)

Meditation Focus #194: Living as a Soul
(Webposted on December 28, 2008 for the 4 weeks beginning Sunday, December 28, 2008)

Special Peace Vigil for the Middle East
(Webposted on December 28, 2008)

Suggestion of a Daily Vigil for the Middle East
(Webposted on January 6, 2009)

Special Inauguration Focus: Sharing Our Greater Union in The Light
(Webposted on January 19, 2009)

Meditation Focus #195: Being Born Again Into The Light
(Webposted on January 25, 2009 for the 4 weeks beginning Sunday, January 25, 2009)

Meditation Focus #196: Growing into Selfless Servants of the Light
(Webposted on February 22, 2009 for the 4 weeks beginning Sunday, February 22, 2009)

Meditation Focus #197: Being the Light of This World
(Webposted on March 22, 2009 for the 4 weeks beginning Sunday, March 22, 2009)

Meditation Focus #198: Achieving Soul Resonance & Being Home
(Webposted on April 19, 2009 for the 4 weeks beginning Sunday, April 19, 2009)

Meditation Focus #199: Preparing the Ground for Ascension
(Webposted on May 17, 2009 for the 4 weeks beginning Sunday, May 17, 2009)

Special World Environment Day Focus
(Webposted on May 31, 2009)

Special Addendum to the Meditation Focus #199
(Webposted on June 6, 2009)

Meditation Focus #200: Activating the Universal Godnet in All as One
(Webposted on June 14, 2009 for the 4 weeks beginning Sunday, June 14, 2009)

Meditation Focus #201: Resurrection
(Webposted on July 12, 2009 for the 4 weeks beginning Sunday, July 12, 2009)

Meditation Focus #202: Let There Be Light, Love and Oneness
(Webposted on August 9, 2009 for the 4 weeks beginning Sunday, August 9, 2009)

Meditation Focus#203: Healing and Ascending
(Webposted on September 6, 2009 for the 4 weeks beginning Sunday, September 6, 2009)

Meditation Focus #204: Dissolving The Illusion of Separation
(Webposted on October 4, 2009 for the 4 weeks beginning Sunday, October 4, 2009)

Meditation Focus #205: Asking the Right Question
(Webposted on November 1, 2009 for the 4 weeks beginning Sunday, November 1, 2009)

Meditation Focus #206: Welcoming Our Soul Family
(Webposted on November 29, 2009 for the 4 weeks beginning Sunday, November 29, 2009)

Special complement to the current Meditation Focus
(Webposted on November 30, 2009)

Solstice Meditation: Initiating a Cycle of 12 Globally Synchronized Meditations
(Webposted on December 21, 2009)

Meditation Focus #207: Transducing Heaven on Earth
(Webposted on December 24, 2009 for the 4 weeks beginning Sunday, December 27, 2009)

Special Peace Vigil for the Middle East
(Webposted on January 1, 2010)
Portuguese version
German version
Castellano/Spanish version
Dutch version
Italian version
Japanese version
Greek version

Spiritual Vigil for Haiti
(Webposted on January 14, 2010)
Dutch Version - Spirituele Wake voor Haïti

Portuguese Version - Vigília Espiritual para o Haiti

Meditation Focus #208: Flowing from Duality to Oneality
(Webposted on January 24, 2010 for the 4 weeks beginning Sunday, January 24, 2010)

Meditation Focus #209: Reaching Godsciousness
(Webposted on February 21, 2010 for the 4 weeks beginning Sunday, February 21, 2010)

Equinox Meditation: Second Step in a Cycle of 12 Globally Synchronized Meditations
(Webposted on February 25, 2010)

Méditation de l’équinoxe : Deuxième étape dans un cycle de 12 méditations mondiales synchronisées
(Diffusé de 25 février, 2010)

Meditatie voor de Lente-equinox - Tweede Stap in een Cyclus van 12 Wereldwijd Gesynchroniseerde Meditaties
(Webposted on February 17, 2010)

Meditación de Equinoccio: Segundo Paso en un Ciclo de 12 Meditaciones Globalmente Sincronizadas
(Webposted on February 19, 2010)

Meditação do Equinócio: Segundo Passo de um Ciclo de 12 Meditações Globalmente Sincronizadas
(Portuguese - Webposted on February 21, 2010)

Äquinoktium Meditation: Zweiter Schritt in einem Zyklus von 12 Globalen Synchron-Meditatione
(German - Webposted on March 4, 2010)

Meditazione per l’Equinozio: Secondo Passo in un Ciclo di 12 Meditazioni Globalmente Sincronizzate
(Italian - Webposted on March 6, 2010)

The Russian version is available as a Word document HERE.

Meditation Focus #210: Love ThySelf as the Love You Are
(Webposted on March 21, 2010 for the 4 weeks beginning Sunday, March 21, 2010)

Meditatie Focus #210: Houd van Jezelf als de Liefde Die Je Bent
(Dutch version - Die wordt aangeboden voor de komende 4 weken, startend op zondag 21 maart 2010)

Meditação Focada #210: Ama-te a ti mesmo como o Amor que És
(Portuguese version - Postado em 27 de maro de 2010 para a 4 semanas in'cio domingo 21 maro, 2010)

To download the Chinese (Mandarin) version as a Word document click HERE

Meditation Focus #211: Envisioning Our Future Now
(Webposted on April 18, 2010 for the 4 weeks beginning Sunday, April 18, 2010)

Meditatie Focus #211: Kijk nu Vooruit Naar Onze Toekomst
(Dutch version)

Meditation Focus #212: Moving to Higher Ground
(Webposted on May 16, 2010 for the 4 weeks beginning Sunday, May 16, 2010)

Meditatie Focus #212: Ga Naar Hoger Gelegen Gronden
(Dutch version)

Solstice Meditation: Third Step in a Cycle of 12 Globally Synchronized Meditations
(Webposted on May 22, 2010 for the June 21, 2010 global meditation)

Méditation du solstice : Troisième étape dans un cycle de 12 méditations mondiales synchronisées
(Diffusé le 10 juin 2010)

Meditatie voor de Zomerzonnewende: Derde Stap in een Cyclus van 12 Wereldwijd Gesynchroniseerde Meditaties
(Dutch version webposted on May 22, 2010)

Meditação do Solstício: Terceiro Passo de um Ciclo de 12 Meditações Globalmente Sincronizadas
(Portuguese version webposted on May 22, 2010)

Meditación de Solsticio: Tercera Paso en un Ciclo de 12 Meditaciones Globalmente Sincronizadas
(Spanish version webposted on May 24, 2010)

Meditazione per il Solstizio: Terzo Passo in un Ciclo di 12 Meditazioni Globalmente Sincronizzate
(Italian version webposted on June 10, 2010)

The Latvian version is available as a Word document HERE

The Russian version is available as a Word document HERE

Meditation Focus #213: Wrapping Our Minds Around Who We truly Are
(Webposted on June 13, 2010 for the 4 weeks beginning Sunday, June 13, 2010)

Meditatie Focus #213: Probeer Te Begrupen Wie Wij Werkelijk Zijn
(Dutch version - Webposted on June 15, 2010 for the 4 weeks beginning Sunday, June 13, 2010)

Enfoque de Meditaciòn No.213: Realizar Quiénes Somos en Realidad
(Spanish version - Hasta el 13 de Junio de 2010)

Meditação Focada #213: Envolvendo as nossas Mentes Com o Que Realmente Somos
(Portuguese version - Webposted on June 18, 2010 for the 4 weeks beginning Sunday, June 13, 2010)

Special Last Minute Update
(Webposted on June 19, 2010)

(Webposted on July 2, 2010)

(Dutch version)

(Portuguese version)

Speciale Iniziativa Globale di Guarigione per “Guarire la Ferita della Terra”
(Italian version)

Meditation Focus #214: Stepping Up Towards Oneness Consciousness
(Webposted on July 11, 2010 for the 8 weeks beginning Sunday, July 11, 2010)

Meditatie Focus #214: Intensivering Naar Eenheidsbewustzijn
(Dutch version - Webposted on July 13, 2010 for the 8 weeks beginning Sunday, July 11, 2010)

Foco de Meditación # 214: Ascender Hacia la Consciencia Unitaria
(Spanish version - Hasta el 15 de Julio de 2010)

Meditação Focadas #214: Caminhando para a Unidade da Consciência
(Portuguese version - Webposted on July 17, 2010 for the 8 weeks beginning Sunday, July 11, 2010)

Equinox Meditation: Fourth Step in a Cycle of 12 Globally Synchronized Meditations
(Webposted on September 1, 2010 for the September 22-23, 2010 global meditation)

Méditation de l’équinoxe : Quatrième étape dans un cycle de 12 méditations mondiales synchronisées
(Diffusé le 4 Septembre 2010)

Meditatie voor de Herfst-Equinox: Vierde Stap in een Cyclus van 12 Wereldwijd Gesynchroniseerde Meditaties
(Dutch version webposted on September 2, 2010)

Meditação do Equinócio: Quarto Passo de um Ciclo de 12 Meditações Globalmente Sincronizadas
(Portuguese version webposted on September 3, 2010)

Meditación de Equinoccio: Cuarto Paso en un Ciclo de 12 Meditaciones Globalmente Sincronizadas
(Spanish version webposted on September 5, 2010)

Meditazione per l’Equinozio: Quarto Passo in un ciclo di 12 meditazioni sincronizzate a livello mondiale
(Italian version webposted on September 8, 2010)

Latvian version
(Webposted on September 2, 2010)

Russian version
(Webposted on September 16, 2010)

Meditation Focus #215: Healing the Gender Divide and Securing Our Common Destiny
(Webposted on September 5, 2010 for the 4 weeks beginning Sunday, September 5, 2010)

Meditatie Focus #215: Genezing van de kloof tussen de geslachten en het veiligstellen van onze gemeenschappelijke bestemming
(Dutch version - Webposted on September 7, 2010 for the 4 weeks beginning Sunday, September 5, 2010)

Meditação Focada #215: Curando o Género Dividido e Determinando o Nosso Destino Comum
(Portuguese version - Webposted on September 18, 2010 for the 4 weeks beginning Sunday, September 5, 2010)

Meditation Focus #216: Reaching Out to All Beings and Holding Them All in a Fusional Embrace of Love
(Webposted on October 3, 2010 for the 4 weeks beginning Sunday, October 3, 2010)

Meditatie Focus #216: Reik uit naar alle wezens en houd hen allemaal vast in een samensmeltende omhelzing van liefde
(Dutch version - Webposted on October 5, 2010 for the 4 weeks beginning Sunday, October 3, 2010)

Foco de Meditación #216: Alcanzando a Todos los seres y Manteniéndolos en un fundido abrazo de amor
(Spanish version - Hasta el 7 de octubre 2010)

Meditação Focada #216: Alcançando Todos os Seres e Envolvendo-os Todos Num Abraço Unificador de Amor
(Portuguese version - Webposted on October 9, 2010 for the 4 weeks beginning Sunday, October 3, 2010)

Meditation Focus #217: Choosing Ascension Deep Within Our Hearts
(Webposted on October 31, 2010 for the 4 weeks beginning Sunday, October 31, 2010)

Meditação Focada #217: Escolhendo a Ascensão Profundamente Dentro dos Nossos Corações
(Portuguese version - Webposted on November 6, 2010 for the 4 weeks beginning Sunday, October 31, 2010)

Meditation Focus #218: Asking Guidance and Assistance from the Angelic Realm
(Webposted on November 28, 2010 for the 4 weeks beginning Sunday, November 28, 2010)

Solstice Meditation: Fifth Step in a Cycle of 12 Globally Synchronized Meditations
(Webposted on December 3, 2010 for the December 21, 2010 global meditation)

Méditation du solstice : Cinquième étape dans un cycle de 12 méditations mondiales synchronisées
(Diffusé le 15 décembre 2010)

Meditação do Solstício: Quinto Passo de um Ciclo de 12 Meditações Globalmente Sincronizadas
(Portuguese version webposted on December 3, 2010)

Solstice Meditatie: Vijfde Stap in een cyclus van 12 wereldwijd gesynchroniseerde Meditaties
(Dutch version webposted on December 5, 2010)

Meditazione per il Solstizio: Quinto Passo in un ciclo di 12 meditazioni sincronizzate a livello mondiale.
(Italian version webposted on December 16, 2010)

Meditación de Solsticio: Quinto Paso en un Ciclo de 12 Meditaciones Globalmente Sincronizadas
(Spanish version webposted on December 19, 2010)

The Russian version is available as a Word document HERE.

Meditation Focus #219: Anchoring and Co-manifesting Christic Consciousness
(Webposted on December 26, 2010 for the 4 weeks beginning Sunday, December 26, 2010)

Focus de Méditation #219 : Ancrer et co-manifester la Conscience Christique
(Diffusé le 8 janvier 2011)

Meditation Focus #220: Sensing/Feeling/Being as One
(Webposted on January 23, 2011 for the 6 (SIX) weeks beginning Sunday, January 23, 2011)

Meditação Focada #220: Sensoriamento/Sentindo/Sendo como Um
(Portuguese version webposted on January 29, 2011)

Meditation Focus #221: Anchoring the Golden Path of Light
(Webposted on March 6, 2011 for the 4 weeks beginning Sunday, March 6, 2011)

Special Addendum to the Meditation Focus #221
(Webposted on March 11, 2011)

Equinox Meditation: Sixth Step in a Cycle of 12 Globally Synchronized Meditations
(Webposted on March 9, 2011)

Méditation de l'équinoxe : Sixième étape dans un cycle de 12 méditations mondiales synchronisées
(Diffusé le 9 mars 2011)

Meditazione per l’Equinozio: Sesto Passo in un ciclo di 12 meditazioni sincronizzate a livello globale
(Italian version webposted on March 11, 2011)

Meditatie voor de Lente Equinox: Zesde Stap in een Cyclus van 12 Wereldwijd Gesynchroniseerde Meditaties
(Dutch version webposted on March 11, 2011)

Meditação do Equinócio: Meditação do Equinócio de 20 de Março de 2011 globale
(Portuguese version webposted on March 17, 2011)

Meditación de Equinoccio: Sexta Paso en un Ciclo de 12 Meditaciones Globalmente Sincronizadas
(Spanish version webposted on March 18, 2011)

The Russian version is available as a Word document HERE.

Meditation Focus #222: Looking Beyond 2012 - Reaching Back to Source
(Webposted on April 3, 2011 for the 4 weeks beginning Sunday, April 3, 2011)

Meditation Focus #223: Dedicating Oneself to Serve the Will of Good
(Webposted on May 1, 2011 for the 6 (SIX) weeks beginning Sunday, May 1, 2011)

Celestial glyph suggested as a soul-awakening aid for the May 7, 2011 Meditation Focus

Celestial glyph suggested for the May 14, 2011 Meditation Focus & Wesak Festival Meditation

Celestial glyph suggested for the May 21, 2011 Meditation Focus

Celestial glyph suggested for the May 28, 2011 Meditation Focus

Celestial glyph suggested for the June 5, 2011 Meditation Focus - AND MORE!

Solstice Meditation: Seventh Step in a Cycle of 12 Globally Synchronized Meditation
(Webposted on June 9, 2011)

Méditation du solstice : Septième étape dans un cycle de 12 méditations mondiales synchronisées
(Diffusé le 15 juin 2011)

Meditación de Solsticio: Séptimo Paso en un Ciclo de 12 Meditaciones Globalmente Sincronizadas
(Spanish version webposted on June 17, 2011)

Meditação do Solstício: Sétimo Passo de um Ciclo de 12 Meditações Globalmente Sincronizadas
(Portuguese version webposted on June 9, 2011)

Meditazione per il Solstizio: Settimo Passo in un ciclo di 12 meditazioni sincronizzate a livello mondiale
(Italian version webposted on June 15, 2011)

Meditatie voor de Zomer Zonnewende: Zevende Stap in een Cyclus van 12 Wereldwijd Gesynchroniseerde Meditaties
(Dutch version webposted on June 19, 2011)

The Russian version is available as a Word document HERE.

Meditation Focus #224: Joining the Universal Community of Love
(Webposted on June 11, 2011 for the 6 (SIX) weeks beginning Sunday, June 12, 2011)

Meditação Focada #224: Aderindo à Comunidade de Amor Universal
(Webposted on June 11, 2011 for the 6 (SIX) weeks beginning Sunday, June 12, 2011)

Focus de méditation #224: S'unir à la Communauté d'Amour universelle
(Diffusé le 18 juin, 2011 pour les 5 semaines débutant le 19 juin 2011)

Foco de Meditación # 224: Uniéndose el Comunidad Universal
(Spanish version - Hasta el 19 de Junio de 2011)

Celestial glyph suggested for the June 19, 2011 Meditation Focus

Celestial glyph suggested for the June 26, 2011 Meditation Focus & MORE!

Celestial glyph suggested for the July 3, 2011 Meditation Focus

Glifo celeste sugeridas para o 3 de julho de 2011 Meditação Focada - e MAIS!

Celestial glyph suggested for the July 10, 2011 Meditation Focus

Glifo celeste sugeridas para o 10 de julho de 2011 Meditação Focada

Celestial glyph suggested for the July 17, 2011 Meditation Focus

Glifos celeste sugeridas para o 17 de julho de 2011 Meditação Focada

Meditation Focus #225: Shifting from an Ego Mind-set to a Go-With-The-Flow Soul-set
(Webposted on July 22, 2011 for the 6 (SIX) weeks beginning Sunday, July 24, 2011)

Meditação Focada #225: Mudar de uma mente egocentrica para uma mente da alma
(Portuguese version webposted on July 29, 2011 for the 5 weeks beginning Sunday, July 31, 2011

Celestial glyph suggested for the July 31, 2011 Meditation Focus

Celestial glyph suggested for the August 7, 2011 Meditation Focus - and more!

Glifo celeste sugeridas para o 7 de agosto de 2011 Meditação Focada

Celestial glyphs suggested for the August 14, 2011 Meditation Focus - and more!

Glifos celeste sugeridas para o 14 de agosto de 2011 Meditação Focada

Celestial glyph suggested for the August 21, 2011 Meditation Focus - and more!

Glifo celeste sugeridas para o 21 de agosto de 2011 Meditação Focada

Celestial glyph suggested for the August 28, 2011 Meditation Focus - and more!

Meditation Focus #226: Bridging Dimensions and Funneling Light and Love Across the Veil
(Webposted on September 4, 2011 for the 4 weeks beginning Sunday, September 4, 2011)

Meditação Focada #226: Ligar Dimensões e Canalizar Luz e Amor Através do Véu
(Portuguese version webposted on September 15, 2011 for the 2 week beginning Sunday, September 18, 2011

One: The Event: Make the Shift from Fear to Love on September 11, 2011

Special 9/11 Complement

Uno: el Acontecimiento - Hace el Cambio de Miedo al Amor el 11 de septiembre de 2011 (Spanish version)

Um : O Acontecimento - Façam a transformação do medo em Amor em 11 de Setembro de 2011 (Portuguese version)

Equinox Meditation: Eight Step in a Cycle of 12 Globally Synchronized Meditations
(Webposted on September 17, 2011)

Méditation de l'équinoxe : Huitième étape dans un cycle de 12 méditations mondiales synchronisées
(Diffusé le 18 septembre 2011)

Meditazione per l'Equinozio: Ottavo Passo in un ciclo di 12 meditazioni sincronizzate a livello mondiale
(Italian version networked on Septembre 19, 2011)

Meditatie voor de Herfst Equinox: Acht Stap in een cyclus van 12 wereldwijd gesynchroniseerde Meditaties
(Dutch version webposted on September 20, 2011)

Meditação do Equinócio: Oito Passo de um Ciclo de 12 Meditações Globalmente Sincronizadas
(Portuguese version webposted on September 20, 2011)

Meditación de Equinoccio: Ocho Paso en un Ciclo de 12 Meditaciones Globalmente Sincronizadas
(Spanish version webposted on September 20, 2011)

The Russian version is available as a Word document HERE.

Meditation Focus #227: Going Fusional... Exponentially
(Webposted on October 2, 2011 for the 4 weeks beginning Sunday, October 2, 2011)

Meditação Focada #227: Fundi-se Exponencialmente
(Portuguese version webposted on October 7, 2011 for the 3 weeks beginning Sunday, October 9, 2011)

Meditation Focus #228: Loving OneSelf Into Oneness
(Webposted on October 30, 2011 for the 4 weeks beginning Sunday, October 30, 2011)

Addendum to the Meditation Focus #228
(Webposted on November 2, 2011)

Meditação Focada #228: Amar-se a Si Mesmo Até à Unidade
(Portuguese version webposted on November 5, 2011 for the 3 weeks beginning Sunday, November 6, 2011)

Special 11-11-11 Reminder and Complementary Information
(Webposted on November 9, 2011)

Meditation Focus #229: Visioneering and Pioneering the Coming Golden Age
(Webposted on November 27, 2011 for the 4 weeks beginning Sunday, November 27, 2011)

Addendum to the Meditation Focus #229
(Webposted on December 10, 2011)

Solstice Meditation: Ninth Step in a Cycle of 12 Globally Synchronized Meditations
(Webposted on December 8, 2011)

Méditation du solstice: Neuvième étape dans un cycle de 12 méditations mondiales synchronisées
(Diffusé le 19 décembre 2011)

Solstice Meditatie: Negende Stap in een cyclus van 12 wereldwijd gesynchroniseerde Meditaties
(Dutch version webposted on December 12, 2011)

Meditazione per il Solstizio d'Inverno - Nono Passo in un ciclo di 12 meditazioni sincronizzate a livello mondiale
(Italian version webposted on December 14, 2011)

Meditação do Solstício: Noveno Passo de um Ciclo de 12 Meditações Globalmente Sincronizadas
(Portuguese version webposted on December 16, 2011)

Meditación de Solsticio: Noveno Paso en un Ciclo de 12 Meditaciones Globalmente Sincronizadas
(Spanish version webposted on December 19, 2011)

The Russian version is available as a Word document HERE.

Meditation Themes for a Whole Year & Week # 1: Co-creating a New Earth in Service to the Light
(Webposted on December 23, 2011)

Complement to the Global Meditation Focus this Sunday
(Webposted on December 31, 2011)

Temas de meditação para o ano inteiro & Co-criação da Nova Terra ao Serviço da Luz
(Portuguese version webposted on December 24, 2011)

Thèmes de méditation pour l'année 2012 & Semaine #1: Cocréer une Nouvelle Terre au service de la Lumière
(Diffusé le 26 décembre 2011)

2012 Meditation Focus Series - Week # 2: Precipitating a Deep Paradigm Shift on Earth
(Webposted on January 2, 2012)

Série de Meditação Focada para 2012 - Semana # 2: Precipitando uma Profunda Mudança Paradigmática na Terra
(Portuguese version webposted on January 2, 2012)

Focus de méditation - Semaine # 2 : Précipiter un profond changement de paradigme sur Terre
(Diffusé le 3 janvier 2011)

2012 Meditation Focus Series: Week # 3: Healing Mother Earth
(Webposted on January 9, 2012)

Série de Meditação Focada para 2012 - Semana # 3: Curar a Mãe Terra
(Portuguese version webposted on January 9, 2012)

Focus de méditation - Semaine # 3 : Guérir la Terre-Mère
(Diffusé le 9 janvier 2011)

2012 Meditation Focus Series - Week # 4: Choosing to Serve The Light
(Webposted on January 16, 2012)

Série de Meditação Focada para 2012 - Semana # 4: Escolher Servir a Luz
(Portuguese version webposted on January 16, 2012)

Focus de méditation - Semaine # 4 : Choisir de servir la Lumière
(Diffusé le 16 janvier 2011)

2012 Meditation Focus Series: Week # 5: Attuning to Oneness with All That Is
(Webposted on January 23, 2012)

Série de Meditação Focada para 2012 - Semana # 5: A Sintonia com a Unidade de Tudo O Que É
(Portuguese version webposted on January 23, 2012)

Focus de méditation - Semaine # 5 : S'harmoniser à l'Unité avec Tout Ce Qui Est
(Diffusé le 23 janvier 2011)

2012 Meditation Focus Series - Week # 6: Being One With Gaia
(Webposted on January 31, 2012)

Série de Meditação Focada para 2012 - Semana # 6: Ser Um Com Gaia
(Portuguese version webposted on January 31, 2012)

Focus de méditation - Semaine # 6 : Être Un avec Gaïa
(Diffusé le 2 février 2011)

Meditation Focus Series - Week # 7: We are the Key to the Future
(Webposted on February 7, 2012)

Série de Meditação Focada para 2012 - Semana # 7: Nós somos a Chave para o Futuro
(Portuguese version webposted on February 7, 2012)

Focus de méditation - Semaine # 7 : Nous sommes la Clé de l'avenir
(Diffusé le 8 février 2011)

Meditation Focus Series - Week # 8: Imagine The Future Now
(Webposted on February 14, 2012)

Série de Meditação Focada para 2012 - Semana # 8: Imagine Agora o Futuro
(Portuguese version webposted on February 14, 2012)

Focus de méditation - Semaine #8 : Imaginez l'avenir dès maintenant
(Diffusé le 16 février 2012)

2012 Meditation Focus Series - Week # 9: Expanding the Web of Love On Earth
(Webposted on February 21, 2012)

Série de Meditação Focada para 2012 - Semana # 9: A Expansão da Rede do Amor na Terra
(Portuguese version webposted on February 21, 2012)

Focus de méditation - Semaine #9 : Élargir le Réseau d'Amour sur Terre
(Diffusé le 22 février 2012)

2012 Meditation Focus Series - Week # 10: Healing The Human Heart
(Webposted on February 28, 2012)

Série de Meditação Focada para 2012 - Semana # 10: Curar o Coração Humano
(Portuguese version webposted on February 28, 2012)

Focus de méditation - Semaine #10 : Guérir le coeur humain
(Diffusé le 1er mars 2012)

Equinox Meditation: Tenth Step in a Cycle of 12 Globally Synchronized Meditations
(Webposted on March 5, 2012)

Méditation de l'équinoxe: Dixième étape dans un cycle de 12 méditations mondiales synchronisées
(Diffusé le 5 mars 2012)

Meditação do Equinócio: Décimo Passo de um Ciclo de 12 Meditações Globalmente Sincronizadas
(Portuguese version webposted on March 5, 2012)

Meditación de Equinoccio: Décimo Paso en un Ciclo de 12 Meditaciones Globalmente Sincronizadas
(Spanish version webposted on March 5, 2012)

Meditazione per l'Equinozio: Decimo Passo in un ciclo di 12 meditazioni sincronizzate a livello mondiale
(Italian version webposted on March 5, 2012)

Meditatie voor de Lente Equinox: Tiende Stap in een cyclus van 12 wereldwijd gesynchroniseerde Meditaties
(Dutch version webposted on March 5, 2012)

The Russian version is available as a Word document HERE.

2012 Meditation Focus Series - Week # 11: Rising Up To Be All That We Can Be
(Webposted on March 6, 2012)

Série de Meditação Focada para 2012 - Semana # 11: Curar o Coração Humano
(Portuguese version webposted on March 6, 2012)

Focus de méditation - Semaine #11 : S'élever pour être Tout ce que nous pouvons être
(Diffusé le 7 mars 2012)

2012 Meditation Focus Series - Week # 12: Cocreating a New World
(Webposted on March 12, 2012)

Série de Meditação Focada para 2012 - Semana # 12: Co-criar um Novo Mundo
(Portuguese version webposted on March 12, 2012)

Focus de méditation - Semaine #12 : Co-créer un nouveau monde/a>
(Diffusé le 12 mars 2012)

2012 Meditation Focus Series - Week # 13: Anchoring the Next Dimension of Existence
(Webposted on March 19, 2012)

Série de Meditação Focada para 2012 - Semana # 13: Ancorar a Próxima Dimensão de Existência
(Portuguese version webposted on March 19, 2012)

Focus de méditation - Semaine #13 : Ancrer la prochaine dimension de l'existence
(Diffusé le 19 mars 2012)

2012 Meditation Focus Series - Week # 14: Healing the Feminine and Balancing the Masculine Within Oneself
(Webposted on March 26, 2012)

Série de Meditação Focada para 2012: Semana # 14: Curar o Feminino e Equilibrar o Masculino
(Portuguese version webposted on March 26, 2012)

Focus de méditation - Semaine #14 : Guérir la polarité féminine et équilibrer la polarité masculine en soi
(Diffusé le 26 mars 2012)

2012 Meditation Focus Series - Week # 15: Attaining Symbiosis and Oneness With All Life
(Webposted on April 2, 2012)

Série de Meditação Focada para 2012: Semana # 15: Atingir a Simbiose e a Unidade Com Toda a Vida
(Portuguese version webposted on April 2, 2012)

Focus de méditation - Semaine #15 : Réaliser la Symbiose et l'Unité avec toute Vie
(Diffusé le 2 avril 2012)

2012 Meditation Focus Series - Week # 16: Identifying With and Being Who We Really Are
(Webposted on April 12, 2012)

Série de Meditação Focada para 2012: Semana # 16: Identificar-se Com e Ser Quem Realmente Somos
(Portuguese version webposted on April 12, 2012)

Focus de méditation - Semaine #16 : S'identifier avec et Être Qui nous sommes réellement
(Diffusé le 14 avril 2012)

Meditatie Focus - Week # 16: Indentificeren met jezelf en zijn wie je werkelijk bent
(Dutch version webposted on April 25, 2012)

2012 Meditation Focus Series - Week # 17: Achieving Critical Mass for Change
(Webposted on April 18, 2012)

Série de Meditação Focada para 2012: Semana # 17: Conseguir uma Massa Critica para a Mudança
(Portuguese version webposted on April 18, 2012)

Focus de méditation - Semaine #17 : Atteindre la masse critique nécessaire au changement
(Diffusé le 18 avril 2012)

Meditatie Focus - Week #17: Het bereiken van voldoende mensen voor verandering
(Dutch version webposted on April 20, 2012)

2012 Meditation Focus Series - Week #18: Shifting Up
(Webposted on April 25, 2012)

Série de Meditação Focada para 2012 - Semana #18: Elevar-se em Direcção à Luz
(Portuguese version webposted on April 25, 2012)

Focus de méditation - Semaine #18 : S'élever vers la Lumière
(Diffusé le 25 avril 2012)

Meditatie Focus - Week #18: Opschakelen
(Dutch version webposted on April 25, 2012)

Meditation Focus Series - Week # 19: Standing Tall
(Webposted on April 30, 2012)

Série de Meditação Focada para 2012 - Semana #19: Manter-se Confiante
(Portuguese version webposted on April 30, 2012)

Meditatie Focus - Week #19: Wees trots en zelfverzekerd
(Dutch version webposted on April 30, 2012)

Focus de méditation - Semaine #19 : Avoir résolument confiance
(Diffusé le 1er mai 2012)

Meditazione Focus - Settimana #19: Avere fiducia risoluta
(Italian version webposted on May 11, 2012)

Meditation Focus Series - Week # 20: Reawakening To Our Sacred Mission
(Webposted on May 8, 2012)

Série de Meditação Focada para 2012 - Semana #20: Despertar Para a Nossa Missão Sagrada
(Portuguese version webposted on May 9, 2012)

Meditatie Focus - Week #20: Wakker worden om tot Onze Heilige Missie te komen
(Dutch version webposted on May 9, 2012)

Focus de méditation - Semaine #20 : Raviver le souvenir de notre mission sacrée
(Diffusé le 11 mai 2012)

Meditazione Focus – Settimana # 20: Risveglio alla nostra sacra missione
(Italian version webposted on May 15, 2012)

Meditation Focus Series - Week # 21: Seeding Cosmic Consciousness on Earth
(Webposted on May 14, 2012)

Série de Meditação Focada para 2012 - Semana #21: Semeando a Consciência Cósmica na Terra
(Portuguese version webposted on May 15, 2012)

Meditatie Focus - Week #21: Kosmisch Bewustzijn Zaaien op Aarde
(Dutch version webposted on May 15, 2012)

Focus de méditation - Semaine #21 : Semer la Conscience Cosmique sur Terre
(Diffusé le 19 mai 2012)

Meditazione Focus – Settimana # 21: Seminare la Coscienza Cosmica sulla Terra
(Italian version webposted on May 19, 2012)

Meditation Focus Series - Week # 22: Learning and Applying the Principles of Love
(Webposted on May 23, 2012)

Série de Meditação Focada para 2012 - Semana #22: Aprendendo e Aplicando os Princípios do Amor
(Portuguese version webposted on May 23, 2012)

Meditatie Focus - Week # 22: De Basisbeginselen van Liefde, leren en integreren
(Dutch version webposted on May 24, 2012)

Meditazione Focus – Settimana # 22: Apprendimento ed applicazione dei principi di amore
(Italian version webposted on May 25, 2012)

Focus de méditation - Semaine #22 : Apprendre et appliquer les principes de l'Amour
(Diffusé le 25 mai 2012)

2012 Meditation Focus Series – Week # 23: Healing the Chasm of Separation
(Webposted on May 29, 2012)

Série de Meditação Focada para 2012 – Semana # 23: Curar o Abismo da Separação
(Portuguese version webposted on May 29, 2012)

Meditazione Focus – Settimana # 23: Guarire l'abisso della separazione
(Italian version webposted on May 29, 2012)

Meditatie Focus – Week # 23: Het Helen van de Kloof van Scheiding
(Dutch version webposted on May 31, 2012)

Focus de méditation - Semaine #23 : Guérir le gouffre de la séparation
(Diffusé le 1er juin 2012)

2012 Meditation Focus Series – Week # 24: Harnessing the Power of Belief
(Webposted on June 6, 2012)

Série de Meditação Focada para 2012 – Semana # 24: Aproveitar o Poder da Crença
(Portuguese version webposted on June 6, 2012)

Meditazione Focus – Settimana # 24: Sfruttare la potenza della Fede
(Italian version webposted on June 6, 2012)

Meditatie Focus – Week # 23: Het benutten van de Kracht van Geloof
(Dutch version webposted on June 6, 2012)

Focus de méditation - Semaine #24 : Harnacher le pouvoir de la croyance
(Diffusé le 8 juin 2012)

Solstice Meditation: Eleventh Step in a Cycle of 12 Globally Synchronized Meditations
(Webposted on June 10, 2012)

Méditation du solstice : Onzième étape dans un cycle de 12 méditations mondiales synchronisées
(Diffusé le 13 juin 2012

Meditação do Solstício: Décimo Primeiro Passo de um Ciclo de 12 Meditações Globalmente Sincronizadas
(Portuguese version webposted on June 10, 2012)

Meditatie voor de Zomer Zonnewende: Elfde Stap in een Cyclus van 12 Wereldwijd Gesynchroniseerde Meditaties
(Dutch version webposted on June 13, 2012)

Meditazione per il Solstizio - 20 giugno 2012: Undicesimo Passo in un ciclo di 12 meditazioni sincronizzate a livello globale
(Italian version webposted on June 13, 2012)

Meditación de Solsticio: Undécimo Paso en un Ciclo de 12 Meditaciones Globalmente Sincronizadas
(Spanish version webposted on June 15, 2012)

The Russian version is available as a Word document HERE.

2012 Meditation Focus Series – Week # 25: Manifesting a New Earth Through The Power of Love
(Webposted on June 13, 2012)

Série de Meditação Focada para 2012 – Semana # 25: Manifestar uma Nova Terra Através do Poder do Amor
(Portuguese version webposted on June 13, 2012)

Meditazione Focus – Settimana # 25: Manifestazione di una Nuova Terra attraverso il potere dell'Amore
(Italian version webposted on June 14, 2012)

Meditatie Focus – Week # 25: Een Nieuwe Aarde manifesteren door de Kracht van Liefde
(Dutch version webposted on June 14, 2012)

Focus de méditation - Semaine #25 : Manifester une nouvelle Terre grâce au pouvoir de l'Amour
(Diffusé le 15 juin 2012)

2012 Meditation Focus Series – Week # 26: Anchoring The Love of God
(Webposted on June 20, 2012)

Série de Meditação Focada para 2012 – Semana # 26: Ancorar o Amor de Deus
(Portuguese version webposted on June 21, 2012)

Meditazione Focus – Settimana # 26: Ancoraggio l'Amore di Dio
(Italian version webposted on June 21, 2012)

Meditatie Focus – Week # 26: De verankering van de Liefde van God
(Dutch version webposted on June 22, 2012)

Focus de méditation - Semaine #26 : Ancrer l'Amour de Dieu
(Diffusé le 22 juin 2012)

2012 Meditation Focus Series – Week # 27: Envisioning Our New Earth
(Webposted on June 27, 2012)

Focus de méditation - Semaine #27 : Nourrir la vision de notre Nouvelle Terre
(Diffusé le 27 juin 2012)

Série de Meditação Focada para 2012 – Semana # 27: Prevendo a Nossa Nova Terra
(Portuguese version webposted on June 27, 2012)

Meditazione Focus – Settimana # 27: Visione della nostra Nuova Terra
(Italian version webposted on June 27, 2012)

Meditatie Focus – Week # 27: Onze Nieuwe Aarde Visualiseren
(Dutch version webposted on June 27, 2012)

2012 Meditation Focus Series – Week # 28: Living as a Soul
(Webposted on July 4, 2012)

Focus de méditation - Semaine #28 : Vivre comme une âme
(Diffusé le 7 juillet 2012)

Série de Meditação Focada para 2012 – Semana # 28: Viver Como Uma Alma
(Portuguese version webposted on July 4, 2012)

Meditazione Focus – Settimana # 28: Vivere come Anima
(Italian version webposted on July 4, 2012)

Meditatie Focus – Week # 28: Leven als een Ziel
(Dutch version webposted on July 4, 2012)

2012 Meditation Focus Series – Week # 29: Being Born Again Into The Light
(Webposted on July 11, 2012)

Focus de méditation - Semaine #29 : Naître à la Lumière
(Diffusé le 13 juillet 2012)

Série de Meditação Focada para 2012 – Semana # 29: Nascer de Novo para a Luz
(Portuguese version webposted on July 11, 2012)

Meditazione Focus – Settimana # 29: Rinascere nella Lucema
(Italian version webposted on July 11, 2012)

Meditatie Focus – Week # 29: Herboren worden in het Licht
(Dutch version webposted on July 12, 2012)

2012 Meditation Focus Series – Week # 30: Growing into a Selfless Servant of the Light
(Webposted on July 19, 2012)

Focus de méditation - Semaine #30 : Devenir un serviteur désintéressé de la Lumière
(Diffusé le 20 juillet 2012)

Série de Meditação Focada para 2012 – Semana # 30: Crescendo Como um Servo Abnegado da Luz
(Portuguese version webposted on July 19, 2012)

Meditazione Focus – Settimana # 30: Crescere come un Servo disinteressato della Luce
(Italian version webposted on July 19, 2012)

Meditatie Focus – Week # 30: Een Onbaatzuchtige Dienaar van het Licht worden
(Dutch version webposted on July 19, 2012)

2012 Meditation Focus Series – Week # 31: Achieving Soul Resonance and Being Home
(Webposted on July 25, 2012)

Focus de méditation - Semaine #31 : Établir la résonance d'âmes et être au Bercail
(Diffusé le 28 juillet 2012)

Série de Meditação Focada para 2012 – Semana # 31: Alcanar a Ressonância da Alma e Estar em Casa
(Portuguese version webposted on July 26, 2012)

Meditazione Focus – Settimana # 31: Realizzare la risonanza dell'anima ed essere a casa
(Italian version webposted on July 26, 2012)

Meditatie Focus – Week # 31: Een Ziele Resonantie bereiken en Thuis Zijn
(Dutch version webposted on July 26, 2012)

Meditatie Focus – Week # 31: Een Ziele Resonantie bereiken en Thuis Zijn
(Dutch version webposted on July 25, 2012)

2012 Meditation Focus Series – Week # 32: Achieving Soul Resonance and Being Home
(Webposted on August 1, 2012)

Focus de méditation - Semaine #32 : Préparer le terrain pour l'ascension
(Diffusé le 3 août 2012)

Série de Meditação Focada para 2012 – Semana # 32: Preparar o Terreno para a Ascensão
(Portuguese version webposted on August 3, 2012)

Meditazione Focus – Settimana # 32: Preparare il terreno per l'ascensione
(Italian version webposted on August 1, 2012)

2012 Meditation Focus Series – Week # 33: Activating the Universal Godnet in All as One
(Webposted on August 8, 2012)

Focus de méditation - Semaine #33 : Activation du Réseau Divin Universel en tous comme Un
(Diffusé le 9 août 2012)

Série de Meditação Focada para 2012 – Semana # 33: Activação da Rede Divina Universal em todos como
(Portuguese version webposted on August 8, 2012)

Meditazione Focus – Settimana # 33: Attivazione della Rete Universale in tutti come Uno
(Italian version webposted on August 8, 2012)

2012 Meditation Focus Series – Week # 34: Resurrection
(Webposted on August 16, 2012)

Focus de méditation - Semaine #34 : Résurrection
(Diffusé le 16 août 2012)

Série de Meditação Focada para 2012 – Semana # 34: Ressurreição
(Portuguese version webposted on August 17, 2012)

Meditazione Focus – Settimana # 34: Resurrezione
(Italian version webposted on August 16, 2012)

Meditatie Focus – Week # 34: Opstanding
(Dutch version webposted on August 19, 2012)

2012 Meditation Focus Series – Week # 35: Let There Be Light, Love and Oneness
(Webposted on August 22, 2012)

Focus de méditation - Semaine #35 : Que la Lumière, l'Amour et l'Unité soient
(Diffusé le 25 août 2012)

Série de Meditação Focada para 2012 – Semana # 35: Que Haja Luz, Amor e Unidade
(Portuguese version webposted on August 23, 2012)

Meditazione Focus – Settimana # 35: Sia Luce, Amore e Unità
(Italian version webposted on August 23, 2012)

Meditatie Focus – Week # 35: Laat er Licht, Liefde een Eenheid zijn
(Dutch version webposted on August 25, 2012)

2012 Meditation Focus Series – Week # 36: Healing and Ascending
(Webposted on August 30, 2012)

Focus de méditation - Semaine #36 : Guérir et ascender
(Diffusé le 31 août 2012)

Série de Meditação Focada para 2012 – Semana # 36: Curando e Ascendendo
(Portuguese version webposted on August 30, 2012)

Meditazione Focus – Settimana # 36: Guarigione e Ascensione
(Italian version webposted on August 30, 2012)

Meditatie Focus – Week # 36: Helen en Stijgen
(Dutch version webposted on August 30, 2012)

2012 Meditation Focus Series – Week # 37: Dissolving The Illusion of Separation
(Webposted on September 5, 2012)

Focus de méditation - Semaine #37 : Dissiper l'illusion de la séparation
(Diffusé le 7 septembre 2012)

Série de Meditação Focada para 2012 – Semana # 37: Dissolvendo a Ilusão da Separação
(Portuguese version webposted on September 5, 2012)

Meditazione Focus – Settimana # 37: Dissolvere l'illusione della separazione
(Italian version webposted on September 5, 2012)

Meditatie Focus – Week # 37: De verdwijning van de illusie van afscheiding
(Dutch version webposted on September 6, 2012)

2012 Meditation Focus Series – Week # 38: Asking the Right Question
(Webposted on September 11, 2012)

Focus de méditation - Semaine #38 : Poser la bonne question
(Diffusé le 14 septembre 2012)

Série de Meditação Focada para 2012 – Semana # 38: Fazer a Pergunta Certa
(Portuguese version webposted on September 12, 2012)

Meditazione Focus – Settimana # 38: Porsi la domanda giusta
(Italian version webposted on September 12, 2012)

Meditatie Focus – Week # 38: De juiste vraag stellen
(Dutch version webposted on September 15, 2012)

Equinox Meditation: Twelfth Step in a Cycle of 12 Globally Synchronized Meditations
(Webposted on September 7, 2012)

Méditation de l'équinoxe : Douzième étape dans un cycle de 12 méditations mondiales synchronisées
(Diffusé le 18 septembre 2012)

Meditação do Equinócio: Duodécimo Passo de um Ciclo de 12 Meditações Globalmente Sincronizadas
(Portuguese version webposted on September 8, 2012)

Meditazione per l'Equinozio: Dodicesimo Passo in un ciclo di 12 meditazioni sincronizzate a livello mondiale
(Italian version webposted on September 9, 2012)

Meditatie voor de Herfst Equinox : Twaalfde Stap in een cyclus van 12 wereldwijd gesynchroniseerde Meditaties
(Dutch version webposted on September 11, 2012)

Meditación de Equinoccio: Duodécimo Paso en un Ciclo de 12 Meditaciones Globalmente Sincronizadas
(Spanish version webposted on September 12, 2012)

The Russian version is available as a Word document HERE.

2012 Meditation Focus Series – Week # 39: Welcoming Our Soul Family
(Webposted on September 19, 2012)

Focus de méditation - Semaine #39 : Accueillir notre famille d'âmes
(Diffusé le 21 septembre 2012)

Série de Meditação Focada para 2012 – Semana # 39: Dar as Boas-Vindas à Nossa Família de Alma
(Portuguese version webposted on September 19, 2012)

Meditazione Focus – Settimana # 39: Il nostro benvenuto alla Famiglia Anima
(Italian version webposted on September 19, 2012)

Meditatie Focus – Week # 39: Onze Zielenfamilie Verwelkomen
(Dutch version webposted on September 19, 2012)

2012 Meditation Focus Series – Week # 40: Transducing Heaven on Earth
(Webposted on September 26, 2012)

Focus de méditation - Semaine #40 : Faciliter la transduction du Ciel sur la Terre
(Diffusé le 29 septembre 2012)

Série de Meditação Focada para 2012 – Semana # 40: Transdução o Céu para a Terra
(Portuguese version webposted on September 27, 2012)

Meditazione Focus – Settimana # 40: Trasdurre il Cielo in Terra
(Italian version webposted on September 26, 2012)

Meditatie Focus – Week # 40: De Hemel op Aarde scheppen
(Dutch version webposted on September 29, 2012)

2012 Meditation Focus Series – Week # 41: Flowing from Duality to Oneality
(Webposted on October 4, 2012)

Focus de méditation - Semaine #41 : Passer de la dualité à l'Unicité
(Diffusé le 6 octobre 2012)

Série de Meditação Focada para 2012 – Semana # 41: Fluir da dualidade para a Unidade
(Portuguese version webposted on October 5, 2012)

Meditazione Focus – Settimana # 41: Passare dalla dualità alla Unalità
(Italian version webposted on October 4, 2012)

Meditatie Focus – Week # 41: Vloeien van dualiteit naar Eenheid
(Dutch version webposted on October 6, 2012)

2012 Meditation Focus Series – Week # 42: Reaching Godsciousness
(Webposted on October 11, 2012)

Focus de méditation - Semaine #42 : Atteindre la Divinience
(Diffusé le 13 octobre 2012)

Série de Meditação Focada para 2012 – Semana # 42: Alcanar a Consciência de Deus
(Portuguese version webposted on October 11, 2012)

Meditazione Focus – Settimana # 42: Raggiungere la Coscienza di Dio
(Italian version webposted on October 11, 2012)

Meditatie Focus – Week # 42: Het bereiken van Godwustzijn
(Dutch version webposted on October 11, 2012)

2012 Meditation Focus Series – Week # 43: Envisioning Our Future Now
(Webposted on October 17, 2012)

Focus de méditation - Semaine #43 : Imaginons notre avenir Maintenant
(Diffusé le 20 octobre 2012)

Série de Meditação Focada para 2012 – Semana # 43: Vislumbrar o Nosso Futuro Agora
(Portuguese version webposted on October 18, 2012)

Meditazione Focus – Settimana # 43: Immaginare il nostro futuro Ora
(Italian version webposted on October 18, 2012)

Meditatie Focus – Week # 43: Nu onze Toekomst beschouwend
(Dutch version webposted on October 18, 2012)

2012 Meditation Focus Series – Week #44: Moving to Higher Ground
(Webposted on October 24, 2012)

Focus de méditation - Semaine #44 : S'identifier à la nature divine de notre âme
(Diffusé le 27 octobre 2012)

Série de Meditação Focada para 2012 – Semana #44: A Identificação com a Divina Natureza da Nossa Alma
(Portuguese version webposted on October 24, 2012)

Meditazione Focus – Settimana #44: Verso la nuova dimora dimensionale emergente
(Italian version webposted on October 24, 2012)

Meditatie Focus – Week #44: Opschalen naar een hoger level
(Dutch version webposted on October 24, 2012)

2012 Meditation Focus Series – Week #45: Wrapping Our Minds Around Who We Truly Are
(Webposted on October 31, 2012)

Focus de méditation - Semaine #45 : Intégrer pleinement Qui Nous Sommes vraiment
(Diffusé le 3 novembre 2012)

Série de Meditação Focada para 2012 – Semana #45: Impregnando as Nossas Mentes Sobre Quem Realmente Somos
(Portuguese version webposted on November 1, 2012)

Meditazione Focus – Settimana #45: Avvolgere le nostre menti intorno alla nostra vera natura divina
(Italian version webposted on October 31, 2012)

Meditatie Focus – Week #45: De volledige integratie van Wie We werkelijk Zijn
(Dutch version webposted on November 1, 2012)

2012 Meditation Focus Series – Week #46: Choosing Ascension Deep Within Our Hearts
(Webposted on November 9, 2012)

Focus de méditation - Semaine #46 : Choisir l'ascension au plus profond de notre coeur
(Diffusé le 2 novembre 2012)

Série de Meditação Focada para 2012 – Semana #46: Escolher a Ascensão Bem no Fundo dos Nossos Corações
(Portuguese version webposted on November 9, 2012)

Meditazione Focus – Settimana #46: Scegliendo l'Ascensione nella profondità dei nostri cuori
(Italian version webposted on November 9, 2012)

Meditatie Focus – Week #46: Diep in ons hart kiezen voor stijging
(Dutch version webposted on November 9, 2012)

2012 Meditation Focus Series – Week #47: Anchoring and Co-manifesting Christic Consciousness
(Webposted on November 15, 2012)

Focus de méditation - Semaine #47 : Ancrer et co-manifester la Conscience Christique
(Diffusé le 15 novembre 2012)

Série de Meditação Focada para 2012 – Semana #47: Ancorar e co-manifestar a Consciência Crística
(Portuguese version webposted on November 15, 2012)

Meditazione Focus – Settimana #47: Ancorare e co-manifestare la Coscienza Cristica
(Italian version webposted on November 15, 2012)

Meditatie Focus – Week #47: Het verankeren en mede-manifesteren van het Christus Bewustzijn
(Dutch version webposted on November 15, 2012)

2012 Meditation Focus Series – Week #48: Sensing/Feeling/Being as One
(Webposted on November 22, 2012)

Focus de méditation - Semaine #48 : Se percevoir/se sentir/être Un
(Diffusé le 23 novembre 2012)

Série de Meditação Focada para 2012 – Semana #48: Experimentar/sentir/ser como Um
(Portuguese version webposted on November 23, 2012)

Meditazione Focus – Settimana #48: Percepire la sensazione di essere come Uno
(Italian version webposted on November 23, 2012)

Meditatie Focus – Week #48: Aanvoelen/voelen/zijn als Eén
(Dutch version webposted on November 23, 2012)

2012 Meditation Focus Series – Week #49: Anchoring the Golden Path of Light
(Webposted on November 29, 2012)

Focus de méditation - Semaine #49 : Ancrer le Sentier de Lumière doré
(Diffusé le 30 novembre 2012)

Série de Meditação Focada para 2012 – Semana #49: Ancorar o Caminho Dourado da Luz
(Portuguese version webposted on November 30, 2012)

Meditazione Focus – Settimana #49: Ancoraggio del Sentiero Dorato di Luce
(Italian version webposted on November 30, 2012)

Meditatie Focus – Week #49: Verankering van het Gouden Pad van Licht
(Dutch version webposted on November 30, 2012)

2012 Meditation Focus Series – Week #50: Looking Beyond 2012 - Reaching Back to Source
(Webposted on December 6, 2012)

Focus de méditation – Semaine #50 : Au-delà de 2012 – Le Retour à la Source
(Diffusé le 8 décembre 2012)

Série de Meditação Focada para 2012 – Semana #50: Olhar para Além de 2012 – Regressar Novamente agrave Font
(Portuguese version webposted on December 7, 2012)

Meditazione Focus – Settimana #50: Guardando oltre il 2012 – Raggiungere il ritorno alla Sorgente
(Italian version webposted on December 7, 2012)

Meditatie Focus – Week #50: Voorbij 2012 – Terugreikend naar de Bron
(Dutch version webposted on December 7, 2012)

December 21, 2012 Solstice Cosmic Meditation
(Webposted on December 12, 2012)

Méditation cosmique du solstice
(Diffusée le 18 décembre 2012)

Meditação Cósmica do Solsticio
(Portuguese version webposted on December 13, 2012)

Zonnewende Kosmische Meditatie
(Dutch version webposted on December 15, 2012)

Meditación del Solsticio Cósmico
(Spanish version webposted on December 18, 2012)

Meditazione Cosmica per il Solstizio
(Italian version webposted on December 18, 2012)

Russian version
(Webposted on December 15, 2012)

* * *

2012 Meditation Focus Series – Week #51: Dedicating Oneself to Serving the Will of Good
(Webposted on December 14, 2012)

Focus de méditation – Semaine #51 : Se consacrer au service de la Volonté de Bien
(Diffusé le 16 décembre 2012)

Série de Meditação Focada para 2012 – Semana #51: Dedicar-se a Servir a Vontade do Bem
(Portuguese version webposted on December 15, 2012)

Meditazione Focus – Settimana #51: Consacrare se stessi a servire la volontà del Bene
(Italian version webposted on December 15, 2012)

Meditatie Focus – Week #51: Zich wijden aan het dienen van de Wil van het Goede
(Dutch version webposted on December 15, 2012)

2012 Meditation Focus Series – Week #52: Bridging Dimensions and Funneling Light and Love Across the Veil
(Webposted on December 21, 2012)

Focus de méditation – Semaine #52 : Faire le pont entre les dimensions et canaliser la Lumière et l'Amour à travers le Voile
(Diffusé le 21 décembre 2012)

Série de Meditação Focada para 2012 – Semana #52: Ligar Dimensões e Canalizar Luz e Amor Através do Véu
(Portuguese version webposted on December 21, 2012)

Meditazione Focus – Settimana #52: Il collegamento con la soglia dimensionale incanala Luce e Amore attraverso il Velo
(Italian version webposted on December 21, 2012)

Meditatie Focus – Week #52: Het overbruggen van dimensies en het doorsluizen van Licht en Liefde door de sluier
(Dutch version webposted on December 21, 2012)

Final Meditation Focus for 2012
(Webposted on December 28, 2012)

Focus de méditation final pour 2012
(Diffusé le 29 décembre 2012)

Última Meditação Focada para 2012
(Portuguese version webposted on December 29, 2012)

De laatste Meditatie Focus van 2012
(Dutch version webposted on December 29, 2012)

Meditazione Focus finale per il 2012
(Italian version webposted on December 29, 2012)

Final Reminder - Meditation Focus – Week #1: Co-creating a New Earth in Service to the Light

Global Equinox Meditation
(Webposted on March 10, 2013)

Méditation mondiale de l'équinoxe
(Diffusée le 14 mars 2013)

Wereldwijde Equinox Meditatie
(Dutch version webposted on March 11, 2013)

Meditação global do equinócio
(Portuguese version webposted on March 14, 2013)

The Russian version is available as a Word document HERE.

Global Solstice Meditation
(Webposted on June 15, 2013)

Méditation mondiale du solstice
(Diffusée le 15 juin 2013)

Meditação global do Solstício
(Portuguese version webposted on June 15, 2013)

Wereldwijde Zonnewende Meditatie
(Dutch version webposted on June 15, 2013)

Meditazione Globale per il Solstizio
(Italian version webposted on June 16, 2013)

Russian version
(Webposted on June 19, 2013)

Global Equinox Meditation
(Webposted on September 16, 2013)

Méditation mondiale de l'équinoxe
(Diffusée le 16 septembre 2013)

Meditação global do equinócio
(Portuguese version webposted on September 17, 2013)

Meditazione Globale per l'Equinozio
(Italian version webposted on September 18, 2013)

Wereldwijde Equinox Meditatie
(Dutch version webposted on September 20, 2013)

Global Solstice Meditation
(Webposted on December 16, 2013)

Méditation mondiale du solstice
(Diffusée le 17 décembre 2013)

Meditação Global do Solstício
(Portuguese version webposted on December 16, 2013)

Meditazione Globale per il Solstizio
(Italian version webposted on December 18, 2013)

Wereldwijde Zonnewende Meditatie
(Dutch version webposted on December 18, 2013)

Global Equinox Meditation
(Webposted on March 16, 2014)

Méditation mondiale de l'équinoxe
(Diffusée le 17 mars 2014)

Meditação global do equinócio
(Portuguese version webposted on March 17, 2014)

Wereldwijde Equinox Meditatie
(Dutch version webposted on March 16, 2014)

Meditazione Globale per l'Equinozio
(Italian version webposted on March 16, 2014)

Global Solstice Meditation
(Webposted on June 19, 2014)

Méditation mondiale du solstice
(Diffusée le 19 juin 2014)

Meditação global do Solstício
(Portuguese version webposted on June 19, 2014)

Wereldwijde Zonnewende Meditatie
(Dutch version webposted on June 19, 2014)

Meditazione Globale per il Solstizio
(Italian version webposted on June 19, 2014)

Global Equinox Meditation - September 23, 2014

Méditation mondiale de l'équinoxe - 23 septembre 2014

Meditação Global do Equinócio - 23 Setembro 2014

Wereldwijde Equinox Meditatie - 23 september 2014

Meditazione Globale per l'Equinozio - 23 Settembre 2013

Global Solstice Meditation – December 21, 2014
(Webposted on December 20, 2014)

Méditation mondiale du solstice – 21 décembre 2014
(Diffusée le 20 décembre 2015)

Meditação Global do Solstício – 21 de Dezembro 2014
(Webposted on December 20, 2014)

Wereldwijde Zonnewende Meditatie – 21 december 2014
(Webposted on December 20, 2014)

Meditazione Globale per il Solstizio - 21 dicembre 2014
(Webposted on December 20, 2014)

Global Equinox Meditation - March 20, 2015

Méditation mondiale de l'équinoxe - 20 mars 2015

Meditação Global do Equinócio – 20 de Março 2015

Global Solstice Meditation - June 21, 2015
(Webposted on June 18, 2015)

Méditation mondiale du solstice – 21 juin 2015
(Diffusée le 18 juin 2015)

Meditação global do Solstício
(Portuguese version webposted on June 18, 2014)

Global Equinox Meditation - September 23, 2015
(Networked on Septembre 21, 2015)

Méditation mondiale de l'équinoxe – 23 septembre 2015
(Diffusée le 21 septembre 2015)

Meditação Global do Equinócio – 23 de Settembre 2015
(Networked on Septembre 21, 2015)

Global Solstice Meditation – December 22, 2015
(Networked on December 21, 2015)

Méditation mondiale du solstice – 22 décembre 2015
(Diffusée le 21 décembre 2015)

Meditação Global do Equinócio – 22 de Decembre 2015
(Networked on December 21, 2015)

Global Equinox Meditation - March 20, 2016
(Networked on March 16, 2016)

Méditation mondiale de l'équinoxe – 20 mars 2016
(Diffusée le 16 mars 2016)

Global Solstice Meditation – June 20, 2016
(Networked on June 17, 2016)

Méditation mondiale du solstice – 20 juin 2016
(Diffusée le 17 juin 2016)

Global Equinox Meditation - September 22, 2016
(Networked on September 18, 2016)

Méditation mondiale de l'équinoxe – 22 septembre 2016
(Diffusée le 18 septembre 2016)

Global Illumination Meditation - Solstice, December 21, 2016
(Networked on December 20, 2016)

Méditation mondiale de l'illumination - Solstice, 21 décembre 2016
(Diffusée le 21 décembre 2016)

Global Equinox Meditation - March 20, 2017
(Networked on March 18, 2017)

Méditation mondiale de l'équinoxe - 20 mars 2017
(Diffusée le 18 mars 2017)

Global Solstice Meditation - June 21, 2017
(Networked on June 17, 2017)

Méditation mondiale du solstice - 21 juin 2017
(Diffusée le 17 juin 2017)

Global Equinox Meditation - September 22, 2017
(Networked on September 20, 2017)

Méditation mondiale de l'équinoxe - 22 septembre 2017
(Diffusée le 20 septembre 2017)

Invitation to the December 2017 Global Solstice Meditation
(Networked on December 19, 2017)

Invitation à la méditation mondiale du solstice de décembre 2017
(Diffusée le 19 décembre 2017)

Invitation to the Global Equinox Meditation - March 20, 2018
(Networked on March 16, 2018)

Invitation à la méditation mondiale de l'équinoxe - 20 mars 2018
(Diffusée le 16 mars 2018)

Invitation to the Global Solstice Meditation - June 21, 2018
(Networked on June 17, 2018)

Invitation à la méditation mondiale du solstice - 21 juin 2018
(Diffusée le 18 juin 2018)

Invitation to the Global Equinox Meditation - September 22-23, 2018
(Networked on September 21, 2018)

Invitation à la méditation mondiale de l'équinoxe - 22-23 septembre 2018
(Diffusée le 21 septembre 2018)

Invitation to the Global Solstice Meditation - December 21, 2018
(Networked on December 20, 2018)

Invitation à la méditation mondiale du solstice - 21 décembre 2018
(Diffusée le 20 décembre 2018)

Invitation to the Global Equinox Meditation - March 20, 2019
(Networked on March 17, 2019)

Invitation à la méditation mondiale de l'équinoxe - 20 mars 2019
(Diffusée le 17 mars 2019)

Invitation to the Global Solstice Meditation - June 21, 2019
(Networked on June 19, 2019)

Invitation à la méditation mondiale du solstice - 21 juin 2019
(Diffusée le 19 juin 2019)

Invitation to the Global Equinox Meditation - Septembre 23, 2019
(Networked on Septembre 21, 2019)

Invitation à la méditation mondiale de l'équinoxe - 23 septembre 2019
(Diffusée le 21 septembre 2019)

Invitation to the Global Solstice Meditation - December 21-22, 2019
(Networked on December 20, 2019)

Invitation à la méditation mondiale du solstice - 21-22 décembre 2019
(Diffusée le 20 décembre 2019)

Invitation to the Global Equinox Meditation - March 19-20, 2020
(Networked on March 18, 2020)

Invitation à la méditation mondiale de l'équinoxe - 19-20 mars 2020
(Diffusée le 18 mars 2020)

Global Solstice Meditation - 20 June 2020 - A Moment of At-One-Ment
(Networked on June 18, 2020)

Méditation mondiale du solstice - 20 juin 2020 - Un moment d'Unification
(Diffusée le 18 juin 2020)

Global Equinox Meditation - 22 September 2020 - Forging Ahead Towards Enlightenment
(Networked on September 19, 2020)

Méditation mondiale de l'équinoxe - 22 septembre 2020 - Aller de l'avant vers l'Illumination
(Diffusée le 19 septembre 2020)

Solstice Meditation - 21 December 2020
(Networked on December 19, 2020)

Méditation mondiale du solstice - 21 décembre 2020
(Diffusée le 19 décembre 2020)

Equinox Meditation - 20 March 2021
(Networked on March 18, 2021)

Méditation mondiale de l'équinoxe - 20 mars 2021
(Diffusée le 18 mars 2021)

Global Solstice Envisioning Meditation
(Networked on June 17, 2021)

Méditation conceptrice mondiale du solstice
(Diffusée le 18 juin 2021)

Equinox Meditation: Global Consciousness Shift Activation
(Networked on September 20, 2021)

Méditation de l'équinoxe : Activation du changement de conscience mondiale
(Diffusée le 20 septembre 2021)

Global Solstice Meditation: Symphony of Souls
(Networked on December 19, 2021)

Méditation mondiale du solstice : Symphonie d'âmes
(Diffusée le 19 décembre 2021)

Global Equinox Meditation: Healing the Rift Between Humans and Their Soul
(Networked on March 17, 2022)

Méditation mondiale de l'équinoxe : Combler le fossé entre les humains et leur âme
(Diffusée le 17 mars 2022)

Global Solstice Meditation: Cocreating a Benevolent Civilization
(Networked on June 17, 2022)

Méditation mondiale du solstice: Cocréer une civilisation bienveillante
(Diffusée le 17 juin 2022)

Global Equinox Meditation: Shifting the Planet to a Higher Dimension of Consciousness and Existence
(Networked on September 20, 2022)

Méditation mondiale de l'équinoxe: Faire passer la planète à une dimension supérieure de conscience et d'existence
(Diffusée le 21 septembre 2022)

Global Solstice Meditation: Spiritual Resilience Amidst Global Uncertainties
(Networked on December 18, 2022)

Méditation mondiale du solstice: Résilience spirituelle sur fond d'incertitudes mondiales
(Diffusée le 18 décembre 2022)

Global Solstice Meditation: A New Dawn is Rising
(Networked on June 19, 2023)

Méditation mondiale du solstice: Une nouvelle aube se lève
(Diffusée le 19 juin 2023)

Global Equinox Meditation: The Future is Now and Pregnant in Us All
(Networked on March 18, 2023)

Méditation mondiale de l'équinoxe: L'avenir, c'est maintenant et il est en gestation en chacun-e de nous
(Diffusée le 18 mars 2023)

Global Equinox Meditation: A New Reality is Shining
(Networked on September 20, 2023)

Méditation mondiale de l'équinoxe: Une nouvelle Réalité brille
(Diffusée le 21 septembre 2023)

Global Meditation: Sowing Light and Love in the Middle East
(Networked on October 25, 2023)

Méditation mondiale : Semer la Lumière et l'Amour au Moyen-Orient
(Diffusée le 25 octobre 2023)

(Networked on November 25, 2023)

Complementary material for the current noon meditations
(Networked on November 27, 2023)

(Diffusée le 25 novembre 2023)

Matériel complémentaire pour les méditations du midi
(Diffusée le 28 novembre 2023)

Invitation to a globally synchronized meditation this Sunday, December 3
(Networked on December 2, 2023)

Invitation à une méditation mondiale synchronisée ce dimanche 3 décembre
(Diffusée le 2 décembre 2023)

What will 2024 bring to us?
(Posted on December 18, 2023)

Que nous réserve 2024 ?
(18 décembre 2023)

Global Solstice Meditation: Cocreating a Brighter Reality
(Posted on December 20, 2023)

Méditation mondiale du solstice : Cocréer une réalité plus lumineuse
(Diffusée le 20 décembre 2023)

Global Equinox Meditation : Being the Rising Tide of Love
(Posted on March 15, 2024)

Méditation mondiale de l'équinoxe : Être la marée montante de l'Amour
(Diffusée le 15 mars 2024)

May Peace Prevail on Earth and Within, Now and Forever
(Posted on April 20, 2024)

Puisse la Paix régner dans le monde et en soi, maintenant et à jamais
(Diffusée le 20 avril 2024)

Global Solstice Meditation : Making Peace with our Past, Present and Future
(Posted on June 18, 2024)

Méditation mondiale du solstice: Faire la paix avec notre passé, notre présent et notre avenir
(Diffusée le 18 juin 2024)

Global Equinox Meditation : Preparing for Our Next Big Step Ahead
(Posted on September 19, 2024)

Méditation mondiale de l'équinoxe : Préparation pour notre prochain grand bond en avant
(Diffusée le 19 septembre 2024)

Global Solstice Meditation: Reunifying with Source
(Posted on December 18, 2024)

Méditation mondiale du solstice : Se réunifier à la Source
(Diffusée le 18 décembre 2024)

"Nothing in the universes can resist the converging ardour of a great enough number of united and organized intelligences."

(Teilhard de Chardin)

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The History of the Co-creation of the Focus Group

Initial Post and Feedbacks Received
(March 4, 2000)

First Draft Proposal and Comments Received
(March 17, 2000)

Peace Meditation Focus Group proposal
(March 26, 2000)

First feedbacks to the Peace Meditation Focus Group proposal
(March 27, 2000)

More feedbacks to the Peace Meditation Focus Group proposal
(March 28, 2000)

Final feedbacks to the Peace Meditation Focus Group proposal
(March 31, 2000)

Yet more feedbacks to the Peace Meditation Focus Group proposal
(April 4, 2000)

Last Update to the list of people interested in the Peace Meditation Focus Group
(April 6, 2000)