April 4, 2000
Subject: The Ageless Wisdom Teaching
Hello everyone
As promised in my last email, here is the first part of a 4 part series on
"The ageless wisdom teaching" - included in its entirety on this webpage below.
Many if not most of you will discover in the responses given by Benjamin
Creme in this interview a whole new paradigm that will both challenge many
of your current assumptions about life, its purpose and our ultimate
destiny, and open up really wonderful visions of possibilities and
understanding that can greatly help anyone receptive to these ideas better
make sense of his or her life in this incarnation.
Reading this can be a confirmation of many things one "knows" and prove to
be very stimulating for the mind and reassuring for the soul - as a long
sought echo of the Reality we always knew existed... or it can merely be
the starting point of a long quest towards reconnecting with the living
Truth that can only be found in the deepest recesses of one's own sacred,
immortal being.
Your own comments and echos on this unique material will be most welcomed.
Love and blessings to all of you,
Jean Hudon
Earth Rainbow Network Coordinator
"What you are, is GOD's present to you
What you make of it, is your present to GOD."
(From Share International magazine VOL. 14, NO. 6July/August 1995)
PO Box 971, N. Hollywood, CA 91603 USA
Note: Benjamin Creme's current world-wide lecture tours are posted at:
http://www.shareintl.org/ Scroll to "upcoming events".
This article is transcribed from an interview with Benjamin Creme by Rollin Olsen, which took place in November 1994 in Los Angeles. Share International considers that it gives an overview of the basic tenets of esotericism, and should be of particular interest to new readers.
Please go at http://www.lightinfo.org/maitreya/agleswis.htm to read this whole interview.